
《Dealing With China》讀書筆記

描述了Henry Paulson 在高盛、美國財政部、Paulson Institute 與中國打交道的經歷及體會, 對中國政要的個人看法 (具體有書的人自己看吧,畢竟很多人還在位)

Paulson 列舉了他對中美關係發展的一些貢獻:

  • 幫助中國電信/中石油上市

  • 幫助工行/中行上市

  • 設立香格里拉環保項目

  • 設立年度中美戰略與經濟對話
  • 助力清華經管學院的發展

最後闡述了未來美國對中國應該採取政策的個人意見 (懶得翻譯,直接碼了):

1. Help Those Who Help Ourselves

  • Today』s Chinese leaders seek to use outside pressure to force domestic change.
  • We would benefit from our strengths in financial services, telecommunications, accounting, health care, and consulting as those sectors opened to competition in China』s vast and rapidly growing market.

2. Shine a Light: Nothing Good Happens in the Dark

  • We should encourage the Chinese to disseminate reliable, accurate information across the board—from air and water quality data and the enforcement of environmental regulations to property sales and the finances of local governments.

3. Speak with One Voice

  • We need to define, prioritize, and coordinate our many issues to speak to the Chinese with one voice.

4. Find China a Better Seat at the Table

  • We should want China to play a bigger, more responsible leadership role in international groups like the World Trade Organization and in supporting the global economic system that it has benefited so much from.
  • We should be pragmatic and prepared to make concessions or compromises to encourage the Chinese to take a more prominent role.

5. Demonstrate Economic Leadership Abroad

  • The U.S. government must step up its game and compete with China from a position of strength.
  • We should reassert our status as a Pacific power, reinforcing our long-standing economic ties with countries in that region.

6. Find More Ways to Say Yes

  • Rather than trying to persuade the Chinese to adopt our approach to everything, we might be better off devising new policies together—or recasting older policies in new, fresh terms.

7. Avoid Surprises but Be Alert for Breakthroughs

  • I cant recall a single Chinese business executive or government leader right up to the top who didn』t come to meetings thoroughly prepared. They expect no less from us.

  • It makes sense not only to avoid surprises in negotiations but also to cooperate on contingency planning for events beyond our control that could put us at odds with each other.

8. Act in Ways That Reflect Chinese Realities

  • China is very different from the U.S., and we cannot be guided only by the understandable desire that it become more like us. We need to know as much as possible about what is going on inside China and be self-confident and realistic enough to focus on what is doable.

Final Analysis

  • Our self-induced weakness is more of a problem for us than is China』s rise. We must take the long view and work to reinvigorate our economic prowess. We will advance our cause further and faster when we are once again comfortable projecting strength economically, militarily, and diplomatically.
  • At the risk of sounding utterly simplistic, once we have dealt with our own problems, we will find it far easier to deal with China.



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