Women in philosophy: A reading list

Women in philosophy: A reading list | OUPblog 3/11

Women in Philosophy: A reading list | OUPblog 3/29

以前我答過 唐逍:為什麼鮮有女性的哲學家?這個問題,現在我覺得當時的論證邏輯有些問題(因為第一條論據可以同樣適用於其他學科,沒有講出哲學有什麼特別的地方),但不論如何,我對女性哲學家寫出不同風格的作品總是抱有不少期待。最近偶然看到牛津大學出版社的這個書單,有興趣的朋友可以翻翻看。特別是 Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? 這本書。

Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change?, edited by Katrina Hutchison and Fiona Jenkins

Why are professional philosophers today still overwhelmingly male? Some assume that women need to change to fit existing institutions. Instead, this book offers concrete reflections on the ways in which philosophy needs to change to benefit from the important contribution that women』s full participation makes to the discipline.


2018書單 | 想給大家種草幾本書

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