偷報紙的郊狼 This coyote is stealing newspaper, and here is what the delivery man did.


This coyote was stealing newspapers, so heres what the delivery man did?


Its not uncommon to hear about city residents running into conflicts with urban coyotes. Usually its because of run-ins with pets, or coyotes getting too close for comfort around people in parks or yards. But sometimes a conflict arises for more surprising reasons. In one San Francisco neighborhood, trouble popped up for the newspaper delivery man when his papers started going missing.


He started getting calls from upset clients that their paper wasnt being delivered, but he knew full well he had delivered one to their doorstep. Shortly after the calls began, he discovered something completely unexpected. One morning he watched as the neighborhood coyote played with a newspaper on a grassy hillside. He videoed her tossing the paper up in the air, sliding down the hillside on it, and running around with pages flapping from her mouth.It turns out she was repeatedly stealing papers off of certain porches shortly after he delivered them, just to play!

他最近開始接到沮喪的客戶打電話說他們的報紙並沒有被送達,但投遞員非常清楚他自己已經親手把每一份報紙都投遞到了客戶門口的台階上。 在接到投訴電話後不久,他發現一些完全沒有意料到的事情。一天早上他眼睜睜看著一個附近的郊狼在一個長滿青草的山丘上玩弄著報紙。他拍下了那隻郊狼把報紙甩到了空中,讓報紙沿著山丘滑了下去,嘴裡叼著在分鐘上下扇動的報紙跑來跑去。原來是這隻郊狼一直在日復一日地在投遞員投遞後不久從某些房子的門口偷竊報紙,只是為了玩耍!

Rather than get mad, the delivery mans solution was to throw out a paper just for her, launching it onto the grassy hillside she frequented before she had a chance to nip one from a front porch. She had her morning toy, and he stayed out of trouble with his clients. I met the delivery man by chance early one morning while watching the coyote, and I listened to his story. To prove its truth — and maintain the morning ritual — the delivery man threw a paper out on the grass. Sure enough, the coyote came running down the hill to play with it. This photograph of the paper-thieving coyote was taken with a remote camera shortly after watching the coyotes exuberant play session on that first morning.


San Franciscos coyotes are only just now being studied, and a small population living in the Presidio have been radio-collared for monitoring. Many other cities also have new or ongoing studies of urban coyotes. As the wily canids become permanent residents of cities across the continent, learning more about them is a critical step in finding solutions to coexisting with them.For one newspaper man, at least, that coexistence comes at an affordable price: an extra copy of the daily.




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