
TLY | Efficiency, focus and participation

This article only shares the opinion from the delegate of the conference held by ModelUN and has nothing to do with the outside of the SYMUN.

Meiwen Bi

Liberty Times

Editor:Hannah Li

Photo credit: Hannah Li

The session today mainly focused on the topic of the legalization of surrogacy. The delegates motioned for several moderated caucus related to this topic.

In today』s congress, some of the delegates』 speaking and opinions were against their proper position and may be related to discrimination, which made the reporter quite confusing. Also, as a listener to the conference, the third session doesn』t have a high efficiency process, the motions and the opinions of the delegates are repeating so that the congressional is not moving further.

During the moderated caucus of the topic」whether homosexual couples should be allowed to raise children.」 The delegate of Tuan yi kang states that the homosexual couples shouldn』t be allowed to have children, they have their right to know their 「true」 parents and live in an normal environment.

And as the reporter asked about if 「true」 and 「normal」 can be considered as discrimination towards the homosexual couples, here is what the delegate replies:

「This is not related to discrimination, the children should have their rights to choose to live in a homosexual or heterosexual family.」

Similar question is asked when the delegate of Li Hong chun mentioned 「children should have their own choices.」

According to the law, children under 18 should have a guardian to protect them and help them make very important decisions. The suggestion of letting the children making their own decision is protecting their rights at some level, but also remains a big chance of accident, if the children doesn』t really know about the homosexual and heterosexual and they made the choice instinctively, who can take the responsibility for this? The reporter thinks this topic should be carefully discussed in the draft resolution.

And the topics which are worthless to the congressional and the repeating ideas should not be stated again. On account of the major reason which influenced the congress』s process is that the delegates are not paying enough attention on previous delegate』s view and the delegates』 mind is easy to be changed. The situation happens time-to-time, so the reporter reflected the specific problem to the chairs, this is their reply:

The chairs told the reporter that they will encourage the delegates to have discussions after the session and exchange their ideas with each other, the important problems will be solved during the last session.

Although the delegates in the model united nations are not native English speakers, they should still try their best to express their views clearly and easy to understand, communication is one of the most important parts sin the session, but efficiency is the key to success. So in the last session, the reporter hopes that the delegates can focus on the major problems and have a clear list of the things that need to be discussed.

Let』s look forward to the last session and the draft resolution the delegates submit.


TLY | Problem and Progress

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