




I earned myBachelor of Science degree in … Sciences with a specialization in … in 2015 at … university



I am an undergraduate in…University ,the largest university and… in China.



I am a problem solver. I have an impulse as a kind of instincts to solve various problems before me and enjoy doing that. Since I was a little boy, a voice fromPresident Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovered around my mind, "The world can be changed by mans endeavor, …



Making a right decision at the right time is very important for a young people .At present, I have come to a critical point in my life when I have to make a decision concerning my future course of action. Only a perceptive understanding of oneself will enable one to chart his proper action. After carefully thinking, reviewing my life and analyzing my personality, I make the determination and choose to apply for graduate study in XXX. And I choose to specialize in communications which I will pursue a lifelong career



Why the gecko can climb on the wall while we cant Why the leaves turn red in autumn How many stars are there in the sky- When I was in childhood, Ialways kept asking my mom all kinds of questions。I am especially interested in how things work, I can even take apart things for several hours in order to find out its principle.

  點評:上來就回憶童年少年自己如何有著遠大抱負,who cares。從童年娓娓道來一直到大學,沒個三五千字估計下不來了,錄取官的耐心會在第三句沒看到你進入正題而消耗殆盡。個人陳述字數有限,卻用這麼多話描述童年,沒有任何意義。




「All knowledge is, in final analysis, history. All sciences are, in the abstract, mathematics. All judgements are, in their rationale, statistics.」 That』s the most inspiring words I ever saw, which was given by a respectful and greatest statistician, C.R.Rao in his book 「Statistics and Truth: Putting Chance to Work」. Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, statistics is just a set of dry as dust data. But in my view, statistics is an intriguing art, which can make digital assumption to those puzzling questions. As an inevitable instrument in searching of truth, statistics is always cherished by the people with sensitive to the figures and strong inquisitiveness. Of course, I』m among them. The more I delve into this pragmatic discipline, the more I believe that it must be a charming career replete with immeasurable practical value. Thus, on the verge of my graduation, I』m now determined to further proceed onto the celebrated master』s program in statistics in your world-renowned university, where I can step on the real road of seeking the truth.


「I do not choose to be a common person. It is my right to be uncommon – if I can.」 When I read this poem I felt my heart filled with the ecstasy to have found a soul that shared my aspiration and persuasion. I have been dreaming to make the world a better place ever since I was a little boy. Living such determination and heroism I developed my intellectual interest extensively and always sought opportunity instead of security. I am convinced that my goal of fully realizing my potential and contributing more to the welfare of others can only be achieved via diligent study in this era of knowledge-based economy.


Does tea taste different depending upon whether the tea was poured into the milk or whether the milk was poured into the tea? Why could the flap of a butterfly』s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? How many photons need to be collected in order for an astronaut to identify a faint object? Mathematical luminaries of many generations were fascinated by such questions, and it turned out that what unfolded as a result of their thoughts is what we now call Statistics. As a matter of fact, the use of Statistics today is ubiquitous. It starts with the weather report in the morning that forecasts the chance of raining for the day, and goes on to the fluctuation of the par value of a share, or political polling on the evening news. We are bombarded with data in everyday life, and Statistics allows us to properly collect, organize, analyze, interpret and present these data.


In a small town in the mountainous area of southwest China there was a little girl who, born in a family where her father was a doctor and her mother a pharmacist, dreamed of becoming a great physician and curing the world of all possible diseases. As she grew in this underdeveloped town however she witnessed the heart-weighing consequences of poverty and began to wonder what is the remedy for inadequate education system, laggard medical service, and antiquated public utility. With the yearning to widen her horizon and to know more about the advanced western countries she chose to learn English in **University, one of the most renowned universities in the country for its diversified culture atmosphere, where she found the answer to her questions and the path she wanted to go after as her lifelong career.


It was my family teaching that spurred me to pursue my career in the financial arena. My father, president of a Chinese state-owned enterprise, used to share with me his experiences and insights about IPO, corporate financing and management. Moreover, my mother, an economic researcher, guided me to extensive reading on foreign economic publications such as Financial Times and The Economists to cultivating my sense of analyzing financial phenomena. Readings about East India Company, Tulip Bubble, Wall Street investment gurus enabled me to perceive that finance is a double-edged sword which not only acts as the Midas』 finger in the modern society, but also breeds devastating crises caused by human avarice. It is my ambition to devote myself to seeking optimal methods to harness the productive yet dangerous power of finance so as to make it serve better for the real economy.


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