



那就從專欄頭像開始吧。那是我目前最喜歡的專輯《Dark Side Of The Moon》的封面。最近,槍花的《Appetite For Destruction》大有躋身我心目中的第一的趨勢,於是趕緊趁那以前說些什麼吧,關於PF與《月之暗面》。

關於Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd,名稱源於Syd鍾愛的兩位老布魯斯樂手Pink Anderson和Floyd Council。這個名字以及樂隊迷幻的曲風和描述心理狀態的主題容易讓人聯想到那個乾娘狂魔弗洛伊德(Freud)。然而兩個弗洛伊德是不一樣的,如果將來報道上有偏差,我要負責的,上圖以示區別:


然而國內PF的知名度實在低,這與國人實用性的音樂素養是分不開的,對看慣歌手娛樂新聞聽慣流行音樂的大家來說,知道Elvis Presley、The Beatles甚至The Rolling Stones已經實屬不易,已經滿足了日常的裝逼需求,何況好多人還把萬青的土搖當民謠聽的,甚至還會問出「Nirvana為什麼不火」這種問題。不過客觀來說,按照@Johnny Zhao在Pink Floyd 在搖滾界的地位如何?這個問題下的回答,《滾石》確實帶了一波不好的節奏。這還導致很長一段時間人們都活在這樣一種恐懼中:覺得Bob Dylan的歌不好聽並勇敢表達出來是要被噴成傻逼的,聽不懂老爺子的歌是因為人生閱歷還不夠。每當我聽到這話,總想起若干年前我那上職高、十幾歲了沒出過城區的同學捧著韓寒的《他的國》,一字一句地批判我,你覺得爛是因為你的見識太短淺了。

前面提到了Syd,Syd Barrett是PF的創始人。《The Piper at the Gates of Dawn》是在Syd的領導下完成的。每次聽這張專輯總覺得Syd的病症已經初露端倪,歌曲中充斥著一種敏感的、神經質的氛圍和光怪陸離的畫面,有悖於常識。在那之後Syd的精神問題越來越嚴重,我也不知道「so gone」到底該翻譯成怎麼個狀態,貼幾段wiki的原文,關於Syd的病情:

"I found [Barrett] in the dressing room and he was so ... gone. Roger Waters and I got him on his feet, [and] we got him out to the stage ... The band started to play and Syd just stood there. He had his guitar around his neck and his arms just hanging down".

Though Pink Floyd returned for two more performances, by the third, Barrett had begun to unravel, and it was around this time that the band first noticed significant changes in his behaviour. By early 1967, he was regularly using LSD, and Mason described him as "completely distanced from everything going on".

Waters later admitted, "He was our friend, but most of the time we now wanted to strangle him".

關於Syd的表演,傳記作者Nicholas Schaffner在PF的傳記《A Saucerful of Secrets: The Pink Floyd Odyssey》中有這樣的評價:

Barretts performances were enthusiastic, "leaping around ... madness ... improvisation ... [inspired] to get past his limitations and into areas that were ... very interesting. Which none of the others could do"


說到Syd,我想起了另一個有精神問題的Sid,Sid Vicious。這個Sid太爆裂了,想不到該怎麼說。總之大家對搖滾的偏見就是,總有一些人要嗑藥,把腦袋嗑壞了,然後做一些會讓人由衷地「哇哦」的事情,然後死了。然後人們就會提起Kurt Cobain,提起Jim Morrison,這種口頭戮屍讓一部分人很難過,比如我這種身心健康無不良嗜好卻總擔心活不過27歲的。

PF在音樂實驗方面做出了巨大貢獻。@yolfilm在Pink Floyd 是否被過譽了?如何理解其偉大?中提到了,PF的時代沒有電腦,然後他們搞出了《月之暗面》,很多音效放在今天都讓人匪夷所思。另外順便提一句,yol叔的這個答案里還有一句話說的很解氣,他說:

再另,有很多人習慣當 Mr. NO,好像不叫囂兩句非主流觀點,不能顯示自己的能耐一樣。

還有人說 pink floy 的曲子不好聽。恁扯淡。



Pink Floyd used innovative sound effects and state of the art audio recording technology during the recording of The Final Cut . Masons contributions to the album were almost entirely limited to work with the experimental Holophonic system, an audio processing technique used to simulate a three-dimensional effect. The system used a conventional stereo tape to produce an effect that seemed to move the sound around the listeners head when they were wearing headphones.

至於《月之暗面》里《Money》前別出心裁的那段收銀機和撕紙的音效構成的鼓點以及《Speak To Me》前面那段沉重的心跳聲更顯現其實驗性和趣味性(順便一提,那段心跳可能是用來回答「好耳機和差耳機的差別在哪?」這個問題的很好的素材)。在現場效果方面,PF也能做到別具一格,甩下那個時代好遠。比如《月之暗面》現場迷幻的燈光和煙霧,簡直是喚醒集體無意識的扳機(本文標題圖)。


In 1977, they employedthe use of a large inflatable floating pig named "Algie".Filled withhelium and propane, Algie, while floating above the audience, would explodewith a loud noise during the In the Flesh Tour.The behaviour of theaudience during the tour, as well as the large size of the venues, proved astrong influence on their concept album The Wall .


In July 1969, precipitated by theirspace-related music and lyrics, they took part in the live BBC televisioncoverage of the Apollo 11 moon landing, performing an instrumental piece whichthey called " Moonhead ".

還有一個就是《The Endless River》中,霍金老爺子獻聲了。其實早在1994年,《The Division Bell》中,霍金也參與其中。霍金可能是娛樂圈裡物理學的最好的,我就特愛看他主演的《生活大爆炸》以及《辛普森一家人》。


PF的風格被各種音樂門戶網站和百科定義為「迷幻搖滾」,每當評價其風格,迷幻這個詞是逃不開的。我個人覺得最迷幻的大概是《Comfortably Numb》(我掛這個網易雲鏈接是因為底下有幾條評論實在太他媽走心了,看的我都快尿了,沒有貶義),前奏彷彿從很遙遠的地方傳來,聽得人慾仙欲死。我沒嗑過葯飛過葉子,但我看完《猜火車》之後聽了PF的歌,我猜可能飛葉子就是這種感覺吧。

一說這個順便就得提一下我大槍花,如果PF的歌是毒後感,那GnR的歌就是酒後感。每到周末,二兩又二兩江小白下肚,就著烤肉一通嚼,再整一段《Sweet Child OMine》,整一段《奶錘》,覺得自己心花怒放膽大包天,會抱住任何一個下一眼看到的姑娘。

不老傳奇荒木飛呂彥老師也是PF的粉,JoJo第四部ダイヤモンドは砕けない(我太喜歡這個名字了,真中二)男主東方仗助的替身「瘋狂鑽石」名字的出處便是PF的《Shine On You Crazy Diamond》,其基友廣瀨康一的替身「迴音」名字的出處便是PF的《Echoes》。荒木老師本身也是段位極高的搖滾迷,曾經安利過十張專輯【JOJO】荒木老師推薦十張專輯(70年代),我一看,哇,全都是JoJo里的替身名。

想不起要提什麼了,於是落幕吧。2015年8月18日,PF解散了。其實早在那以前,PF就已名存實亡。想起今年三月底,看到Eagles解散,吁了一口氣。這樣他們在我記憶里永遠是唱加州招待所、吉他彈的賊溜的小夥子們,而不是像The Rolling Stone給我的第一印象是一群爺爺輩,所以我是不愛看搖滾老炮們重組樂隊撐著老骨頭上台再賺一波人氣或者存在感的,有點難過(當然槍花除外,趁還沒老到跳不動再撈一筆換點酒錢,真牛逼)。關於PF解散的具體可參見「如何評價 Pink Floyd 樂隊正式解散?」,裡面有解析也有矯情,很到位。

關於《Dark Side Of The Moon》



The albums iconic sleeve, designed by Storm Thorgerson , depicts a prism dispersing light into color and represents the bands stage lighting, the records lyrical themes, and keyboardist Richard Wright s request for a "simple and bold" design.






Side A:Speak to Me、Breathe、On the Run、Time、The Great Gig in the Sky.

Side B:Money、Us and Them、Any Colour You Like、Brain Damage、Eclipse.

後來出了整軌的版本(Dark Side Of The Moon),我也一直覺得本該這麼聽的。聽進去以後會看到連續的畫面,常常讓我懷疑剛剛吃的飯里是不是摻大麻了。分P的版本不能無縫切換,有點難受。當然對我最喜歡的兩個部分《Time》和《Brain Damage》,每天單獨拿出來單曲循環個20次是沒什麼問題的。



The five tracks on each side reflect various stages of human life, beginning and ending with a heartbeat, exploring the nature of the human experience, and (according to Waters) "empathy". " Speak to Me " and "Breathe" together stress the mundane and futile elements of life that accompany the ever-present threat of madness, and the importance of living ones own life – "Dont be afraid to care". By shifting the scene to an airport, the synthesizer-driven instrumental "On the Run" evokes the stress and anxiety of modern travel, in particular Wrights fear of flying. " Time " examines the manner in which its passage can control ones life and offers a stark warning to those who remain focused on mundane aspects;it is followed by a retreat into solitude and withdrawal in " Breathe (Reprise) ".The first side of the album ends with Wright and vocalist Clare Torry s soulful metaphor for death, "The Great Gig in the Sky". Opening with the sound of cash registers and loose change, the first track on side two, " Money ", mocks greed and consumerism using tongue-in-cheek lyrics and cash-related sound effects (ironically, "Money" has been the most commercially successful track from the album, with several cover versions produced by other bands)."Us and Them" addresses the isolation of the depressed with the symbolism of conflict and the use of simple dichotomies to describe personal relationships." Any Colour You Like " concerns the lack of choice one has in a human society." Brain Damage " looks at a mental illness resulting from the elevation of fame and success above the needs of the self.The album ends with " Eclipse ", which espouses the concepts of alterity and unity, while forcing the listener to recognise the common traits shared by humanity.

Waters真是寫得一首好詞。在寫詞的人裡面,Bob Dylan似乎被諾貝爾文學獎提名過,我覺得Waters也不差,簡直是意識流和後現代的教科書。我取一段《Echoes》的歌詞,因為不太喜歡網易雲給的翻譯,多次嘗試自己翻譯,但都害怕翻毀了,糟蹋東西:

Overhead the albatross

Hangs motionless upon the air

And deep beneath the rolling waves

In labyrinths of coral caves

An echo of a distant time

Comes willowing across the sand

And everything is green and submarine

And no one showed us to the land

And no one knows the wheres or whys

Something stirs and something tries

And starts to climb toward the light

意象彷彿憑藉自身意志在腦海內流動,畫面隨著膠片被捲起清晰地被投射,雖然聲波在真空里是不傳播的,但就是覺得有一陣迴音從宇宙的遠處飄來,空靈飄渺。這種迷幻是與《Comfortably Numb》所不同的一種、近乎迷茫的感覺,簡單來說,摘一段網易雲的評論:


And then the one day you find ten years have got behind you

No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun


最後講講《Brain Damage》。把這首歌的歌名翻成《腦殘》的,我想和你談談。

明白的人都該明白,《Brain Damage》就是講Syd的。大概聽過《The Piper at the Gates of Dawn》的人就會懂得什麼叫「The lunatic is in my head」了。



The lunatic is on the grass


The lunatic is on the grass


Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs


Got to keep the loonies on the path


The lunatic is in the hall


The lunatics are in my hall


The paper holds their folded faces to the floor


And every day the paper boy brings more


And if the dam breaks open many years too soon


And if there is no room upon the hill


And if your head explodes with dark forbodes too


Ill see you on the dark side of the moon


The lunatic is in my head


The lunatic is in my head


You raise the blade, you make the change

你舉起刀 你做了決定

You re-arrange me till Im sane

你重塑了我 讓我恢復理智

You lock the door


And throw away the key


Theres someone in my head but its not me.

有人在我腦袋裡 可並不是我***

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

如果雲塊爆裂 雷聲貫耳

You shout and no one seems to hear


And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes


Ill see you on the dark side of the moon



**see you到底是再見還是看到,真不好說








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