歐陸風雲4開發日誌 | 3/27 抓蟲子與下一個擴展包

牧游社 牧有漢化翻譯

EU4 - Development Diary - 27th of March 2018

DDRJake, Game Director EU4

Good morning! Its Tuesday and probably 10am somewhere so lets have another EU4 Dev Diary. Today marks one week since the release of Rule Britannia along with the 1.25 England update. The whole team is delighted to see people playing and enjoying the content, in particular the popularity of England (Already one of the most played nations in the game) spiking sixfold.

大家早上好!現在是某個地方的周二早上10點,讓咱們來看EU4的開發日誌吧。今天正好是統治吧不列顛尼亞Rule Britannia和1.25版本號英格蘭更新發布一周後的時間。整個開發團隊對玩家們遊玩並享受新遊戲內容一事倍感欣慰,尤其是英格蘭變得備受歡迎,其遊玩次數已經翻了六倍(成為了遊玩次數最多的國家之一)。

So while we are very happy with how this release has gone this is no time to rest on our laurels. We have been hard at work digesting your various bug reports and feedback and fixing appropriately. Today I want to talk about our development plans going forward.


Firstly, we have not released any immediate hotfixes for 1.25. We put together a hotfix as soon as possible when we find massive issues, usually with stability (game crashing, consistent widespread out of syncs) which affect many people with high frequency. Thankfully we have not been receiving much report of these but there are still a number of issues which we do want to get fixed in a small patch which we are looking to have ready for you in the not too distant future.


Here is a list of some of the issues we are looking to get fixed up as a matter of urgency:


Rare naval mission crashes in Random New World Games

罕見的海軍任務naval mission會在隨機新世界模式中崩潰的問題。

AI pirating Rule Britannia and having access to Naval Doctrines when the player does not


Duplicating modifiers when loading multiple save games


Various Missions fixes a-la 20,000 development U-tsang


Religious icons offset


Luck of the Irish achievement not working for all Irish tags. (This wont be able to retroactively fix your save so if you want to go for the achievement with one of the newly added Irish tags, wait for this fix)

愛爾蘭人之運Luck of the Iris成就無法對所有愛爾蘭國家生效的問題(這個修復無法回溯也不能修正存檔內問題,所以如果玩家想要用新加入的愛爾蘭國家Tag完成成就的話,請耐心等待修復)。

Cleves being nuts about converting heretics


Fixing that the English mission "Strategic Control" was sometimes impossible to complete.

修正英格蘭任務戰略控制Strategic Control有時無法完成的問題

Correct claims for Great Britain in decisions/nation formations/missions


Neverending AI wars


This is not an exhaustive list, but its some of the more serious issues which we are looking to sort out in an upcoming 1.25.1 hotfix. Its deployment date is chalked up to be "soon", pending successful fixing, building and testing which all, much as we try to bend the fabric of reality, takes a bit of time. Its my hope that we can have the fix out to you in time for Easter though, so we can celebrate it, as is tradition, by staying indoors and playing games.


Beyond this though, lies our road forward. We shall start working on our next update for Europa Universalis IV. While we are very happy with how our Immersion pack has done, the next planned release is slated to be an expansion and accompanying update of the magnitude of Rights of Man, Mandate of Heaven or Cradle of Civilization. Dev diaries going forward will be talking about some changes and additions in the next release which will be quite some time away. Well start with talking about one of the bigger changes in 1.26 next week if all goes to plan, so see you then!

再向前看,就是我們未來的開發計划了。我們會開始開發歐陸風雲4的下一個更新版本。雖說我們對已經完成的沉浸包相對滿意,但下一個發布計劃預定會是一個拓展包Expansion,伴隨有和人權Rights of Man天命Mandate of Heaven文明的搖籃Cradle of Civilization一樣量級的重磅升級。之後的開發日誌會討論下一個發布內容中的改動以及新增內容,並將持續好幾篇。如果計劃不變,我們下周就會開始解釋1.26版本號的一個大變動,到時候見!


校對:萬豪頓 三等文官猹中堂





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