震驚世界的英語口語萬能模板 — 求你真別再用了(第二彈)

1. Do you like reading books? Why?

Yes, I like reading books because

I can learn knowledge.

2. What outdoor sports do you like? Why?

I liking playing basketball because

it』s good for my body.

3. Do you like to eat at home or in a restaurant or café? Why?

I like eating at home because

I can save money.






「I can relax myself! 」

「I can make friends.」

「I can broaden my horizon.」

今天震驚世界的英語口語萬能模板 — 第二彈來啦!




01. 冇眼睇之 It』s good for my body.

Question: What outdoor sports do you like? Why?

我們通常開口就會說,I liking playing basketball because it』s good for my body.



I liking playing basketball because it』s a great way to get fit and stay in shape.

用shape這個詞, 沒錯,就是看起來形狀好一點。比如我們都想成為倒三角,而不是球狀對吧。

第二步,那麼說完這些不能結束,需要再來一句解釋,為啥basketball就能讓你get fit和stay in shape呢?畢竟不是看一眼籃球就可以減肥塑形的.


Running, jumping and quick lateral movements done in basketball provide a significant amount of aerobic exercise and can burn a great deal of calories.

這中間的過程是running, jumping和quick lateral movement.

Question: Do you prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant or café?

如果你說I prefer to eat at home because it』s good for my body.



I prefer to eat at home because homemade food is more tasty and healthy.

第二步,那麼說完這些不能完,需要再來一句解釋,為啥homemade food就更tasty和更healthy呢?


While I』m cooking at home, I』m the owner of my kitchen, I』m the creator of my meal, and I』m the one calling the shots, or pours, of olive oil, butter, additives, sugars, ingredients, everything. I actually know what I』m eating because I』ve made the dish myself.



1. good for body先細化成兩種可能性,一個是外在的good, 一個是內在的good,用人話說就是讓你看起來身材更好了,或讓你內在更健康了。

2.細化可能性後,再選更精確地詞,如stay in shape, 或者eat healthy.

3. 接下來要將自己的觀點和結論中間的過程說清楚,即how,怎麼打球就身材好了? 因為move, jump等動作;怎麼eat at home就更健康了,因為自己控制ingredient。

02. 冇眼睇之:I can save money.

Question: Do you like to shop onlien or shop in real stores? Why?

我們通常會說I like online shopping because I can save money.

Save money本身是個沒毛病的表達,但我們可以再升級一下,將money替換成buck。

buck在口語中表示美元。那這句話就可以變成 I can save a few bucks.


I like online shopping because it can save me a few bucks. Online shops make comparison and research of products and prices possible.

Also, many times when we opt for conventional shopping we tend to spend a lot more than the required shopping expenses, on things like eating out, impulsive shopping etc.

除了保持原有的主謂賓的結構,我們還可以在句式即syntax上做修改,變成主系表,即It』s more economical或It』s more cost-effective.


Question: Do you prefer to buy an electronic product as soon as it becomes available in the market ordo you prefer to wait and buy it until it has been in the market for a while?

你或許想說說 I like to buy electronics when it has been launched for a while because I can save money.

那我們可以調整為 I like to buy electronics when it has been launched for a while because by that time it will be more cost effective.

為啥電子產品晚一些再買就更便宜呢?想想iPhone就很明顯啦。據說iPhone X已經炒到30000人民幣了。但是如果你等到2018年3月買,還會是30000嗎,顯然不會。所以在英文表達的時候,我們也要把這個中間的過程說明白,示例如下:


It is a common strategy for the company to set a very high initial price when the products were first launched into the market. The benefit of this pricing strategy is that it will give customer the impression that high price equals to high quality. So, waiting for several months patiently, the price will finally go down.

3. 冇眼睇之:I can earn knowledge.

這裡回答一個迷思,到底能不能說learn knowledge?

答案是「No」. 我們能learn information, 一旦information被learn之後就變成knowledge。

「To learn is to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience.」

因此learn knowledge調整後為acquire knowledge.

但是即便是acquire knowledge也可以用更加具體的表現形式,比如open doors to information或者have better understanding of sth.

Question: Do you like reading books? Why?

感受一下這個回答,Yes, I like reading books because I can learn knowledge.



I do enjoy reading books because reading opens doors - doors to factual information about any subject on earth, practical or theoretical. I will have access to all of the accumulated knowledge of mankind, access to all of the great minds and ideas of the past and present. It truly is magic!

Also, through books and stories, I can also learn about people and places from other parts of the world, improving my understanding of humanity.

acquire knowledge實際上是一個適用範圍很廣的萬能思路。


I like to talk to colleagues who are senior than me because bouncing ideas off them always leads to better decisions. They have incredible ideas and have the context of working closely with me to give me advice no one else can.


Conferences are valuable ways to learn and network. In fact, I have been learning already from two of the keynote speakers at ATS Conference 2018.


I also learn by listening to podcasts. One of my favorite leadership podcasts has become China Voice. Each week, it provides practical, hands-on advice for intentional leadership.




We should never stop being life-long learners, and one way to do that is by seeking counsel from others.

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, especially if you』re someone who is easily embarrassed.


學習新的語言確實很令人害怕(這裡抱一個), 如果你又是個很容易害羞的寶寶。



Everything takes time. 開始了,就不晚。



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