
Trees are like lonely persons. Not like hermits who have stolen away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary men, like Beethoven and Nietzsche. In their highest boughs the world rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose themselves there, they struggle with all the force of their lives for one thing only: to fulfil themselves according to their own laws, to build up their own form, to represent themselves.- Hermann Hesse


迷宮花園,西班牙 Parc del Laberint dHorta, Spain

迷宮花園位於巴塞羅那,是此類花園中的最古老的一座。之前屬於Desvalls家族,包含1個18世紀新古典主義花園和1個19世紀浪漫主義花園。The Parc del Laberint dHorta (Labyrinth Park of Horta) is an historical garden in the Horta-Guinardó district in Barcelona, and the oldest of its kind in the city. Located in the former estate of the Desvalls family, the park comprises an 18th-century neoclassical garden and a 19th-century romantic garden.

這座花園曾是電影『香水:謀殺犯的故事』的拍攝地。The parc was used to shoot a scene of the motion picture Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by German director Tom Tykwer.


Dries Van Noten的花園,比利時 Dries Van Noten』s Garden, Belgium

Dries Van Noten說園藝使他保持均衡。他的新古典主義房子,建於1840年代,是一戰之後重建的。「I think gardening keeps me in balance,」 says Dries Van Noten. Design dynamo Dries Van Noten』s Neoclassical house, built in the 1840s and remodeled after being shelled during the First World War.

在他的店面設計師Gert Voorjans的協助下,Van Noten和Vangheluwe創造了一個美麗的避風港 - Van Noten如同熱愛紡織品一般熱愛花朵。With the help of Gert Voorjans, an interior designer who also works on store design for the brand, Van Noten and Vangheluwe have created a beautiful haven, one that expresses the designer』s love of textiles, as well as flowers.

景觀設計師Erik Dhont為細緻和愛動手的園丁Van Noten設計了這個園子,令他靈感不斷。Landscape architect Erik Dhont designed the 55-acre park and gardens that have Van Noten, a meticulous and hands-on gardener, happily in their thrall, and unceasingly inspired.


宇宙思緒花園,蘇格蘭 The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Scotland

宇宙思緒花園是著名建築評論家Charles Jencks位於蘇格蘭西南的私家雕塑花園。The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is a 30 acresculpture garden created by landscape architect and theorist Charles Jencks at his home in South West Scotland.

和他其他很多作品一樣,這座花園受到現代宇宙學的啟示。花園的設計源自科學和數學的靈感,建造者充分利用地形來表現這些主題,如黑洞、分形等。和同在蘇格蘭的『小斯巴達』相似,這是一座抽象的卓爾不群的花園。Like much of Jencks work, the garden is inspired by modern cosmology. The garden is inspired by science and mathematics, with sculptures and landscaping on these themes, such as Black Holes and Fractals. It is probably unique among gardens, drawing comparisons with a similarly abstract garden in Scotland, Little Sparta.


莫奈花園,法國 Jardin de Claude Monet, France

莫奈的花園位於巴黎郊外的村莊維尼,建於1890年代。Monets garden is situated near Paris in the village of Giverny, France, built during the 1890s.

莫奈為園丁作日常指示,以及種植的精確設計和布局,並為他購買的花卉和他的植物學藏書的發票撰寫清單。隨著莫奈財富的增長,他的花園也進化了。在僱用了7個園丁後,他還保留了建築師。Monet wrote daily instructions to his gardener, precise designs and layouts for plantings, and invoices for his floral purchases and his collection of botany books. As Monets wealth grew, his garden evolved. He remained its architect, even after he hired seven gardeners.

莫奈酷愛日本藝術和浮世繪,園中多日本花草。1893年他開始大面積栽種,其中包括最著名的睡蓮池塘。1899年他開始畫睡蓮,首先在日本橋為中心的視野範圍內,之後進行的一系列大型繪畫,佔據了他此後20年的生涯。In 1893 he began a vast landscaping project which included lily ponds that would become the subjects of his best-known works. In 1899 he began painting the water lilies, first in vertical views with a Japanese bridge as a central feature, and later in the series of large-scale paintings that was to occupy him continuously for the next 20 years of his life.


Cimbrone別墅,義大利 Villa Cimbrone, Italy

Cimbrone別墅位於義大利南部的阿馬爾菲海岸線。它的歷史至少可以追溯到公元11世紀,以風景秀麗和delllnfinito(無限露台)而聞名。Villa Cimbrone is a historic building in Ravello, on the Amalfi coast of southern Italy. Dating from at least the 11th century AD, it is famous for its scenic belvedere, the Terrazzo delllnfinito (the Terrace of Infinity).

二十世紀初,Ernest William Beckett對別墅做了很多改動和擴展。別墅結合了許多義大利別處和其他地方的建築元素。Much altered and extended in the early twentieth century by Ernest William Beckett (later Lord Grimthorpe), the villa is today composed of many salvaged architectural elements from other parts of Italy and elsewhere.

很多名人曾經來過這裡,它是布魯姆斯伯里團體最喜歡出沒的地方。其他訪客,包括 D.H.勞倫斯、亨利 · 摩爾、艾略特、溫斯頓 · 丘吉爾等。女演員葛麗泰 · 嘉寶和她當時的情人1930年代末曾在此隱居。Many famous visitors came to the villa during the Beckett familys ownership. It was a favourite haunt of the Bloomsbury Group. Other visitors included D. H. Lawrence, Vita Sackville-West, Edward James, Diana Mosley, Henry Moore, T. S. Eliot, Jean Piaget, Winston Churchill and the Duke and Duchess of Kent. The actress Greta Garbo and her then-lover, the conductor Leopold Stokowski, stayed at the villa several times in the late 1930s.


林奈花園,瑞典 Linnétr?dg?rden, Sweden

最後一個!史上最古老的植物園,林奈花園,隸屬於瑞典烏普薩拉大學。Last but not the least. The Linnaean Garden or Linnaeus Garden (Swedish: Linnétr?dg?rden) is the oldest of the botanical gardens belonging to Uppsala University in Sweden.

根據卡爾林奈的分類標準,這座花園被修復並維持著18世紀植物園的模樣。It has been restored and is kept as an 18th-century botanical garden, according to the specifications of Carl Linnaeus.


城市馬語 走近歐洲名城馬雕塑

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