
一說到英文情話,我們腦子裡就自然地想到「I love you」,雖然這句情話簡單直白的表達愛意,但總歸是太過蒼白。幽默又有智慧的情話不但能讓另一半開心,也能增進兩個人之間的感情。下面小編給大家整理了史上最有趣有料的英文情話,來看看大神是如何委婉的表達我愛你,快快學習起來吧!

1.They tell you in school that its the lungs that keep you breathing, but its your heart. 學校曾教導我們,人要靠肺呼吸存活。事實上,我靠的是你的心。

2.Love is a touch and yet not a touch. 愛是觸碰又想收回的手。

3.With all I am,with all I have ,I promise you all my life. 以我之名,用我所有,許你一生。

4.I love you once, I love you twice. I love you more than beans and rice. 一見傾心,再見傾情,我愛你,此生不渝。

5.Fou you,a thousand times over. 為你,千千萬萬遍。

6.If I should stay I would only be in your way , so Ill go but I know, Ill think of you every step of the way.


7.You came to me Like the dawn through the night Just shining like the sun. 你走向我,似晨曦劃破長長夜空,閃耀如紅日。

8.Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine. 世界上有那麼多城市,城市裡有那麼多酒館,她卻偏偏走進了我這一間。

9.You make me want to be a better man。 你讓我想成為一個更好的人。

10.I wish I knew how to quit you. 這輩子,叫我如何戒掉你。

11.This kind of certainty happens once a life time.


12.You have bewitched me, body and soul. 你讓我著了迷,從肉體到靈魂。

13.I was living like half a man, then I couldnt love but now I can. 曾經的我好似沒有靈魂,沒有愛一個人的能力,但現在我有了。

14.I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first met. This is the best time of my life. 我依舊愛著我的妻子一如我們初見的時候。 那是我一生中最好的時光。

15.Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone whos iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.






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