Cant Wait to Quit your Job?

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  1. 公司的不當行為
  2. 個人職業發展原因


  1. 上司性騷擾行為:千萬不要容忍你上司的這類性騷擾行為。如果你容忍一次,那麼就肯定會有第二次的發生,而且你很有可能不是唯一的受害者。
  2. 來自同事的騷擾:一旦這種情況發生,你應當立刻向你的經理或人士部門反映。如果問題沒有解決,你必須要在這種情況再次發生前辭職。
  3. 你被要求做非法的事情,或者被要求遮蓋公司的非法行為。即便在日後您可以證實這確實是公司的要求,但您仍然需要為您的個人行為負責。你也不能說你對法律不了解。
  4. 你的公司正在從事不道德的商業行為:如果您的公司正在從事欺騙顧客、供應商或員工的行為,這將會永久性地損壞公司和您的聲、名譽。這時的您必須選擇立刻辭職,以向其他公司來證明您的誠實。如果在新公司面試的時候被問到為什麼選擇離開上一家公司,你必須說因為你發現了上一家公司的不道德商業行為。


  1. 如果你已經在公司內的發展已經到了極限,並且沒有任何後續上升的空間,這時的您必須要選擇離開了。但在辭職前請先與你的經理溝通,並確保他(她)能夠協助你的離職。
  2. 如果公司的發展領域發生了變更,且你對新領域並不感興趣,那麼這時的你應該選擇辭職。因為繼續留在這家公司意味著你無法提起興趣全力為公司的發展做出貢獻。
  3. 如果您對您的專業失去了興趣,您應該選擇辭職,同樣地,因為您無法全力為公司的發展做出貢獻。
  4. 如果你收到了來自其他公司的更有競爭力的邀請,並且你當前工作的公司不願意為你加薪,那麼這時的你應該選擇離開。




And now, for my friends who want to practice English:

Cant Wait to Quit Your Job?

Quitting your job can be scary, but sometimes you have no choice. Bad managers, bad working conditions, unfair or unethical treatment, etc. are all good reasons to leave. From the perspective of a business owner and manager, here are the best reasons I can think of to quit your job. If you have any other ideas, please share them with me.

Also, we all have friends or family members that are stuck in boring, unfulfilling jobs because they want the security. My feeling is that you get more security in life when you enjoy what you are doing, and you feel safe doing it. Share this article with anyone you know that is trying to decide whether or not to quit.

Reasons to quit fall into two main categories:

  1. Inappropriate behaviour of the company
  2. Personal career development reasons

Inappropriate behaviour of company:

  1. Sexual harassment by your superiors - do not tolerate a manager that has made inappropriate sexual. If you tolerate it, it could continue to happen, and other people could also be victimized.
  2. Unresolved harassment from colleagues - you should report any harassment right away to your manager and HR. If it is not resolved, you must quit before it happens again.
  3. You are ordered to do something illegal, or you are ordered to lie about some illegal activities of the company. You will be responsible for your actions, even if you can prove you were ordered to do it. You also cant claim that you didn』t know the law.
  4. Your company is doing unethical business practices - your reputation in your industry will be permanently ruined if your company cheats its customers or suppliers or staff. You must leave immediately so other companies know you are honest. If you are interviewing for a new company, and you are asked why you left, you must say it was because you discovered unethical business practices.

Personal Career Development Reasons:

  1. If you have reached a glass ceiling at your company, and there really isn』t any room for you develop or move up, then you must leave. But discuss this with your manager first, and make sure you help to train your replacement.
  2. If the company changes its direction into an area that you are not interested, you should leave, because you wont be able to contribute your full attention if you are not fully interested.
  3. If you have lost interest in your specialization, you should leave, again because you cant fully contribute if you are not fully interested.
  4. If you have a more competitive offer from another company, and your current company is unwilling to match it or negotiate, you should quit.

If any of the above situations happens to you, be brave and make a change. When you have decided to leave, spend a few minutes reading this article: 墨丹:離職前需要注意哪些細節?

Also, dont be afraid that frequently changing companies will look bad on your resume. All you have to do is explain why you left, and any smart hiring manager will understand and appreciate your maturity. Stupid ones wont, but you dont want to work for stupid companies anyway.

If you work for an English-speaking manager and you would like some advice about how to talk to him or her about leaving your company, please feel free to contact me.

Don』t quit your job if:

You don』t like your boss.. very few people like their boss!

You have to work a lot of overtime, this is usually your fault!

Hope its useful!


微信- weixinhaogaikefu (Daniel Mulroy 2)



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