或許比直接被女神校拒更慘的是被學校放進了waitlist。 回顧以往的數據,很少有在waitlist的學生最後被學校錄取。事實上,許多招生官把waitlist offer描述為一種「婉拒」。儘管如此,但還是有一些方法可以大大增加被錄取的概率。
· 理解被放到waitlist意味著什麼
如果一個學生被放到了waitlist,這意味著學校覺得這個學生很適合這個學校,但是由於招生人數限制暫時不會錄取他。或者學校看到了這個學生的潛力,但不確定這個學生是否符合自己要求。總之我們在收到waitlist offer之後要做的就是:表忠心以及展示自己在申請deadline 結束後的取得的進步。
· 及時響應學校給你發的 waitlist offer
· 聯繫招生委員會
網上的許多指南都建議學生髮 waitlist letter、補充推薦信等,但事實上招生委員會已經收到了來自許多同學的鋪天蓋地的補充材料,並且他們不一定需要你的這些補充材料。由於每個學校的要求和偏好都不一樣,學生首先應該打電話給招生辦公室,詢問什麼樣的材料是可以被接收的。
· 關於waitlist letter
如果招生官要求你寫一份 waitlist letter,你可以隨信附上你更新的成績。而這封信的目的主要是 :
1.闡述你對於學校的認同 。
3.試圖讓自己從眾多 waitlist letter 中脫穎而出。
Example of introduction for your letter:
Dear XX University Office of Graduate Admissions, I would like to sincerely thank the XX Graduate Admissions Committee for taking the time to look through my application amongst the thousands of applicants and offering me an opportunity to be on the waiting list. XX University is still my dream school, and if accepted off the waitlist, I would happily attend. I would like to take this opportunity to display my continued interest in XXU and update the Admissions Committee on some of my accomplishments since applying.
信的第二部分是 update your information。注意不要重複你在網申時所提到的成績和成就。把你的 updates 控制在2-3個主題。
1.確保將其簡明扼要地展示出來 。
Example of update for one accomplishment:
I have also been making substantial progress on my research project for Intel ISEF. My project seeks to test whether statistical regression and neural networking can predict geo-political conflicts in developing nations. I have been developing an algorithm to analyze such patterns using a framework of a na?ve Bayes classifier under the guidance of Mr.X, the Technology General Manager at XX LLC. This project has completely changed my perceptions of the unique dynamics implicit in a complex geo-political struggle. Additionally, I have gained an even greater appreciation for computer science』s broad applicability to solve qualitative challenges, while feeding my lifelong curiosity about international relations. It would be nice if I could eventually achieve my goal of making basic predictions about such conflicts… I wouldn』t complain either if my program found itself in the CIA』s computer system one day.
Waitlist letter 的最後一部分,你需要將你自己和其他的申請者區分出來。這部分我們稱之為「humanizing factor」,也就是說你需要提供的一個有趣/奇特的的updates,目的是讓招生官覺得有趣,也算是為博之一笑。在招生官閱讀了上百份的 waitlist letter 後,「humanizing factor」也許會讓你脫穎而出。
Example of humanizing factor:
Finally, I have stopped trying to beat my nine-year-old sister at Wii. Even as the captain of my school』s basketball team, I still lose miserably whenever she chooses to play me in the digital version. (Note that in this example, we assume we have updated the school above on our basketball accomplishments.)
Example of closing:
XXU has distinguished itself as a top institution, and I am continuously in awe as I read about its amazing work in helping students achieve their dreams. I would like to thank the Office of Graduate Admissions once again for reviewing my application, and I would eagerly matriculate if offered a position in the Class of 2018.
Sincerely,(Physically Sign Your Name Here)Your Name
· 額外的推薦信
學生可以盡量避免遞交學術類型的推薦信,除非你上 waitlist 僅僅是因為學術經歷較為匱乏。在這種情況下,一封學術類型的推薦信在強調該同學的進步的同時,還可以為他的毅力和能力背書。
總之,一封好的 waitlist 推薦信會藉助推薦人的視角來展示此學生自從申請deadline之後的 updates(最好與你在waitlist letter中所寫的內容相互呼應)。
· 與招生委員會保持聯繫
建議你不要總是有事沒事就去打電話或者發郵件給小蜜,太過頻繁地打擾人家總會有些不太合適。但是你可以聯繫他們以確認所有材料是否遞交齊全,並確保他們還需不需要其他的材料。在你提交了waitlist letter 後,一周後可以嘗試打電話給學校,再重新強調你的名字,並你表達對於學校的強烈興趣。
以上就是 waitlist 轉正大法了!除此以上六步之外,你能做的也是微乎其微了。雖然被女神校備胎了是件非常難過的事情,但做到了這六步,你可以大大增加了自己轉正的幾率,畢竟不到最後,你也不知道到底會發生什麼!
Good luck to all applicants!