SH22翻譯: 祝福(魯迅)
SH22翻譯: 祝福(魯迅)
Translation: Well-Wishes (Lu Xun)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)舊曆的年底畢竟最像年底,
The conclusionof a Lunar Calendar Year, after all, typified end of the year the most.村鎮上不必說,
There was noneed to say more about what counties and towns were like during that time.就在天空中也顯出將到新年的氣象來。Even the skywas showing a weather heralding approach of the New Year.灰白色的沉重的晚雲中間時時發出閃光,Heavy grayclouds at night glimmered intermittently.接著一聲鈍響,是送灶的爆竹;Then a loudthud sounded from explosion of a firecracker associated with the ritual in payinghomage to kitchen god.近處燃放的可就更強烈了,震耳的大音還沒有息,Blasts at closerdistances were much more powerful and their deafening noises were still echoingaround.空氣里已經散滿了幽微的火藥香。
The air waspermeated with faint smell of gunpowder.我是正在這一夜回到我的故鄉魯鎮的。That was thenight I went back to my hometown Lu Village.雖說故鄉,然而已沒有家,所以只得暫寓在魯四老爺的宅子里。Even though Iused the expression 「hometown」, yet there was no 「home」 any more and I had tostay temporarily in Fourth Master Lu』s residence.他是我的本家,Both of usbelonged to the same clan.比我長一輩,應該稱之曰「四叔」,He was asenior one generation above mine and so I should call him 「Fourth Uncle」.是一個講理學的老監生。
He was agraduate of Imperial College and gave lectures on Confucianism.他比先前並沒有什麼大改變,單是老了些,但也還末留鬍子,Hisappearance did not change much from before except he was a bit older and still hadnot grown a beard.一見面是寒暄,寒暄之後說我「胖了」,說我「胖了」之後即大罵其新黨。但我知道,這並非借題在罵我:因為他所罵的還是康有為。We exchangedgreetings when we met and then he said I 「put on weight」. Afterwards he blastedthe new political party, but I knew his attack was not aimed at me indirectlybut at Kang Youwei.但是,談話是總不投機的了,We hadproblems striking up a good conversation.於是不多久,我便一個人剩在書房裡。So before long,I chose to stay in the studying den all alone.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
第二天我起得很遲,I woke upvery late the next day.午飯之後,出去看了幾個本家和朋友;After lunch,I went out to visit a few clan relatives and friends.第三天也照樣。I followedthe same routine on the third day.他們也都沒有什麼大改變,單是老了些;Myacquaintances had not changed much except they were a bit advanced in age.家中卻一律忙,都在準備著「祝福」。All theirhouseholds were busy preparing for the 「well-wishes」 event.
這是魯鎮年終的大典,致敬盡禮,迎接福神,拜求來年一年中的好運氣的。This was thebig ceremony at the end of the year in Lu Village during which people paidtheir homage in welcoming the God of Fortune and entreated good luck from himin the forthcoming year.殺雞,宰鵝,買豬肉,用心細細的洗,Slaughteredchicken/geese and purchased pork were washed carefully.女人的臂膊都在水裡浸得通紅,有的還帶著絞絲銀鐲子。In doing so,women』s arms—some of which were wearing sterling silver thread bracelets—turnedreddish from soaking in water.煮熟之後,橫七豎八的插些筷子在這類東西上,After themeat was cooked, chopsticks were inserted randomly in them and other food oflike variety.可就稱為「福禮」了,Collectivelythey were considered as 「well-wish tribute treats」.
五更天陳列起來,並且點上香燭,恭請福神們來享用,They werelaid out shortly before daybreak along with lit joss-sticks and candles for theenjoyment of Gods of Fortune.拜的卻只限於男人,Tributeroutines were conducted by men only.拜完自然仍然是放爆竹。After goingthrough the formalities, firecrackers were set off.年年如此,家家如此,——只要買得起福禮和爆竹之類的——Those samethings happened every year for every family so long as they could afford to buythe tribute treats, firecrackers and similar stuff.今年自然也如此。Naturally thatyear was no exception.
天色愈陰暗了,下午竟下起雪來,The sky wasgetting gloomy and unexpectedly snow fell in the afternoon. 雪花大的有梅花那麼大,滿天飛舞,夾著煙靄和忙碌的氣色,將魯鎮亂成一團糟。Snowflakesthe size of plum flowers were swirling all over the sky which, together withsmog and chaotic weather, turned Lu Village into a mess.我回到四叔的書房裡時,瓦楞上已經雪白,房裡也映得較光明,When Ireturned to Fourth Uncle』s studying den, light reflected off snow-covered tileshad brightened up the room.極分明的顯出壁上掛著的朱拓的大「壽」字,What stoodout more visibly was the big Chinese calligraphy character 「Shou」 (meaning「lifespan」) by Zhu Tuo hanging on the wall.陳摶老祖寫的,一邊的對聯已經脫落,鬆鬆的卷了放在長桌上,One half ofthe couplet scroll by Old-Timer Chen Tuan had fallen off and was lying looselyrolled-up on the long table.
一邊的還在,道是「事理通達心氣和平」。The otherhalf with the inscription 「Thorough understanding in handling matters allows aperson to stay calm and serene」 was still up on the wall.我又無聊賴的到窗下的案頭去一翻,只見一堆似乎未必完全的《康熙字典》,一部《近思錄集注》和一部《四書襯》。Out ofboredom I checked out the desk under the window and found anot-necessarily-complete volume of 「Kangxi Lexicon」, a copy of 「JinsiluVariorums」, and a copy of 「The Four Books』 Annotations」.無論如何、我明天決計要走了。 Anyway,I had decided to leave the next day.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------況且,一直到昨天遇見祥林嫂的事,也就使我不能安住。Furthermore, what I came across yesterday respecting Sister Xianglin wasunsettling to me.那是下午,
It was in theafternoon.我到鎮的東頭訪過一個朋友,I went tovisit a friend on the east side of town.走出來,就在河邊遇見她;On my way out,I ran into her by the riverside.而且見她瞪著的眼睛的視線,就知道明明是向我走來的。From thedirection at which she was staring, I knew apparently she was heading towardsme.我這回在魯鎮所見的人們中,改變之大,可以說無過於她的了:Of all thepeople I met on this trip in Lu Village, nobody had changed more than her.五年前的花白的頭髮,即今已經全白,會不像四十上下的人;Her grizzlinghair five years ago had turned completely white, which made her looks olderthan her real age of forty or so.臉上瘦削丕堪,黃中帶黑,Her face wasterribly scrawny with a darkish yellow complexion.而且消盡了先前悲哀的神色,彷彿是木刻似的;Her formergrief-stricken expression had vanished, and instead, she looked emotionless andwooden.只有那眼珠間或一輪,還可以表示她是一個活物。Onlyoccasional roll of her eyes showed she was a living being.她一手提著竹籃。內中一個破碗,空的;In one handshe was carrying a bamboo basket with an empty, broken bowl in it.一手技著一支比她更長的竹竿,下端開了裂:On the otherhand she was holding a bamboo cane longer than herself in height with a splitend at the bottom.她分明已經純乎是一個乞丐了。It was obviousshe had become an honest-to-goodness panhandler. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我就站住,豫備她來討錢。I stood still in preparation for her request for money. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「你回來了?」她先這樣問。 「Youare back, aren』t you?」 she asked right off the bat.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「是的。」 Ireplied: 「Yes.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「這正好。「That』sgreat.你是識字的,You can read.又是出門人,見識得多。Also you arewell-traveled and know a lot of things.我正要問你一件事I want to askyou one thing.」——」她那沒有精採的眼睛忽然發光了。 Herdull, lackluster eyes suddenly lit up. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我萬料不到她卻說出這樣的話來,詫異的站著。 I leastexpected she would say something like that, and in surprise I stood still.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「就是——」她走近兩步,放低了聲音,極秘密似的切切的說,「一個人死了之後,究竟有沒有魂靈的?」「It』s like this,」 she walked a couple of steps closer and said with alow, secretive voice. 「After a person dies, actually is there a soul in existence?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我很悚然,I wasshocked.一見她的眼釘著我的,背上也就遭了芒刺一般,When I sawher eyes staring at me, I felt as if my back was stung by a thorn.比在學校里遇到不及豫防的臨時考,教師又偏是站在身旁的時候,惶急得多了。I was morepanicky than running into an unprepared surprise test at school with theteacher watching me at my side.對於魂靈的有無,我自己是向來毫不介意的;As for theexistence of soul, I really didn』t care one way or the other.但在此刻,怎樣回答她好呢?But at thattime, I was at a loss on how I should say to her in reply?我在極短期的躊躇中,想,這裡的人照例相信鬼,In a verybrief moment of hesitation, I was thinking the people around the area believedin the presence of ghosts as a general rule.然而她,卻疑惑了,——或者不如說希望:希望其有,又希望其無……,But in hercase, she raised doubt, or rather ignited hope—in wishing for its existence, orperhaps non-existence.人何必增添末路的人的苦惱,一為她起見,不如說有罷。 Then Ithought instead of adding to the agony of a person who was hopelessly at theend of her rope, why wouldn』t I tell her soul existed for her sake? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「也許有罷,——我想。」我於是吞吞吐吐的說。 Imumbled, 「Maybe there is—I think.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「那麼,也就有地獄了?」 「Thenhell exists, isn』t it?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「啊!地獄?」我很吃驚,只得支吾者,「地獄?——論理,就該也有。——然而也未必,……In surprise,I answered evasively: 「Well, in the case of hell, it should exist theoretically,but then maybe not necessarily.誰來管這等事……。」 Whocares about these things?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「那麼,死掉的一家的人,都能見面的?」 「Thenthe entire family who have died can meet again, wouldn』t it?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「唉唉,見面不見面呢?……」「Oh, well,would they meet again or not meet again?」這時我已知道自己也還是完全一個愚人,At that timeI knew I was still a completely ignorant person.什麼躊躇,什麼計畫,都擋不住三句問,Even aftermuch hesitation and deliberation, I still did not have answers for her threequestions.我即刻膽怯起來了,便想全翻過先前的話來,「那是,……實在,我說不清……。Right away I feltshaken up and wanted to take back what I said before: 「Actually I did not makemyself clear.其實,究竟有沒有魂靈,我也說不清。」 Infact, I really can』t tell whether soul exists or not.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我乘她不再緊接的問,邁開步便走,勿勿的逃回四叔的家中,Just when shewas not firing more consecutive questions at me, I ran away in long, quicksteps back to Fourth Uncle』s home.心裡很覺得不安逸。In my mind, Iwas still feeling ill at ease.自己想,我這答話怕於她有些危險。I wasconcerned my answers could put her in harm』s way.她大約因為在別人的祝福時候,感到自身的寂寞了,Maybe whenother people were exchanging well wishes, she felt the lonesomeness in herself.然而會不會含有別的什麼意思的呢?But then wouldthere be other knock-on effects?——或者是有了什麼豫感了?Could shehave some premonitions?倘有別的意思,又因此發生別的事,則我的答活委實該負若干的責任……。If there wereother knock-on effects and something happened later because of that, my answersindeed should bear some responsibilities.但隨後也就自笑,覺得偶爾的事,But then Ilaughed at myself and felt it was only a coincidence.本沒有什麼深意義,而我偏要細細推敲,There were noprofound implications to start off with, but instead I insisted on splittinghairs.正無怪教育家要說是生著神經病;It was nowonder educators were known to be a bit nuts in the head.而況明明說過「說不清」,已經推翻了答話的全局,Besides, itwas clear I said 「can』t tell」, and that negated all my answers.即使發生什麼事,於我也毫無關係了。 Evenif something was going to happen, it wouldn』t have anything to do with me. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「說不清」是一句極有用的話。「Can』t tell」 wouldbe a very useful phrase.不更事的勇敢的少年,往往敢於給人解決疑問,選定醫生,Inexperiencedand audacious youngsters would often be too willing to solve problems forothers such as choosing a medical doctor.萬一結果不佳,大抵反成了怨府,In the eventthings did not work out, most likely he would become object of resentment.然而一用這說不清來作結束,便事事逍遙自在了。But once this「can』t tell」 was used as a conclusion, you could walk away from anything.我在這時,更感到這一句話的必要,即使和討飯的女人說話,也是萬不可省的。 Atthat time I felt the importance of using this expression which shouldn』t beignored even in talking to a panhandling woman. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------但是我總覺得不安,Anyhow Istill felt disconcerted.過了一夜,也仍然時時記憶起來,彷彿懷著什麼不祥的豫感,After onenight, the incident still lingered in my mind as if I had a premonition somethingbad was about to happen.在陰沉的雪天里,在無聊的書房裡,這不安愈加強烈了。On a gloomysnowy day with nothing better to do in the studying den, this feeling ofuneasiness got intensified.不如走罷,It would bebetter if I simply took off from this place.明天進城去。Tomorrow Iwas going into town.福興樓的請墩魚翅,一元一大盤,價廉物美,現在不知增價了否?The steamedshark』s fin of premium quality in Fu Xing Lou Restaurant could be enjoyed atthe bargained price of one dollar for a big platter, and I was wondering if theprice had gone up? 往日同游的朋友,雖然已經雲散,然而魚翅是不可不吃的,即使只有我一個……。Even thoughall those friends who kept me company in the past were no longer around, yeteating shark』s fin would be something I could not do without—even if that meantI had to do it alone.無論如何,我明天決計要走了。 Anyway,I had decided to leave tomorrow. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我因為常見些但願不如所料,I always cameacross things which I wished wouldn』t happen as I had expected.以為未畢竟如所料的事,卻每每恰如所料的起來,However,often matters which I expected to happen would, in the end, happen just asexpected.所以很恐怕這事也一律。So I wasafraid similar occurrence would apply to this matter.果然,特別的情形開始了。Sure enough,an unusual situation began to unfold.傍晚,我竟聽到有些人聚在內室里談話,彷彿議論什麼事似的,In theevening, I stumbled upon overhearing conversation of people who gathered insidea room as if they were debating about something.但不一會,說話聲也就止了,只有四叔且走而且高聲的說: Thenshortly afterwards, the chatting stopped, and only Fourth Uncle』s voice couldbe heard speaking loudly: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「不早不遲,偏偏要在這時候——「It deliberatelychooses to happen right at this time—not a moment sooner and not a momentlater.這就可見是一個謬種!」 Youcan tell that is an absurd breed.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我先是詫異,接著是很不安,似乎這話於我有關係。I wassurprised at first, and then I felt edgy because seemingly the subject in thisdiscussion had something to do with me.試望門外,誰也沒有。I checkedoutside my room and there was no one around.好容易待到晚飯前他們的短工來沖茶,我才得了打聽消息的機會。 It wasnot easy to wait until supper time when a casual worker came to fill the teapotin my room with hot water that I had an opportunity to enquire what washappening.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「剛才,四老爺和誰生氣呢?」我問。 Iasked: 「Just now whom was Fourth Master mad at?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「還不是和樣林嫂?」那短工簡捷的說。 「Itwas about Sister Xianglin,」 said the casual worker succinctly. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂?怎麼了?」我又趕緊的問。 「SisterXianglin? What happened?」 I wasted no time in asking.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「老了。」 「Sheis old.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「死了?」「Did shedie?」我的心突然緊縮,幾乎跳起來,All of asudden my heart felt constricted and I almost jumped straight up.臉上大約也變了色,但他始終沒有抬頭,所以全不覺。Likely mycomplexion had turned gray, but he did not look up and wouldn』t have noticed.我也就鎮定了自己,接著問: I composedmyself and continued to ask:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「什麼時候死的?」 「Whendid she pass away?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「什麼時候?——昨天夜裡,或者就是今天罷。——我說不清。」 「Whattime? Last night, maybe today—I can』t tell.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「怎麼死的?」 「Howdid she die?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「怎麼死的?——「You asked mehow she died?還不是窮死的?」他淡然的回答,仍然沒有抬頭向我看,出去了。 Herdeath had to be from poverty, wouldn』t it?」 he answered dispassionately withouttaking a glance at me and walked out.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------然而我的驚惶卻不過暫時的事,隨著就覺得要來的事,已經過去,Yet my shock was only temporary and I felt what needed to happen hadbecome things of the past.並不必仰仗我自己的「說不清」和他之所謂「窮死的」的寬慰,It was not necessary for me to count on excuses such as my 「can』t tell」and his so called 「die from poverty」 to ease my mind.心地已經漸漸輕鬆;Gradually I became more relieved.不過偶然之間,還似乎有些負疚。But at times I still felt somehow I was burdened with a guiltyconscience.晚飯擺出來了,四叔儼然的陪著。After dinner was set on the table, Fourth Uncle ate with me carrying a sternface.我也還想打聽些關於祥林嫂的消息,I thought about digging for more information about Sister Xianglin.但知道他雖然讀過「鬼神者二氣之良能也」,而忌諱仍然極多,Even though I knew Fourth Uncle had come across the old saying 「ghostsand deities are extensions of superb lunar and solar energies」, yet there werestill taboos on the topic that should be avoided.當臨近祝福時候,是萬不可提起死亡疾病之類的話的,In particular when the time for exchanging well-wishes was fastapproaching, staying away from talks of death, sickness and similar matters wasimperative.倘不得已,就該用一種替代的隱語,可惜我又不知道,If discussion on such matter was necessary, it should be brought outthrough insinuation which regrettably was something I did not know how to goabout.因此屢次想問,而終於中止了。Several times I wanted to ask but ended up giving up.我從他儼然的臉色上,又忽而疑他正以為我不早不遲,偏要在這時候來打攪他,也是一個謬種,From his strict face, I suspected he could have categorized me as anabsurd breed for my untimely visit.便立刻告訴他明天要離開魯鎮,進城去,趁早放寬了他的心。So I immediately told him I was going to leave Lu Village tomorrow forthe city in order to put his mind at ease.他也不很留。這佯悶悶的吃完了一餐飯。 He did not ask me to stay a while longer and dinner wasfinished uneventfully. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------冬季日短,又是雪天,That winterday was short and snowy.夜色早已籠罩了全市鎮。人們都在燈下匆忙,Night fell onthe entire town early in the day and people got busy doing their things underlamp lights.但窗外很寂靜。雪花落在積得厚厚的雪褥上面,聽去似乎瑟瑟有聲,It was quietoutside the windows, and snowflakes falling on a thick bed of snow were makingrustling sounds.使人更加感得沉寂。The setting putpeople in an increasingly somber mood.我獨坐在發出黃光的萊油燈下,想,這百無聊賴的祥林嫂,被人們棄在塵芥堆中的,看得厭倦了的陳舊的玩物,In sittingalone under yellow light of a rapeseed oil lamp, I thought about the empty andmeaningless life of Sister Xianglin who was a mere worn-out pawn (2) abandonedin the dust by the world.先前還將形骸露在塵芥里,從活得有趣的人們看來,恐怕要怪訝她何以還要存在,Still visiblein the dust just a short while ago was her physical form which was jeered at bypeople with interesting lives in wondering why she would bother to stay onsurviving.現在總算被無常打掃得於乾淨凈了。At long lasteverything was wiped clean by the Messenger of Death.魂靈的有無,我不知道;I still wouldnot know whether soul existed or not.然而在現世,則無聊生者不生,即使厭見者不見,Yet in thislife, people who had no means to live on might as well die off so that otherswho detested the sight of them would not have to see` them again.為人為己,也還都不錯。This way itwould not be too bad for themselves and others.我靜聽著窗外似乎瑟瑟作響的雪花聲,一面想,I mused as Ilistened quietly to the seemingly rustling sounds of snowflakes outside thewindows.反而漸漸的舒暢起來。 Moreand more I felt relieved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------然而先前所見所聞的她的半生事迹的斷片,至此也聯成一片了。 Nonetheless the bits and pieces over half the lifetime ofSister Xianglin from what I heard in the past had integrated into one piece. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她不是魯鎮人。She was not aLu Village local.有一年的冬初,四叔家裡要換女工,做中人的衛老婆子帶她進來了,One year atthe beginning of winter Fourth Uncle wanted a replacement maid and Old Lady Wei,an employment agent, brought her in.頭上扎著白頭繩,烏裙,藍夾襖,月白背心,She worewhite strings on her head, a black skirt, a blue lined jacket, and a whitevest.年紀大約二十六七,Her age wasapproximately twenty-six to twenty-seven.臉色青黃,但兩頰卻還是紅的。Thecomplexion was bluish-yellow but her cheeks were rosy.衛老婆子叫她祥林嫂,說是自己母家的鄰舍,Old Lady Weicalled her Sister Xianglin and said she was a neighbor of her mother.死了當家人,所以出來做工了。Her husbandpassed away and so she came out to work.四叔皺了皺眉,Fourth Unclefrowned a little.四嬸已經知道了他的意思,Fourth Auntknew what he meant.是在討厭她是一個寡婦。Apparently hewas repulsed by Sister Xianglin』s statusas a widow.但是她模樣還周正,手腳都壯大,But shelooked decent and had strong hands and feet.又只是順著限,Also theduration of her employment could be adjusted to what she could do.不開一句口,很像一個安分耐勞的人,She kept hermouth shut and appeared to be a hard worker who would mind her own business.便不管四叔的皺眉,將她留下了。So FourthAunt ignored Fourth Uncle』s frowning and took her in.試工期內,她整天的做,似乎閑著就無聊,During thetrial period she worked all day as if she would be bored if she had nothing todo.又有力,簡直抵得過一個男子,She wasstrong and her strength could measure up to that of a man.所以第三天就定局,每月工錢五百文。 So onthe third day she was hired as a permanent staff at the rate of five hundredcoins a month. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------大家都叫她祥林嫂;Everybodycalled her Sister Xianglin.沒問她姓什麼,No one askedher for her family-name.但中人是衛家山人,既說是鄰居,那大概也就姓衛了。Theemployment agent was a Wei Clan Mountain person and since it was mentioned SisterXianglin was her neighbor, likely her surname was Wei as well.她不很愛說話,別人問了才回答,答的也不多。She didn』tseem to enjoy talking a lot and only responded with few words to what othersasked her.直到十幾天之後,這才陸續的知道她家裡還有嚴厲的婆婆,一個小叔子,十多歲,能打柴了;It was not untilafter ten days or so later that people knew she had at home a very hardheartedmother-in-law and a teenage brother-in-law who was old enough to harvestfirewood.她是春天沒了丈夫的;She lost herhusband in spring.他本來也打柴為生,比她小十歲:He also harvestedfirewood for a living and was ten years her junior.大家所知道的就只是這一點。 Thosewere all others knew about her.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------日子很快的過去了,Time passedquickly.她的做工卻毫沒有懈,食物不論,力氣是不惜的。She did notslack off at work, was not fuzzy on what she ate, and went all out in using hermuscles.人們都說魯四老爺家裡雇著了女工,實在比勤快的男人還勤快。People praisedLu Fourth Master for hiring a maid who worked harder and faster than man.到年底,掃塵,洗地,殺雞,宰鵝,徹夜的煮福禮,全是一人擔當,竟沒有添短工。At the end ofthe year, she took on all the work in dusting, floor-washing,chicken-slaughtering, geese-butchering, and all-night cooking of well-wishtribute dishes—without the help of additional casual worker.然而她反滿足,Yet she wassatisfied.口角邊漸漸的有了笑影,Slowly smilessneaked across her lips.臉上也白胖了。 Herface looked fairer and fuller. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------新年才過,她從河邊掏米回來時,忽而失了色,One day shortly after Chinese New Year, her face was pale when she cameback from washing rice in the river.說剛才遠遠地看見幾個男人在對岸徘徊,很像夫家的堂伯,恐怕是正在尋她而來的。She said just now she saw a few men wandering around on the oppositeshore of the river, and she was afraid they were cousins from the deceasedhusband』s family looking for her.四嬸很驚疑,Fourth Aunt was alarmed and baffled.打聽底細,她又不說。She asked for more details but Sister Xianglin refused to say more.四叔一知道,就皺一皺眉,道:When Fourth Uncle knew about it, he scowled and said: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「這不好。「This is notgood.恐怕她是逃出來的。」 I』mafraid she is a runaway.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她誠然是逃出來的,不多久,這推想就證實了。Indeed she escaped from her home, and this speculation was confirmed tobe true before long. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------此後大約十幾天,大家正已漸漸忘卻了先前的事,After tendays or so everyone gradually had forgotten about the previous incident.衛老婆子忽而帶了一個三十多歲的女人進來了,說那是詳林嫂的婆婆。Old Lady Weisuddenly came in with a lady thirty and somewhat years old who claimed to bethe mother-in-law of Sister Xianglin.那女人雖是山裡人模樣,然而應酬很從容,說話也能幹,Even thoughthe woman looked like she was from the mountain, yet she handled herself verywell in mannerism and conversation.寒暄之後,就賠罪,說她特來叫她的兒媳回家去,因為開春事務忙,而家中只有老的和小的,人手不夠了。 Afterexchanging greetings, she said apologetically that she specifically came toasked for her daughter-in-law』s return because at home, the old and young familymembers were not enough manpower to handle the busy workload during earlyspring.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「既是她的婆婆要她回去,那有什麼話可說呢。」四叔說。 FourthUncle said: 「Since her mother-in-law asked for her return, there is nothing wecould say.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------於是算清了工錢,一共一千七百五十文,她全存在主人家,一文也還沒有用,Her wagescalculated at one-thousand-seven-hundred-and-fifty coins were left with heremployer and she did not spend any of it.便都交給她的婆婆。那女人又取了衣服,道過謝,出去了。The money wasgiven to the mother-in-law. She also took all the clothes and left after shesaid thanks.其時已經是正午。 It wasaround noon at that time.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿呀,米呢?「Oh, where isrice?祥林嫂不是去淘米的么?……」好一會,四嬸這才驚叫起來。Didn』t SisterXianglin went to wash rice?」 Fourth Aunt said with an upset tone after sometime had passed.她大約有些餓,記得午飯了。Likelyshe got a bit hungry and that reminded her of lunch.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------於是大家分頭尋淘籮。So everybody spread out to locate the rice-washing basket.她先到廚下,次到堂前,後到卧房,Fourth Aunt first went to the kitchen, then to the hall front, andfinally to the bedroom.全不見掏籮的影子。The basket was nowhere to be found.四叔踱出門外,也不見,Fourth Uncle went outside of the door and saw nothing.一直到河邊,才見平平正正的放在岸上,旁邊還有一株菜。 He walked all the way to the riverside and saw the basketlying tidily on shore with a stem of vegetable by its side.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------看見的人報告說,河裡面上午就泊了一隻白篷船,Someone whosaw the whole thing recounted a boat with white canopy was moored in the riverearly that afternoon.篷是全蓋起來的,不知道什麼人在裡面,The canopycovered up the entire cabin of the boat and no one could see who was inside.但事前也沒有人去理會他。But then noone was paying attention to it before things happened.待到祥林嫂出來掏米,剛剛要跪下去,那船里便突然跳出兩個男人來,像是山裡人,When SisterXianglin came out to wash rice and was about to drop to her knees, suddenly twomen who looked like mountain folks jumped out from the boat.一個抱住她,一個幫著,One mangrabbed her and the other was providing help.拖進船去了。They draggedher into the boat.樣林嫂還哭喊了幾聲,此後便再沒有什麼聲息,大約給用什麼堵住了罷。At thebeginning Sister Xianglin gave out a few wailing cries, but afterwards thesounds went dead possibly her mouth was muffled.接著就走上兩個女人來,Then twowomen came along.一個不認識,一個就是衛婆於。One was anunfamiliar face and the other was Old Lady Wei.窺探艙里,They peekedinside the cabin.不很分明,她像是捆了躺在船板上。 It wasnot too clear but it seemed Sister Xianglin was tied up and laid on the cabin floor.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「可惡!然而……。」四叔說。「Damn it, but then…,」 said Fourth Uncle. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------這一天是四嬸自己煮中飯;他們的兒子阿牛燒火。On this day Fourth Aunt cooked lunch herself, and their son Ah Niu handledthe fire for cooking. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------午飯之後,衛老婆子又來了。 Afterlunch, Old Lady Wei came again.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「可惡!」四叔說。 「Damn it!」 said Fourth Uncle.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「你是什麼意思?虧你還會再來見我們。」四嬸洗著碗,一見面就憤憤的說,「What』s themeaning of all these? I』m surprised you would show your face here again here,」said Fourth Aunt angrily as she was washing the dishes.「你自己薦她來,又合夥劫她去,「Yourecommended her to come here to work, and then you ganged up with some people tokidnapped her away.鬧得沸反盈天的,大家看了成個什麼樣子?Everythingwas turned upside down and what would people say when they see all these?你拿我們家裡開玩笑么?」 Areyou making a fool of our entire family?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿呀阿呀,我真上當。「Oh no, I wasreally tricked.我這回,就是為此特地來說說清楚的。This time I comehere specially to explain all these.她來求我薦地方,我那裡料得到是瞞著她的婆婆的呢。She came tome for my recommendation to find her a job and how could I possibly know shedid it behind her mother-in-law』s back.對不起,四老爺,四太太。I am terriblysorry, Master Fourth and Lady Fourth.總是我老發昏不小心,對不起主顧。I lost mysense of discretion at my old age and did something regretful to my client.幸而府上是向來寬洪大量,不肯和小人計較的。Luckily yourfamily is always forgiving and do not make a mental note of mistakes by little oldme.這回我一定薦一個好的來折罪……。」 This time I definitely will find someone goodto make up for the mistake.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「然而……。」四叔說。 「Nevertheless…」said Fourth Uncle.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------於是祥林嫂事件便告終結,不久也就忘卻了。 So SisterXianglin』s episode came to an end and was forgotten after a short time.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------只有四嫂,因為後來僱用的女工,大抵非懶即饞,或者饞而且懶,左右不如意,所以也還提起祥林嫂。Only FourthAunt did not put Sister Xianglin out of her mind. It was because every maid whowas hired afterwards was either indolent or voracious, or both. None of them wasup to par and so Sister Xianglin was always mentioned.每當這些時候,她往往自言自語的說,「她現在不知道怎麼佯了?」At each of thosedisgruntled incident, Fourth Aunt would mumble to herself, 「I wonder how she isdoing right now?」意思是希望她再來。What thatmeant was she was hoping she would come back again.但到第二年的新正,她也就絕瞭望。 Butwhen there was no sign of her by the first month of the next lunar year, shegave up hope completely. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------新正將盡,衛老婆子來拜年了,已經喝得醉醺醺的,When thefirst lunar month was about over, an intoxicated Old Lady Wei came to extendNew Year greetings.自說因為回了一趟衛家山的娘家,住下幾天,所以來得遲了。She said shewent back to stay for a few days at her mother』s home at Wei Clan Mountain andthat was why she was late in coming over to visit.她們問答之間,自然就談到祥林嫂。 Naturallytheir conversation touched on Sister Xianglin.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「她么?」衛若婆子高興的說,「現在是交了好運了。「In her case,」Old Lady Wei said excitedly, 「she lucks out (3) right now.她婆婆來抓她回去的時候,是早已許給了賀家坳的貿老六的,When hermother-in-law grabbed her and took her back, she had already been earmarked tobe married to the sixth son of the Mao family in He Clan Plateau.所以回家之後不幾天,也就裝在花轎里抬去了。」 So in afew days after arriving home, she was carried away in a bridal sedan chair.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿呀,這樣的婆婆!……」四嬸驚奇的說。「Oh my, what kind of mother-in-law is that!」 Fourth Aunt said inamazement. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿呀,我的太太!你真是大戶人家的太太的話。「Oh my lady! You really are housewife from a big family.我們山裡人,小戶人家,這算得什麼?For mountain people from small families like us, these things happen allthe time.她有小叔子,也得娶老婆。She has a younger brother-in-law who needed to get himself a wife.不嫁了她,那有這一注錢來做聘禮?If she was not married off, how could he get money for dowry?他的婆婆倒是精明強幹的女人呵,Her mother-in-law is a smart and tough woman.很有打算,所以就將地嫁到里山去。She knows how to make plans and so she married Xianglin to a family inthe mountain.倘許給本村人,財禮就不多;If she were to be married to someone local in the village, the giftwould not be much.惟獨肯嫁進深山野坳里去的女人少,所以她就到手了八十千。It only happened that women who were willing to be married into themountain were few and so she was able to obtain eighty thousand coins.現在第二個兒子的媳婦也娶進了,財禮花了五十,Now a daughter-in-law was married to the second son and she only costfifty thousand coins in gift money.除去辦喜事的費用,還剩十多千。After paying expenses for the happy event, there were still ten thousandcoins and change left over.嚇,你看,這多麼好打算?……」 You see, that』s knowing your math, isn』t it?」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂竟肯依?……」 「Did SisterXianglin willingly go along with it?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「這有什麼依不依。「She had nosay in whether to go along or not.——鬧是誰也總要鬧一鬧的,Of course shemade a fuss over it.只要用繩子一捆,塞在花轎里,抬到男家,捺上花冠,拜堂,關上房門,All it took wasfor someone to tie her up with a rope, stuff her into a bridal sedan chair,carry her to the bridegroom』s home, put a floral crown on her head, lead herthrough the wedding ceremony, and close the bedroom door.就完事了。That would bethe end of it.可是詳林嫂真出格,But SisterXianglin was really out of line.聽說那時實在鬧得利害,I heard shecaused a huge commotion.大家還都說大約因為在念書人家做過事,所以與眾不同呢。Some peoplesaid that was because she worked for an educated family before and so she wasnot like everyone else.太太,我們見得多了:Madam, I haveseen it all.回頭人出嫁,哭喊的也有,說要尋死覓活的也有,抬到男家鬧得拜不成天地的也有,連花燭都砸了的也有。In the casesof widows remarrying, some cried their eyes out, some threatened to killthemselves, some went so crazy after they were carried to bridegrooms』 homes thatwedding ceremonies could not be carried out, and some even destroyed weddingcandles.樣林嫂可是異乎尋常,SisterXianglin was exceedingly out of the ordinary.他們說她一路只是嚎,罵,They said onthe way all she did was wailing and swearing.抬到賀家坳,喉嚨已經全啞了。When theycarried her to He Clan Plateau her voice was cracked.拉出轎來,兩個男人和她的小叔子使勁的捺住她也還拜不成夭地。After theypulled her out of the sedan chair, the collective strength of two men and heryounger brother-in-law could not make her go through the marriage rituals.他們一不小心,一鬆手,阿呀,阿彌陀佛,她就一頭撞在香案角上,頭上碰了一個大窟窿,鮮血直流,In a slip-upthey let go of her, and, oh my God, she rammed her head on the corner of the incense burner table and opened upan enormous wound with blood spurting out.用了兩把香灰,包上兩塊紅布還止不住血呢。Two handfulsof incense ashes in two pieces of red cloth wrapped around the wound could notstop the bleeding.直到七手八腳的將她和男人反關在新房裡,還是罵,阿呀呀,這真是……。」她搖一搖頭,She continuedto scream hell even after a bunch of people scrambled to lock the door fromoutside to keep her and her husband in the wedding bedroom. Oh, that was reallyunreal,」 she said as she shook her head.順下眼睛,不說了。 Thenshe looked down and stopped talking. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「後來怎麼樣呢?」四婢還問。 「Whathappened afterwards?」 asked Fourth Aunt.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「聽說第二天也沒有起來。」她抬起眼來說。「I heard she didn』t get up on the next day,」 she said as she looked backup. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「後來呢?」 「Andthen what happened afterwards?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「後來?——起來了。「Afterwards she got up.她到年底就生了一個孩子,She gave birth to a child by the end of the year.男的,新年就兩歲了。It was a boy and he will be two years old by New Year.我在娘家這幾天,就有人到賀家坳去,回來說看見他們娘兒倆,During the few days I was at my mother』s place, someone went to He ClanPlateau and when he came back, he said he saw the mother and son.母親也胖,兒子也胖;Both of them put on weight.上頭又沒有婆婆,男人所有的是力氣,會做活;She does not have a mother-in-law to boss her around and the husband isstrong and capable in making a living.房子是自家的。The house belongs to themselves.——唉唉,她真是交了好運了。」Oh, she really has struck it lucky.」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------從此之後,四嬸也就不再提起祥林嫂。From then on, Fourth Aunt no longer mentioned Sister Xianglin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------但有一年的秋季,大約是得到祥林嫂好運的消息之後的又過了兩個新年,她竟又站在四叔家的堂前了。But one dayin autumn, which was approximately two Chinese New Year time after we heard thegood news about Sister Xianglin, surprisingly she showed up in front of thehall of Fourth Uncle.桌上放著一個荸薺式的圓籃,檐下一個小鋪蓋。On the tablewas a water-chestnut-shaped round basket lined with a small blanket below thebrim.她仍然頭上扎著白頭繩,烏裙,藍夾祆,月白背心,She stillwore white strings on her head, a black skirt, a blue lined jacket and a whitevest.臉色青黃,只是兩頰上已經消失了血色,Hercomplexion was bluish-yellow except the rosy color had disappeared from hercheeks.順著眼,眼角上帶些淚痕,She waslooking downward and there were traces of tears at corners of her eyes.眼光也沒有先前那樣精神了。Her eyes werenot as spirited as before.而且仍然是衛老婆子領著,She was stillled in by Old Lady Wei.顯出慈悲模樣,絮絮的對四嬸說: With amerciful expression, Wei said to Fourth Aunt: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「……這實在是叫作『天有不測風雲』,「This is whatyou call 『disaster strikes when it』s least expected』.她的男人是堅實人,誰知道年紀青青,就會斷送在傷寒上?Her husbandwas a solid healthy person and who knew at such a young age he would die oftyphoid fever?本來已經好了的,吃了一碗冷飯,複發了。Initially hehad fully recovered but then the virus flared up again after he ate a bowl ofcold rice.幸虧有兒子;Fortunatelyshe had a son.她又能做,打柴摘茶養蠶都來得,She was ahard worker and could manage to chop firewood, pick tea-leaves and raisesilkworms.本來還可以守著,誰知道那孩子又會給狼銜去的呢?At first shewas able to hang on but then the little child was taken away by a wolf.春天快完了,村上倒反來了狼,誰料到?Spring wasalmost over, and who would have guessed wolves unexpectedly came to thevillage?現在她只剩了一個光身了。Now she isall alone.大伯來收屋,又趕她。The eldestbrother-in-law came to take the house back and kicked her out.她真是走投無路了,只好來求老主人。She has runout of place to go and so she has no choice but to seek help from Old Master.好在她現在已經再沒有什麼牽掛,Now she hasno emotional baggage.太太家裡又凄巧要換人,所以我就領她來。——Coincidentallymadam』s household needs a replacement worker and so I am bringing her over.我想,熟門熟路,比生手實在好得多……。」 Ithink an old hand in fact is preferred over a new worker.」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我真傻,真的,」祥林嫂抬起她沒有神採的眼睛來,接著說。「我單知道下雪的時候野獸在山坳里沒有食吃,會到村裡來;「I was really foolish, really,」 Sister Xianglin raised her lacklustereyes and continued to say, 「and I only knew on snowy days animals could notfind food in the col and so they would come to the village.我不知道春天也會有。I did not know they would come in spring as well.我一清早起來就開了門,拿小籃盛了一籃豆,Early that morning I opened the door and filled a small basket with beans.叫我們的阿毛坐在門檻上剝豆去。I asked our Little Mao to sit on the threshold and peel the beans.他是很聽話的,我的話句句聽;He was a really obedient kid and listened to every word I said.他出去了。Then he went out.我就在屋後劈柴,掏米,I went to chop wood and wash rice at the back of the house.米下了鍋,要蒸豆。After putting rice in a pot, I was getting ready to steam the beans.我叫阿毛,沒有應,I called for Little Mao but there was no answer.出去口看,只見豆撒得一地,I went out to look and saw the beans were scattered all over on theground.沒有我們的阿毛了。Our Little Mao was nowhere in sight.他是不到別家去玩的;He would not go to play at other people』s house.各處去一問,果然沒有。I asked around and as expected, he did not went to any of their places.我急了,央人出去尋。I got anxious and begged people to go out to search around.直到下半天,尋來尋去尋到山坳里,看見刺柴上桂著一隻他的小鞋。It was not until later in the day that several people』s search ended upat the col and they came upon his little shoe hanging on a thorny shrub.大家都說,糟了,怕是遭了狼了。All of them said that spelled trouble and they were afraid he ran intowolves.再進去;他果然躺在草窠里,They went further and found he was indeed lying in a nest of grass.肚裡的五臟已經都給吃空了,手上還緊緊的捏著那隻小籃呢。……」她接著但是嗚咽,說不出成句的話來。 His guts were emptied out as wolf』s food and his little handwas still holding tightly onto the little basket…,」 she continued to speak buthad difficulties saying a whole sentence in whimper. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------四嬸起刻還躊躊,At first,Fourth Aunt was still unsure.待到聽完她自己的話,眼圈就有些紅了。After hearingSister Xianglin』s story about herself, her eyes turned somewhat red with tears.她想了一想,便教拿圓籃和鋪蓋到下房去。She thought abit and then instructed Sister Xianglin to take the round basket and bedding toa servant』s room.衛老婆子彷彿卸了一肩重相似的噓一口氣,Old Lady Weiseemed like she had unloaded a heavy burden and sighed a breath of relief.祥林嫂比初來時候神氣舒暢些,SisterXianglin was more relaxed as compared to what she was like when she first came.不待指引,自己馴熟的安放了鋪蓋。Withoutfurther directions, she deftly spread the bedding in her room.她從此又在魯鎮做女工了 ,大家仍然叫她祥林嫂。 Fromthen on, she worked as a maid in Lu Village again and all the people stillcalled her Sister Xianglin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------然而這一回,她的境遇卻改變得非常大。But this time around Sister Xianglin』s conditions changed a great deal.上工之後的兩三天,主人們就覺得她手腳已沒有先前一樣靈活,Two or three days after she started work, her masters felt she was notas nifty as before in carrying out her duties.記性也壞得多,Her memory deteriorated a lot.死屍似的臉上又整日沒有笑影,There was not a vestige of smile in her corpse-like face all day long.四嬸的口氣上,已頗有些不滿了。There was discontentment towards her from the way Fourth Aunt talked.當她初到的時候,四叔雖然照例皺過眉,When she first arrived, Fourth Uncle as a matter of course frowned alittle.但鑒於向來僱用女工之難,也就並不大反對,But in light of difficulties in hiring a good maid, he did notvehemently object.只是暗暗地告誡四姑說,這種人雖然似乎很可憐,但是敗壞風俗的,Privately he told Fourth Aunt that although the type of person like herseemed pitiful, yet what she experienced undermined decent family values.用她幫忙還可以,Asking her to do general chores was fine.祭祀時候可用不著她沾手,一切飯萊,只好自已做,否則,不乾不淨,祖宗是不吃的。But it would be inappropriate to get an ill-fated person like her to be involvedin homage rituals, particularly in the preparation of meals offerings. Familymembers should do the cooking themselves since the spirits of ancestors wouldnot enjoy contaminated food. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------四叔家裡最重大的事件是祭祀,The biggestevent in Fourth Uncle』s family in a year was paying homage through offering.祥林嫂先前最忙的時候也就是祭祀,這回她卻清閑了。Before, thatwas the busiest period for Sister Xianglin, but now it was a slow time for her.桌子放在堂中央,繫上桌幃,她還記得照舊的去分配酒杯和筷子。 Whenthe table was placed in the middle of the hall with curtains draped around it,she still remembered she should set it with wine cups and chopsticks as before. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,你放著罷!我來擺。」四嬸慌忙的說。 「SisterXianglin, put them down and let me set them,」 Fourth Aunt said hastily. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她訕訕的縮了手,又去取燭台。 Sheawkwardly took back her hands and went to pick up the candle holders.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,你放著罷!我來拿。」四嬸又慌忙的說。 「SisterXianglin, put them down and let me take care of them,」 again Fourth Aunt saidhurriedly.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她轉了幾個圓圈,終於沒有事情做,She walkedaround a few times and finally found nothing to do.只得疑惑的走開。So she walkedaway in bewilderment.她在這一天可做的事是不過坐在灶下燒火。 On thatday, all she was permitted to do was to stoke the stove.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------鎮上的人們也仍然叫她祥林嫂,但音調和先前很不同;People in town still called her Sister Xianglin but the tone was verydifferent from before.也還和她講話,但笑容卻冷冷的了。They still talked to her but their smiles were ice-cold.她全不理會那些事,只是直著眼睛,和大家講她自己日夜不忘的故事:She ignored all those things and only stared straight ahead and told peoplethe story that haunted her day and night:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我真傻,真的,」她說,「我單知道雪天是野獸在深山裡沒有食吃,會到村裡來;「I was really foolish, really, really,」 she said, 「and I only knew onsnowy days animals could not find food deep in the mountains and so they wouldcome to the village.我不知道春天也會有。I did not know they would come in spring as well.我一大早起來就開了門,拿小籃盛了一籃豆,Early that morning I opened the door and filled a small basket withbeans.叫我們的阿毛坐在門檻上剝豆去。I asked our Little Mao to sit on the threshold and peel the beans.他是很聽話的孩子,我的話句句聽;He was a really obedient kid and listened to every word I said.他就出去了。Then he went out.我就在屋後劈柴,淘米,I went to chop wood and wash rice at the back of the house.米下了鍋,打算蒸豆。After putting rice in the pot, I was getting ready to steam the beans.我叫,『阿毛!』沒有應。I called out: 「Little Mao!」 but there was no answer.出去一看,只見豆撒得滿地,I went out to look and saw the beans were scattered all over on theground.沒有我們的阿毛了。Our Little Mao was nowhere in sight.各處去一向,都沒有。I asked around and nothing came up.我急了,央人去尋去。I got anxious and begged people to search around.直到下半天,幾個人尋到山坳里,看見刺柴上掛著一隻他的小鞋。It was not until later in the day that several people』s search ended upat the col and they came upon his little shoe hanging on a thorny shrub.大家都說,完了,怕是遭了狼了;All of them said that spelled trouble and they were afraid he ran intowolves.再進去;果然,他躺在草窠里,They went further and found he was indeed lying in a nest of grass.肚裡的五臟已經都給吃空了,可憐他手裡還緊緊的捏著那隻小籃呢。……」她於是淌下眼淚來,聲音也嗚咽了。His guts were emptied out as wolf』s food and his poor little hand wasstill holding tightly onto the little basket…,」 she was in tears as she spokeand her voice was whimpering. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------這故事倒頗有效,The story hadgreat effects.男人聽到這裡,往往斂起笑容,沒趣的走了開去;When menlistened to this point, they would wipe the smiles off their faces and lookturned off as they walked away.女人們卻不獨寬恕了她似的,臉上立刻改換了鄙薄的神氣,還要陪出許多眼淚來。Womenseemingly not only forgave her, but they would also drop their disdainfulexpressions and shed plenty of compassionate tears.有些老女人沒有在街頭聽到她的話,便特意尋來,Some oldwomen who did not hear what she said on the street would take a special trip tolook her up.要聽她這一段悲慘的故事。They would askto hear her sobbing story.直到她說到嗚咽,她們也就一齊流下那停在眼角上的眼淚,When shestarted whimpering as she spoke, they would all shed those tears which stayedat the corner of their eyes.嘆息一番,滿足的去了,一面還紛紛的評論著。 Then theywould sigh a bit and leave fully satisfied amid making varying comments. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她就只是反覆的向人說她悲慘的故事,All she did regularlywas telling her heartrending story to others repeatedly.常常引住了三五個人來聽她。Often shewould attract three to five people in the audience.但不久,大家也都聽得純熟了,But soon theywere thoroughly familiar with the story after repetitive listening.便是最慈悲的念佛的老太太們,眼裡也再不見有一點淚的痕迹。Even for themost sympathetic Buddhist old ladies, not a trace of tears could be found in theireyes anymore.後來全鎮的人們幾乎都能背誦她的話,一聽到就煩厭得頭痛。 Laterall the people in town could practically reel off her story, and sound of herstory could vexingly cause a splitting headache.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我真傻,真的,」她開首說。 「I wasreally foolish, really.」 she started the opening dialogue.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「是的,你是單知道雪天野獸在深山裡沒有食吃,才會到村裡來的。」他們立即打斷她的話,走開去了。 「Yes, you only knew on snowy days animals could not findfood deep in the mountains and so they would come to the village,」 people interruptedher dialogue and then walked away.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她張著口怔怔的站著,直著眼睛看他們,She stood there in a daze with her mouth open and her eyes staring atthem.接著也就走了,似乎自己也覺得沒趣。Then she walked away as well as if she knew she had been snubbed.但她還妄想,希圖從別的事,如小籃,豆,別人的孩子上,引出她的阿毛的故事來。But she still had the vain hope that other things, such as littlebasket, beans, and other kids, could lead to her Little Mao story.倘一看見兩三歲的小孩子,她就說:In the event she saw a two to three year old little child, she wouldsay: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「唉唉,我們的阿毛如果還在,也就有這麼大了……」 「Oh,if our Little Mao is still alive, he would be this old…」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------孩子看見她的眼光就吃驚,A kid wouldbe startled by her stare.牽著母親的衣襟催她走。He would tugat his mother』s front lappet and urge her to leave.於是又只剩下她一個,終於沒趣的也走了,So she wouldbe left behind all alone by herself and walked away at the brushoff.後來大家又都知道了她的脾氣,Later peopleknew her behavior.只要有孩子在眼前,便似笑非笑的先問她,道: Solong as there was a child at hand, they would jump ahead and ask herhalf-jokingly: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,你們的阿毛如果還在,不是也就有這麼大了么?」 「SisterXianglin, if your Little Mao is still alive, wouldn』t he be about this big?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她未必知道她的悲哀經大家咀嚼賞鑒了許多天,早已成為渣滓,只值得煩厭和唾棄;She might notbe aware that having been digested and relished for many days by people, hergrief had long become an uninteresting dreg that stood as a source of annoyanceand disdain.但從人們的笑影上,也彷彿覺得這又冷又尖,自己再沒有開口的必要了。However, shecould feel the scorn and pinch of people』s laughter, and she knew there was noneed to open her mouth.她單是一瞥他們,並不回答一句話。 So shewould give them a dirty look and ignore their questions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------魯鎮永遠是過新年,Lu Villagewas always about Chinese New Year.臘月二十以後就火起來了。After thetwentieth day of the twelve lunar month, the kitchen got busy with the cooking.四叔家裡這回須雇男短工,還是忙不過來,This timeFourth Uncle』s household hired a needed male casual worker and yet the workloadwas too busy to handle.另叫柳媽做幫手,殺雞,宰鵝;They askedfor the assistance of Mama Liu to slaughter chicken and geese.然而柳媽是善女人,However, MamaLiu was a kindhearted woman.吃素,不殺生的,只肯洗器皿。She was avegetarian who would not kill and would only wash household containers.祥林嫂除燒火之外,沒有別的事,卻閑著了,Other than stokingthe stove, Sister Xianglin had nothing else to do.坐著只看柳媽洗器皿。So she sataround and watch Mama Liu wash containers.微雪點點的下來了。 Tinysnowflakes were falling down. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「唉唉,我真傻,」祥林嫂看了天空,嘆息著,獨語似的說。 「Oh, Iwas really foolish,」 Sister Xianglin sighed as she looked up the sky as if shewas reciting a monologue. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,你又來了。」柳媽不耐煩的看著她的臉,說。「我問你:「SisterXianglin, here you go again,」 Mama Liu looked at her face impatiently and said,「and let me ask you a question.你額角上的傷痕,不就是那時撞壞的么?」 Isn』tthe scar on your forehead caused by a ramming mishap at that time?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「晤晤。」她含胡的回答。 「Ohwell,」 she mumbled in her reply.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我問你:你那時怎麼後來竟依了呢?」 「Letme ask you why you went along afterwards?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我么?……」, 「Areyou talking about me?」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「你呀。我想:這總是你自己願意了,不然……。」 「Yes,I』m talking about you! I think you went along willingly, otherwise….」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿阿,你不知道他力氣多麼大呀。」 「Well,you don』t know how strong he was.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我不信。「I don』tbelieve you.我不信你這麼大的力氣,真會拗他不過。I don』tbelieve with your great strength you were not able to win the wrestling matchagainst him.你後來一定是自己肯了,倒推說他力氣大。」 Youhad to give the nod afterwards and then turned around to claim his greatstrength as an excuse.」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「阿阿,你……你倒自己試試著。」她笑了。 「Well,why don』t you try yourself,」 she laughed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------柳媽的打皺的臉也笑起來,使她蹙縮得像一個核桃,Mama Liu』swrinkled face cracked up as well and it was shrunken to the like of a walnut.乾枯的小眼睛一看祥林嫂的額角,又釘住她的眼。Hershrivelled little eyes took a glance at Sister Xianglin』s forehead and thenlooked straight into her eyes.祥林嫂似很局促了,立刻斂了笑容,SisterXianglin felt uneasy and stopped smiling.旋轉眼光,自去看雪花。 Sheturned direction of her sight to the snowflakes.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,你實在不合算。」柳媽詭秘的說。「SisterXianglin, that didn』t add up for you,」 Mama Liu said secretively,「再一強,或者索性撞一個死,就好了。「It would havebeen better if you put up a greater fight, or alternatively you should simplykill yourself by smashing your head against the wall.現在呢,你和你的第二個男人過活不到兩年,倒落了一件大罪名。Now your lifewith the second man did not last for two years and you have been tagged with aserious sin.你想,Think of it thisway.你將來到陰司去,那兩個死鬼的男人還要爭,你給了誰好呢?When you goto the netherworld in the future and the two dead men still want to fight overyou, then whom should you belong to?閻羅大王只好把你鋸開來,分給他們。Yama King ofUnderworld could saw you into halves to be shared among them.我想,這真是……」 I think,that really is…」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她臉上就顯出恐怖的神色來,這是在山村裡所未曾知道的。 Fearemerged on her face since that was something she was not aware of in themountain village.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「我想,你不如及早抵當。「I think youshould make amends while it』s still early.你到土地廟裡去捐一條門檻,當作你的替身,給千人踏,萬人跨,You should goto the Local Land God Temple to donate a door sill as your own substitute to be stepped on by thousands andstraddled over by tens of thousands.贖了這一世的罪名,免得死了去受苦。」 Thisway you can redeem your sins in this lifetime to avoid sufferings after death.」-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她當時並不回答什麼話,但大約非常苦悶了,She didn』tsay anything in response possibly likely because she was very depressed at thetime.第二天早上起來的時候,兩眼上便都圍著大黑圈。The nextmorning she woke up with two black eyes.早飯之後,她便到鎮的西頭的土地廟裡去求捐門檻,Afterbreakfast, she went to the Local Land God Temple at the west side of town tooffer donation of a door sill.廟祝起初執意不允許,At firstthe temple attendant stubbornly refused.直到她急得流淚,才勉強答應了。It was notuntil she anxiously broke out in tears that he reluctantly accepted her offer.價目是大錢十二千。The price wastwelve thousand coins.她久已不和人們交口,因為阿毛的故事是早被大家厭棄了的;She had notconversed with others for a long time because people had been tired oflistening to the Little Mao story.但自從和柳媽談了天,似乎又即傳揚開去,許多人都發生了新趣味,But since thechitchat with Mama Liu, it seemed contents of their conversation were goingaround and triggering new interest.又來逗她說話了。至於題目,那自然是換了一個新樣,專在她額上的傷疤。 Peoplecame to initiate a conversation with her, and of course the topic was a new onefocusing on the scar of her forehead. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂,我問你:你那時怎麼竟肯了?」一個說。 「SisterXianglin, let me ask you why you would go along at that time?」 one personasked.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「唉,可惜,白撞了這-下。」一個看著她的疤,應和道。 「Oh,what a pity, you banged your forehead for nothing,」 another person looked ather scar and went along with the line of conversation of the first individual.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她大約從他們的笑容和聲調上,也知道是在嘲笑她,She likelyknew from their smiles and tones that they were jeering at her.所以總是瞪著眼睛,不說一句話,So she alwaysopened her eyes wide and did not utter a word.後來連頭也不回了。Afterwardsshe wouldn』t even turn her head around to look.她整日緊閉了嘴唇,頭上帶著大家以為恥辱的記號的那傷痕,All day longshe kept her mouth shut and carried on her head the scar which was the sourceof her embarrassment.默默的跑街,掃地,洗萊,淘米。In silenceshe ran errands, swept floor, washed turnips, and rinsed rice.快夠一年,她才從四嬸手裡支取了歷來積存的工錢,換算了十二元鷹洋,After almosta year, she took the wages saved up during all these times from the hands ofFourth Aunt and exchanged the coins into twelve Eagle Silver Dollars.請假到鎮的西頭去。Then she tooka leave to go to the west side of town.但不到一頓飯時候,她便回來,神氣很舒暢,眼光也分外有神,Within ashort period of time she came back looking relieved with twinkles in her eyes.高興似的對四嬸說,自己已經在土地廟捐了門檻了。 Shetold Fourth Aunt happily that she had already donated a door sill to the LocalLand God Temple. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------冬至的祭祖時節,她做得更出力,During thewinter festival in paying homage to ancestors, Sister Xianglin put out moreefforts at her work.看四嬸裝好祭品,和阿牛將桌子抬到堂屋中央,She watchedas Fourth Aunt put together the offerings and moved the table with Ah Niu tothe center of the hall.她便坦然的去拿酒杯和筷子。 SisterXianglin then without hesitation went straight over to pick up the wine cupsand chopsticks.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「你放著罷,祥林嫂!」四嬸慌忙大聲說。 「Putthem down, Sister Xianglin!」 Fourth Aunt said loudly in panic.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她像是受了炮烙似的縮手,SisterXianglin jerked back her hands as if they were burned by a red-hot iron.臉色同時變作灰黑,也不再去取燭台,Her faceturned blackish gray and she no longer went to grab the candleholder.只是失神的站著。She onlystood there staring into blanks.直到四叔上香的時候,教她走開,她才走開。It was notuntil Fourth Uncle went to put up incense and asked her to step aside that shemoved out of the way.這一回她的變化非常大,The effect onher this time around was immense.第二天,不但眼睛窈陷下去,連精神也更不濟了。Next day notonly that her eyes was noticeably sunken, her spirits were also crushed.而且很膽怯, She becamevery timid.不獨怕暗夜,怕黑影,即使看見人,雖是自己的主人,也總惴惴的,有如在白天出穴遊行的小鼠,Not only thatshe was afraid of dark nights and shadows, she also trembled in fear at sightof people including her own masters, as if she were a little mouse wanderingoutside of its hole in bright daylight.否則呆坐著,直是一個木偶人。Otherwise shewould sit around motionless and practically become a wooden puppet.不半年,頭髮也花白起來了,記性尤其壞,甚而至於常常忘卻了去掏米。 Lessthan half-a-year, her hair turned completely gray and her memory worsened somuch that often she forgot to wash rice.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------「祥林嫂怎麼這樣了?「Why isSister Xianglin behaving like this? 倒不如那時不留她。」四嬸有時當面就這樣說,似乎是警告她。 Maybewe shouldn』t have asked her to stay at that time,」 said Fourth Aunt sometimesin Sister Xianglin』s face as if such was a warning. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------然而她總如此,全不見有伶俐起來的希望。Yet SisterXianglin remained like that and there was no hope she would ever smarten up.他們於是想打發她走了,教她回到衛老婆於那裡去。So the familywanted to send her away back to Old Lady Wei』s place.但當我還在魯鎮的時候,不過單是這樣說;All thesewere only street rumors when I was still staying in Lu Village.看現在的情狀,可見後來終於實行了。Judging fromthe present situation, it was apparent all those rumors actually happened.然而她是從四叔家出去就成了乞丐的呢,還是先到衛老婆子家然後再成乞丐的呢?那我可不知道。 Butwhether she became a panhandler right after she left Fourth Uncle』s family or aftershe went to Old Lady Wei』s place, I would not know. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我給那些因為在近旁而極響的爆竹聲驚醒,看見豆一般大的黃色的燈火光,I was wokenup by the booming loud noise of firecrackers nearby, and saw yellow pea-sizedlamp lights.接著又聽得畢畢剝剝的鞭炮,Then I heardcrackling firecracker sounds.是四叔家正在「祝福」了;All these activitiescame from Fourth Uncle』s house where he was conducting 「well-wish」 ceremonies.知道已是五更將近時候。I knew it wasshortly before dawn.我在朦朧中,又隱約聽到遠處的爆竹聲聯綿不斷,In all thehaziness I vaguely heard the uninterrupted sounds of distant firecrackers.似乎合成一天音響的濃雲,Seeminglythese sounds were integrated into a thick cloud of noises that filled the sky.夾著團團飛舞的雪花,擁抱了全市鎮。The sounds,together with twirling snowflakes, were embracing the entire town.我在這繁響的擁抱中,也懶散而且舒適,In the cuddleof all these bustling noises, I felt lethargic and cozy.從白天以至初夜的疑慮,全給祝福的空氣一掃而空了,All mypersonal misgivings earlier from daytime to early evening were swept away bythe well-wishing atmosphere.只覺得天地聖眾歆享了牲醴和香煙,都醉醺醺的在空中蹣跚,豫備給魯鎮的人們以無限的幸福。I felt the supernaturalbeings, after enjoying the wine/livestock offerings and incense smoke, werestaggering around the sky in inebriation and preparing to give people in LuVillage boundless happiness. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------附註:
(1) 「splitting hairs」
The idiom 「splitting hairs」 means arguing over trivial and inconsequentialmatters. Notice the word 「hairs」 is in plural form and not singular.(2) 「pawn」
The word 「pawn」 here means somebody whowas taken advantage of by another person.(3) 「luck out」
「Luck out」 is a very common expression. You may think 「luck out」 means bad luck happens. No, on the contrary it actually means lucky enough to succeed by chance.推薦閱讀: