

The foreign teacher in China

First of all ,why i write this article ? why should the reader believe what i said ?

I write this out of interest, i work in a state -owned enterprise currently, i have plenty of leisure time to squander .why you should believe what i said ,because i use to work in English training center,different ones .i just write what i notice ,what i get from there.

We have four kinds of foreign teacher in the training centre,Firstly ,the white one ,secondly ,the black one ,then come to the yellow one .the last one is the one from the Russia.why should i take Russia as one category? You will see.

In China,maybe in the world we have a saying ,customer is the god ,and we have a song called god is a girl, so we can infer that all the customer is girl ,lady ,maybe in other field is not true ,but in the training center ,it is 90 percent right. I see that the mom is always the one come for inquiry,with or without the kids.

For the moms,we have 4 type ,come here for learning themselves,come here for kids,come here for killing time and pretend to study English, the last one ,it contains moral issue ,they come here for seeking sexually partner.

The moms think the white foreigner is the best teacher for kids ,especially the cute ones .i always heard the mom says this white teacher is so cute ,i want this teacher to be my boy friend ,no ,kid』s teacher. I am wondering they come for looking teachers for the kid ,why the mom should make the decision,and just based on the appearance not the teaching skill ,i do not think whether the teacher is cute or not is related to the teaching skill.

The training center always claim these white teacher are all from the English standard countries like USA,Canada,England, but the truth is they are come from the other country,and with strong accent. I am not saying the other country is not as good as USA,Canada, I just want release the facts.For the black teacher they do the same thing ,no matter where are you come from ,the moms will told they are come from USA Canada,and England.

The mom always put the white teacher in first choice ,then comes to the black one ,the last is yellow one,why ?

I think the reason is because the training center and the moms themselves.Because most of the people in the English standard countries is white ,so if you are white people it is easier to warped into the foreign people from this country. The other side is that the moms thinks the white guy is more professional and more clean,yes ,you did not heard it wrong,they think the black people is dirty. Actually ,black people has a specially 『savor of flesh』,i ,personally think it is because their lifestyle,but they will always wear perfume,and this kind of 『savor of flesh』 it is not for all the black people just for part of them.

And l have some good black friends ,they are very decent ,and have the sense of humor,also i notice that they are very diligent,they will spend more time for studying and working ,and less time for entertainment,but when it comes the thing they like ,then they would not care the money and time.

One of my black friend is from UAS,her grandparents are come from South Africa,i remember once after dinner ,we have a very deep talk. I ask him that do you like USA and what do you think make USA such a wealthy and powerful country?

He said USA is not as good as you think,the only reason is because they use our black people as free labor ,that is the only reason .i can tell from his words they do not like USA,but i am not sure whether they hate ,hate is too strong ,dislike the white people.

Like i said ,there are plenty moms come here for killing time and seeking for sexually partner, these kind of mom ,they are very rich , or their husband are very rich ,they have a very decent job ,or they do not need to work any more.They like to try new things ,they want their life to be colourful.they will travel to different city ,to different countries,and meet different men. So,we they come the training center for fun ,you do not need to be surprise ,it is very common in western countries but in China,we still need time to digest there kind of culture ,but it will not take so long.

I heard one story from one of my yellow foreigner friend,he graduate from London university ,he has stay in London for more than 30 years ,you can get the information from the internet ,how famous this school is ,but these moms will not put her small kids as his students ,why ,because his yellow face ,the moms will thinks he is just one Chinese and pretend to be a foreigner come here for teaching,so it is not worthy it.

This yellow friend always told me that he is 100 percent foreigner,but because his yellow face ,even the company can not give him the contract for foreigner teacher,as you do not know ,in the training center we also has the Chinese teacher ,but the price is different ,they are mainly teaching the kid grammar,and help the kid get good score in the school ,but there oral English is also very good and compare to the foreign teacher their teaching skill is definitely better.No matter how good you are ,because the yellow face ,you can not get more moms or their kids like the white guy.

This phenomenon brings one article i saw a months ago in my mind ,it said ,the girl,lady,female in China has double standard towards the Chinese men and the other white and black guy. It is like this ,for the Chinese men ,you need to be rich ,you need have a house ,you need have a car, the item above is like the hard power ,so the soft power is like ,you need to be handsome ,you need to be tall with the long leg and big abs. After you fulfill these demands the lady then can have sex with you,or even better go to the church with you in white.

On the contrary ,for the white and black guy ,they just demands you to be handsome and healthy ,what the fuck? I do not get it ,when i read about this ,i really pissed off ,in China we have a saying 「there is no smoke without a fire」, I think this kind of phenomenon does exist but just for few people .Why ? they are get tired of the Chinese men,or they just want seeking for excitement,or they have see to many western pron,so they think all the this black and white people all gets the big size of penis, that is naive. I have so many black and white foreigner friends and trust me ,it is not true .

And i have seen another article the main point is that all the Chinese lady is like the easier girl ,they can be very easily to have sex with the white and black foreigner,and has illustrate with many authentic examples even with pictures,then i am wondering how can the writer get all this kind of pictures ,how can he or she know the details . All these gives me the confidence that this article is fake ,the writer just want use these title for attention and get popular and famous. It is very common in China,for instance,with the development of the internet ,more and more people use do business online ,and also for these beautiful girl who dancing ,singing,even eating in front the screen ,i do not what does this called in English ,but i am sure it is come from the western country .We can constantly see this kind of news ,one of the dancing girl accidentally forget to shut off the camera while she change her clothes and became a live show seeing by thousands of people,and sooner that girl became famous,then some sort of company will spend some money to warp this girl,because the support from the company ,this girl get more attention. The company can get profit from the girl,so as the girl,it is like the win-win situation.

The authenticity of the news it is a big issue,a lie, if you repeated often enough ,will be accepted as truth. Based on this ,we have some people specialize in forge the fake news. Confused? Why ? let is say you are the owner of a rice factory,and i can make a video about the rice you are processing is made by the plastic and if people eat too much will cause cancer,when this video get more attention ,then nobody,will buy your rice and the small factory like yours can not afford to lose the client and you would like to pay a large amount of money to make the fake news right,after you pay the money ,the producer of this fake news video has meet his purpose,then he will make another video the reveal the truth that the fake news is actually fake.

Now, you would understand why people forge the fake news, of course you can improve you sales volume thorough the media, if you have one kind of fruits and you want to sales it in a good ,no , a better price ,you can cooperate with some research guy ,and release a report that it can help to kill the cancer or strengthen you man power to make you wild in he bed ,and like i said, the lie ,when you keep repeat it can be true.

I have told you so many information that almost forget the story i want to tell you.In the training center i used to work ,we have a rich mom come here for fun and excitement,and she purposely choose one black and white guy as their teacher or you can call boy friend, and then you can imagine,that lady have a close relationship with both two ,and the funny thing is they are not just college but close friends.One day they notice they have the same sponsor,they have a big argue then fight. Every people knows this story ,so they have to leave ,and for that lady ,after they leave she find a new one ,i mean new teacher who does not know this story.It is really funny.

And that is the story about one mom,and i think this kind of story happens all the time ,and we also have the beautiful and young girl,sexy with long and white legs ,she come here to try every teacher,because we have the outside class for the VIP client ,they can have class any where they want ,even in the hotel,ha ha , at least they can learn something ,because they need to talk ,so it is like practice the oral English,and the need to do some action ,large amount ,so it is like practice the body.

We have discuss about the white, black and yellow foreign teacher,except the Russia ones .why i put the Russia into one category? They are fucking arrogant,as we know most of the Russia lady are tall with the blonder hair ,i do not know your opinion,and i do not want to know ,because i do think you will think they are very sexy. So ,they are very popular in different bars ,i think they can made more money than the so called IT engineer,they come here teaching just for killing time ,some even can not speak fluently English,but they are allow to teach the small kids.

I didn』t say they are arrogant out of noting ,firstly ,they do not talk to you ,and you do not dare to talk to them. Normally they are taller than you ,and have the deep eyes ,just by blink the eyes they can kill you . Secondly they will never offer help to you ,if the students are late they will never extend the class for you like the other teacher,the most important one is that they will let the Chinese staff do everything for you,and not by humbly request but by instruction. This is not acceptable.

All the Chinese students going aboard for further study ,they have encounter different level of discrimination, not just from the foreigner sometimes the Chinese ,but when the foreigner come to China ,we pay them well ,we let them give instruction to our Chinese ,how?we need to have a deeply thinking.

I am not saying that all the foreigner come to our China is bad ,but ,just out of my opinion ,if i can seek a nice job in China,i will never think of working in another country.here we have family ,we have roots. So, you can imagine why this people come to our China.

In the ear of internet we can easily get different information but you need use your mind to think whether this can be trust or not ?So as mine article.


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