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SSRI Information


申明:感謝 @JetLuo 的引導。個人認可藥物治療的作用也正在服藥,此翻譯為個人練習。僅作為個人對於一個並不完善的系統內反對意見方的認知學習。不接受商業和非商業授權轉載,不保證準確性以及可靠性,不作為診斷或者治療參考。長坑緩填,看看就好,原文侵刪。知乎這編輯器什麼破玩意。


「If it can be solved by $5,000 or a new boyfriend, it』s not depression.」


——Ned Shorter,Hannah,多倫多大學醫學史和精神病學教授

Antidepressants explained 抗抑鬱藥物簡介

Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, and serotonin and noradrenaline-reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs, arethe most commonly prescribed antidepressants. Dr. David Healy notes that the terms SSRI and SNRI are marketing terms,and not scientific or clinical.These drugs are not useful for treating serious depression,[1] and they definitely do not solve the problems of everyday living that cause people to be sad and worried. In the fifth edition of his book Psychiatric Drugs Explained, he starts his chapter on antidepressants as follows: 選擇性5—羥色胺再攝取抑製劑(SSRIs)、五羥色胺和去甲腎上腺素再攝取抑製劑(SNRIs)是臨床上最常見的抗抑鬱葯。David Healy博士指出類似SSRI和SNRI的稱謂是市場營銷術語而非科學或者臨床術語。這類藥物對於嚴重的抑鬱症未必有效,[1]但它們肯定不能解決日常生活中讓人們感到悲傷和焦慮的問題。在第五版《精神病藥物》中,他在抗抑鬱藥物的章節開始寫了如下內容:

「It is more difficult to specify exactly what antidepressants do than it is to say just what other drugs that act on the brain do. Part of the problem lies in trying to agree what depression is… Part of the problem lies in our changing views of depression brought about by the interaction between the development of antidepressants and the marketing strategies of drug companies. When first developed, these drugs were used to treat a condition called melancholia or endogenous depression but the boundaries between this disorder and sadness have been obliterated and many people now get antidepressants who perhaps shouldn』t.」 「詳細說明抗抑鬱藥物的生效機制是比描述其它同樣作用於大腦的藥物機制更困難的事,部分問題在於如何去定義「抑鬱症」本身,另一部分部分問題在於我們對抑鬱症的看法基於抗抑鬱藥物的開發和藥物公司營銷策略之間的相互作用發生了變化。這類藥物在最初開發時被用於抑鬱症以及內源性抑鬱症的治療,但當抑鬱與悲傷的界限被打破之後,很多本沒必要服藥的人現在也開始吃藥了。」

[1] Pyschiatric Drugs Explained, Fifth Edition, Churchill Livingston, 2009, p 51.


David Healy的網站

David Healy (psychiatrist)

Dr. Healy goes on to explain that antidepressants are little use for people who have psychological symptoms in the absence of physical symptoms such as: loss of energy, loss of interest, poor concentration, altered sleep patterns, altered appetite, plus other physical symptoms. He notes that antidepressants 「are not anti-psychological problem pills」.


In other words, too many people are taking these drugs for different underlying conditions, some of which they are not useful for treating. Expectations of consumers and physicians increase the demand for the drugs, and perceptions of their benefit are shaped by other factors than true efficacy. For example, minor 「depression」 often goes away in a matter of months, and if a person is taking an antidepressant, they may feel better for reasons that have nothing to do with the medication. Similarly, other factors in treatment may cause an improvement in mood and outlook, while a person is taking an antidepressant. In these cases they may believe that the drug caused them to feel better when in reality a sugar pill would have worked just as well.




How do SSRIS and other antidepressants work?


Whole books, for example The Emperor』s New Drugs by Irving Kirsch, have been written about the lack of effectiveness of these medications. However, these medications definitely do something. Reading thousands of stories about these drugs, it becomes clear that they have effects, which may not be what non-users imagine. People who take them report feeling different, and clinicians like Healy insist that they can sometimes be very useful, especially if taken for short duration. 「This is because of their anxiolytic properties, which can be energizing, or may simply blunt the experience of of difficult emotions,」 says Healy. 「These are not 「happy pills」. Whatever happiness is, it does not come from behind the counter of your local pharmacy.」

例如 Irving Kirsch著作的《The Emperor』s New Drugs》這類整本書都是關於這些藥物缺乏有效性的文章。然而,這類藥物的確有所作為。在了解成千上萬關於類似藥物的故事之後,這類作用變得更加明了,這並不是什麼非親歷者想像出來的。收到他們報告的人會對此感覺完全不同,而像Healy這樣的臨床醫生堅持認為這類藥物有時有用特別是在短期服用時是非常有用的。「這是因為它們的抗焦慮特性,既可能使人充滿活力,也可能只是單純的弱化(鈍化)人的負面情緒體驗,」Healy說到。「它們並不是開心丸。而無論幸福是什麼,它都不會源自你當地藥店的櫃檯」

Many people who take these drugs report feeling 「detached」. They lose their ability to empathize, their inhibitions and their judgement. Sometimes, they lose their natural fear of death. In short, their emotions are blunted. They do not make people happy. SSRI antidepressant pills free them from the restrictions imposed by feelings for others, of conscience, and self-control. Peoples』 natural instincts that would normally make them feel horror at the idea of driving into oncoming traffic, jumping off a cliff, stabbing someone, stealing, hitting or shooting can be diminished by these medications. While it might be a good thing to reduce exam-related panic, when this same effect overrides reluctance to die because of unpleasant life events, it is not so positive.


quote:「Antidepressants have so many dangerous and unpleasant side effects that doctors should be very careful in prescribing them」, according to Dr. Derelie Mangin, the current David Braley and Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine at McMaster University . 「Patients need to be better informed so that they do not develop unrealistic expectations about what pills can do to help them. Many people who take antidepressants would be much better served by a program of routine, vigorous exercise.」

引用:「鑒於抗抑鬱藥物有如此多危險和令人不快的副作用,醫生面對開藥的問題時應該非常謹慎」,根據David Braley博士和Nancy Gordon在McMaster大學的家庭醫學部所做的研究顯示「病人需要被告知更多的信息,這樣他們至少不會對藥物產生不切實際的期望。許多服用抗抑鬱葯的人會通過定期、有力的身體運動來改善情況。」



Most common antidepressants


There are two main categories of antidepressant: the SSRIs and SNRIs, of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first,

approved for use in the USA in 1987, and the older Tricyclic drugs, (e.g. imipramine). Common antidepressants are

listed below with their chemical name first and their brand names second. Brand names are often country specific.




The links on the chemical names take the reader to Prescription Drug Side Effects where reported side effects, patient naratives, and other information is provided. You might also want to check out a particular antidepressant in the sex, suicide, and violence zones on Prescription Drug Side Effects, where the reported side effects for each are described.


一、SSRI and SNRI Antidepressants



Bupropion(安非他酮)— Wellbutrin, Budeprion, Prexaton, Elontril, Aplenzin

Citalopram(西酞普蘭)— Celexa, Akarin, Celapram, Celius, Ciazil, Cipramil, Cipram, Cimal, Citabax, Ciprapine,

Citalec, Citol, Dalsan, Cilift, Recital, Emocal, Sepram, Seropram, Citox, Cital

Desvenlafaxine(去甲文拉法辛) — Pristiq

Duloxetine(度洛西汀)— Cymbalta, Ariclaim, Xeristar, Yentreve, Duzela, Dulane

Escitalopram(依他普侖)— Lexapro, Cipralex, Seroplex, Esertia

Fluvoxamine(氟伏沙明)— Luvox, Fevarin, Faverin, Dumyrox, Favoxil, Movox, Floxyfral


(帕羅西汀)— Paxil, Seroxat, Sereupin, Aropax, Deroxat, Divarius, Rexetin, Xetanor, Paroxat,

Loxamine, Deparoc

Sertraline(舍曲林)— Zoloft, Lustral, Serlain, Asentra, Tresleen

Venlafaxine(文拉法辛)— Effexor

Vortioxetine(沃替西汀)— Brintellix

二、Other Antidepressants


Mirtazapine(米氮平)— Remeron, Soltab

Trazodone(曲唑酮)— Desyrel, Oleptro, Beneficat, Deprax, Desirel or Desyrel, Molipaxin, Thombran, Trazorel,

Trialodine, Trittico, Mesyrel

Tricyclics(三環抗抑鬱葯)— Amitriptyline, Anafranil (clomipramine), (Amoxapine, Desipramine (Norpramin),

Dosulepin, Doxepin, Imipramine (Tofranil) Nortriptyline (Pamelor), Protriptyline (Vivactil), Trimipramine


三、 Other Antidepressant/ Anxiety/ Tranquilizer medications


Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平類藥物)— Ativan (lorazepam) aka Lorenin, Lorsilan, Temesta, Tavor, Lorabenz; Atarax (hydroxyzine, hydroxyzine hydrochloride) aka Vistaril; Dalmane (flurazepam) aka Dalmadorm; Dormex (brotizolam) aka Lendormin, Noctilan, Sintonal; Halcion (triazolam); Klonapin (clonezepam) aka Rivotril, Iktorivil, Paxam; Lectopam (bromazepam) aka Bromam, Lexotanil, Lexotan, Librium (chlordiazepoxide) aka Elenium, Libritabs, Nobrium (medazepam); Risolid; ProSom (estazolam); Restoril (temazepam); Tranxene (clorazepate) aka Tranxilium; Valium (diazepam) aka Antenex, Apaurin, Apzepam, Apozepam, Hexalid, Pax, Stesolid, Stedon, Vival, Valaxona; Versed (midazolam); Xanax (alprazolam) aka Helex, Xanor, Onax, Alprox, Restyl, Tafil, Paxal, Serax (oxazepam)

Neuroleptics(安定劑、鬆弛劑)— Abilify (aripiprazole), Chlorpromazine (Thorazine), Depixol aka Fluanxol (flupentixol or flupenthixol), Fanapt aka Fanapta aka Zomaril (iloperidone), Modecate (fluphenazine), Geodon (ziprasidone), Haloperidol (Haldol), Invega (paliperidone), Latuda (lurasidone), Fentazin, Trialvil (perphenazine), Risperdal (risperidone), Seroquel (quetiapine), Zyprexa (olanzapine)

Other(其他類型)— BuSpar (buspirone), Equanil aka Meprin aka Miltown (meprobamate), Zopiclone (cyclopyrrolone) aka Imovane Zimovane


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