

其實,對於我大天朝的小夥伴們來說,英語量詞(measure words)就是小菜一碟,無非根據事物形狀、容器、容積、狀態分成幾類,多看多記就能掌握。



an article of clothing 一件衣物

a roll of toilet paper一卷衛生紙

a ball of wool 一個毛線球

a pane of glass 一塊玻璃

a roll of newspaper 一卷報紙

a bar of soap 一塊肥皂

a tube of toothpaste 一支牙膏

a packet of cigarettes 一盒香煙

a stick/piece of chalk 一支粉筆

a pad of paper 一疊紙


a pack of dogs 一群狗

a troop of monkeys 一群猴子

a brood of chicks 一窩小雞

a plague [ple?g] of locusts 一群蝗蟲

a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂

a gang of elks 一群駝鹿

a school of fish 一群魚

a pack of wolves 一群狼

a herd of cattle 一群家畜

a flock of birds一群鳥

a gang of thieves 一幫小偷(貶義)

a choir [kwa??] of singers 一個唱詩班

a mob of demonstrators 一群示威者

a troop of soldiers 一隊士兵

a crew of sailors 一組船員

食 品

a scoop of ice cream 一個冰淇淋球


a slice of pizza 一塊披薩

a bar of chocolate 一塊巧克力

a loaf of bread 一個麵包

a grain of rice 一粒米

a sack of potatoes 一袋土豆

a cube of sugar 一塊方糖

a basket of vegetables 一籃蔬菜

a handful of corn 一把玉米

a basket of eggs 一籃子雞蛋

a crate of bananas 一箱香蕉

a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄

a dash of salt 少量鹽

a clove of garlic 一瓣蒜

液 體

a teaspoon of medicine 一勺藥水

a bowl of soup 一碗湯  

a pot of tea 一壺茶

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

a jug of lemonade 一罐檸檬汁

a carton of juice 一盒果汁 

a can of beer 一罐啤酒

a keg of beer 一桶啤酒

a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶

a glass of milk 一杯牛奶

a tank of gas一箱油

a shot of vodka 一小杯伏特加


a drop of rain 一滴雨水

a gallon of gasoline 一加侖汽油

自 然

a stretch of field 一片原野

a bolt of lightning 一道閃電

a flood of moonlight 一片月光

a beam of light 一束光線

a layer of rock 一層岩石

a cloud of smoke 一團煙霧

a blade of grass 一片草葉

a block of wood 一塊木頭

a thin coat of ice 一層薄冰

a gust of wind 一股風

a field of flowers 一片花海



a flood of words 口若懸河

a wisp of a smile 一絲微笑

a burst of laughter 一陣笑聲

a flood of tears 淚如泉湧

a train of thoughts 一連串的想法

a piece of information 一條消息

a glimmer of hope 一線希望

a network of railroad 鐵路網

a flood of people 人潮如涌

a piece of advice 一條建議


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