
USS|The general view of performance of delegates in Finance Committee

Jingtong Lin

New York Times

Photographer: Xiao Peng

Editor: Zhiyi Zhu

Academic improvement

The reporter believes that the delegates have gained a great academic improvement during the past three sessions.

Sen. Bill Cassidy declared that there were very important things that he forgot many of the important components of the current problem. 「In the star of this conference, we mainly focused on the opportunities we have to enhance the health care for people in each state. But now, due to further discussion, we found out that the cooperation with the drug companies and the insurance companies are necessary and not neglectable.」

Sen. Ron Wyden of the Democratic Party said in an interview that they had supported that they should allow the free market to determine the price of their drugs. However, after several debates with the Republicans, they realized that they didn』t consider an important factor, the market competition. So now, they believe the government should centralize the state』s power.

The reporter is glad to see the delegates learning not only from their companions, but also their competitors. The delegates do not just view this conference as debate and an aggressive battle; they view this process as a way of learning.


There are also some regrets in the sessions. No matter due to time constraint or other reasons.

「The Republicans and Democrats always avoid being on completely opposite sides. 」Sen. John Thune informed the reporter, 「We barely mentioned medicate in our discussion because we know we have different ideas about this problem. The Democrats hope to increase the coverage so more people can benefit from the Medicare. But the Republicans hope for the opposite because they need to save enough money for the bloc rent, website, and so on. Since we all want to pass our bill, we tried our best to maintain a good

relationship with the other party. 」

The reporter regrets it as much as Sen. John Thune did. The reporter believes that the delegates should be more willing to bring up the divergences of views and face them instead of running away from them.


「Sometimes, we cannot join in the discussion of our bloc,」 Sen. Bernie Sanders told the reporter in an interview, 「They are so engaged in what there were doing and ignored our opinions.」

The reporter also finds out that not all of the delegates have devoted themselves to the sessions. Only about a quarter of the delegates made a speech in the sessions. The reporter hopes that more delegates will raise their plate cards in the last session.

Tomorrow is the last session of the conference, and the reporter sincerely hopes that it would end successfully.


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