
Cremart: Unbelievable Art on Coffee by Kangbin Le

When I first saw Kangbin』s cremart, I thought that were some painting at the bottom of the coffee cup and don』t think that was a big deal at all. However, after I watch closely and found out those paintings were drawn with a thin metal rod and a palette of food dyes on latte, I was totally shocked and didn』t want to believe my eyes. How would that be possible? Are those just some photoshopped photos? After watching Kangbin』s video of how to make some of the cremart, I started to believe there is someone can actually create latte art like these. From Bambi to Vincent van Gogh』s 「Starry Night」to Disney』s cartoon characters, it looks like there』s virtually nothing he can』t draw on milk foam. Now the question is if you have such a cup of latte in front of you, will you really want to drink it?



Flower shaped ice cream ---花朵冰淇淋
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