
主題曲:《Mermaid Party》,美髮店時所放的插曲


片尾曲:《Light up the World》,歌詞如下:


Here I am

Giving you my light

Here I am

Giving you tonight

Light from your darkness

Light through your saddness

Here I am

Guiding you tonight

Here I am

With all my might

Giving light through your sadness

Giving light through your lonliness

Don"t be afraid of the dark

The light is in your heart

Let your heart shine and light up the world

Leave far behind what worries you more

Belive in your heart

Reach in your heart, tonight

Let your heart shine and light up the world

Leave far behind what worries you more

Belive in your heart

Reach in your heart, tonight

Here I"m am

You can count on me

Here I am

Your not alone you see

Light through your sadness

Light through your lonliness

Don"t be afraid of the dark

The light is in your heart

Let your heart shine and light up the world

Leave far behind what worries you most

Belive in your heart

Reach in your heart, tonight

Let your heart shine and light up the world

Leave far behind what worries you more

Belive in your heart

Reach in your heart, tonight

Belive in your heart

Reach in your heart, tonight




TAG:動漫 | 背景音樂 |