

This toxic

accumulation takes place when the body』s natural organs of elimination,

primarily the bowels and the kidney』s , cannot discharge the toxic elements as

quickly as they are building up. In no uncertain terms, the blood is overloaded

with pollutants that must be eliminated. The skin steps in and 「comes to the

rescue」 by trying to eliminate this toxic accumulation through the sweat

glands. In this it is doing a job it is not primarily designed to do. It is

acting as a backup system, since the main organs of elimination are overloaded

and cannot effectively keep up with the vast accumulations.

這種毒素的積累發生在身體的天然排毒器官,主要是腸道和腎臟,當他們不能儘快排出毒素時,積累就發生了。毫無疑問,血液中充斥著大量的必須被排出的污染物。皮膚進入「援助」階段,試圖通過汗腺來消除這種毒素的積累。在這方 面,這並不是它的本職工作。它僅僅作為一個後備系統,因為主要的排毒器官超負荷運轉,不能有效的跟上大量毒素的積累的速度。

What happens is

these acids and waste products become so great that they begin to actually seep

through the intestinal walls and are absorbed by the lymphatic system. The

lymphatic system then dumps the toxins into the blood circulatory system. This

seepage of toxins is technically referred to as Intestinal Permeability ,

otherwise known as 「The Leaky Gut syndrome.」 The blood is constantly, but

sooner or later, the workload becomes so great that the liver and kidneys can

no longer handle the job. So, the skin, a secondary organ of elimination, kicks

in and helps the body throw off these poisons, thus causing the rash ,

irritation, scales and lesions. In other skin diseases, the skin is doing what

the bowels and kidneys should be doing-removing toxic waste.


The secret then

is to remove the toxins present, don』t add more and eventually the body can

handle the accumulations normally. The skin can then relax and drop back to

normal, in many cases not even leaving a trace of the disease .I have seen it

happen time and time again. Admittedly, patients must follow through for at

least six months after they have cleared to help insure better healing of the

intestinal walls-but by that by that time

they are usually so satisfied that they wouldn』t think of reverting to their

old way of living , especially where diet is concerned. The bottom line however

is time and patience. There is no substitute for persistence and determination.

It took a long time to pollute the body; it will take a reasonable amount of

time too purify it. What I said in my preface is worth repeating:


Keep in mind

what I call the 3D』s as they apply to the healing of psoriasis and eczema:








The three go

hand-in-hand and have convinced my patients and me that they are the principles

to the healing of this devastating dermatological enigma.



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