分享-Review:Hemodialysis access thrombosis


Hemodialysis access thrombosis

Keith Bertram Quencer1, Rahmi Oklu2

1Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2Division of Interventional Radiology,Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Monitoring and surveillance

Monitoring and surveillance are employed in order to identify a dialysis access at risk of thrombosis with the goal of intervening before thrombosis occurs (6,7). The effcacy of monitoring and surveillance in preventing access thrombosis and polonging the life of the access is uncertain (8,9).


Monitoring consists of focused physical examination of the access and review of data gathered during the normal course of dialysis such as Kt/V, serum potassium, pump pressures and problems with access cannulation (e.g.,prolonged bleeding after needle removal) (6).


Physical examination, performed at least monthly by a qualified practitioner, includes looking at, feeling and listening to the access to identify possible stenoses that place the access at risk of thrombosis. Signs of outflow stenosis include development of aneurysmal dilation of the access, abnormally increased pulsatility, a discontinuous thrill and a high-pitched bruit in the outflow vein.


Signs of in?ow stenosis include a ?at fstula, poor turgor or a weak bruit (10).


Kt/V quantifes dialysis adequacy. K represents the clearance of urea, t represents the dialysis time and V represents the volume of distribution of urea. Low Kt/V denotes inadequate dialysis, which adversely affects the patients quality of life and is associated with lower survival (11). A low Kt/V may indicate poor access flow which places the access at risk for subsequent thrombosis (12). A Kt/V of <1.2 or an interval decrease by more than 0.20 should prompt intervention both to increase dialysis adequacy as well as forestall potential access thrombosis (13).


Prolonged bleeding after needle withdrawal is a common sign of outflow stenosis. Excessively negative pre-pump arterial pressure is a sign of in?ow stenosis.


Surveillance is the periodic employment of specialized instrument based testing. Examples include access flow measurements (Qa), static venous pressure measurements, quantifcation of recirculation and Duplex ultrasound (6).


Access flow measurement is the most reliable and validated surveillance tool (14). AVGs are at risk of thrombosis when Qa falls below 500 mL/min. AVFs are at risk of thrombosis when Qa is less than 300 mL/min. The main reason AVGs thrombose at higher flow rates than AVFs is that they lack an endothelium (15). Falling Qa is highly predictive of subsequent access thrombosis; one study showed a near 14-fold increase in access thrombosis when Qa dropped to 65% of baseline (16).


Static venous pressure measurements are useful in AVGs where the site of stenosis predictably occurs just downstream from the graft-to-vein anastomosis. Static venous pressure measurements in AVFs are of lower utility in predicting access thrombosis for multiple reasons. For one, AVFs often have stenosis involving the inflow. Additionally collateral vessels may develop and enlarge, dissipating the increased intra-access pressures in the setting of out?ow stenosis. An access to systemic pressure ratio less than 0.4 is normal; a ratio greater than 0.5 should trigger evaluation (17).


Recirculation occurs when blood that has just been through the dialysis machine returns back into the dialysis machine rather than ?owing towards the right atrium. This can occur with both with inflow and outflow stenoses. By defnition recirculation can only occur when Qa is less than pump ?ow rate (Qb). When recirculation is due to out?ow stenosis, it occurs because the path of least resistance is retrograde, through the AV access (i.e., towards the feeding artery) and into the arterial needle, rather than antegrade (i.e., through the outflow stenosis). When recirculation occurs secondary to inflow stenosis it is because the in?ow is unable to support the amount of ?ow required to maintain the set Qb; the arterial needle has to 「borrow」blood returning into the access via the venous needle to maintain the flow rate demanded by the pump (13).

Recirculation is an ineffective surveillance technique. First, it is only an indirect measure of Qa, which can be measured more precisely by other methods. Second, it is insensitive in identifying an AVG at risk of thrombosis. This because Qb is typically set at 300 mL/min and recirculation will only occur when Qa is less than this set Qb. An AVG is at risk of thrombosis when flow rates are less than 500 mL/min. Additionally, stenosis between the two needles cannot be detected by measuring recirculation. Finally, recirculation can occur when there is accidental needle reversal, making it a non-specifc finding.

Ultrasound can be used as a surveillance tool. A >50% stenosis is likely when there is a focally elevated peak systolic velocity of >400 cm/s or a local peak systolic velocity ratio of >2.5. Gray scale and color Doppler ultrasound can also directly show a focal lumen diameter reduction. Caution should be taken when applying these thresholds at the arterial anastomosis where the normal turbulent flow leads to elevated peak systolic velocities. Ultrasound can also be used to measure ?ow volumes within the access (18).


Controversy surrounds the efficacy of surveillance. Studies have shown that surveillance of AVGs increases the discovery of stenoses and the number of interventions performed but does not seem to prolong their lifespan (9). In contrast, studies have shown surveillance for AVFs decreases the frequency of thrombosis and prolongs access survival (8).



Hemodialysis access thrombosis?




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