英文寫作訓練 Coming Soon! English Writing: Skills and Strategies to Improve Everything You Write

By Michael J. Jordan

BEIJING – As a writing teacher and storytelling specialist who works in both Beijing and Shanghai, I』m so pleased to see how many Chinese professionals and students want to improve their English writing – for work, for pleasure, or other reasons. However, you may not know how to improve it.

That』s why I』m excited to host my next Zhihu Live – on Thursday night, March 8th. I』ll demystify the entire process for how to improve your writing, then share with you so many of my own skills and strategies for how to do it: zhihu.com/lives/9466879.

But more than all the practical guidance, as you listen to this Live, you』ll be welcome to ask me any SPECIFIC question about anything you』re now writing. Or, anything you』re planning to write. If you』re unable to join this conversation, however, listen to it whenever you have the time, then contact me later – and ask me your specific question.

Among the tips I』ll share with you, to immediately improve your writing, are these six:

  1. A six-step strategy for how to 「impact」 any audience you』re writing for, including foreigners.
  2. A four-step formula to focus your writing – around a core, persuasive message.
  3. Techniques to polish your writing topic into one that』s more attractive to your reader.
  4. Skills to collect relevant facts, if necessary – to make your writing more convincing.
  5. A strategy for how to 「humanize」 your writing – to 「touch the heart」 of your reader.
  6. Three structures for how to organize your materials – then write it smoothly and effectively.

For examples of my guidance, I just answered two writing-related questions for the Zhihu community: the first, on how to be more precise with your writing; the second, on how to write fewer words, but still be impactful with your writing.

At the moment, I』m sharing many of these principles of clear, effective writing with the professional Communications team I』m training at the Global Food Safety Center in Beijing, as well as with the students I』m teaching at Renmin University, in two courses: Feature Writing and English Speech & Writing. (For samples of the stories that my 32 Shanghai students produced for me last semester, feel free to visit our class webzine: https://lettersfromshanghai2017.wordpress.com.)

In this Zhihu Live for you, I』ll first summarize my experiences and lessons-learned as an International Journalist, writing from Eastern Europe and Southern Africa. Next, I』ll share my own strategies and skills – in clear, easy-to-follow language, and brought to life with real-life examples.

Throughout this event, of course I』ll welcome any questions from you, too.

After all, there』s almost nothing more important for China, home of the world』s second-largest economy, than to produce more Chinese who not only speak English well, but who can communicate clearly, effectively and persuasively, through the written word – to help explain China to the world.

Need evidence? Every serious Chinese company and organization now has an English-language website or web-pages – or, they know they need it. Who』s their target-audience for this content? Not the Chinese, but the international audience. However, most sites I see aren』t written well enough, or persuasively enough, to impact that audience. For the Chinese who learn to write effectively, and in a way that foreigners can comfortably consume, I see great job opportunities on the horizon.

That』s why, in this Zhihu Live, I want to do more than help you improve your writing – I also hope to inspire you! I look forward to hearing from you … Michael

英文寫作六大技巧 English Writing ?


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