

右翼領袖Jean Christophe Largarde對媒體說:標緻汽車位於aulnay的製造廠2013年被迫關門大吉,廠方向他透露:有一個原因(不是全部的原因)因為聘請了太多不事生產的穆斯林,穆斯林經常不按照計划去祈禱休息,於是變得效率低下。有些穆斯林還試圖改變其他非穆斯林的宗教信仰,或者騷擾非穆斯林。工作場所不應該進行宗教行為!


Peugeot car plant closed as Muslim workers took too many prayer breaks, claims official

Peugeot car plant closed as Muslim workers took too many prayer breaks, claims official。THE head of the Frances centre-right Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) political party, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, has claimed a PSA Peugeot Citroen car plant had to close because it had hired too many "unproductive" Muslim employees.

The hardline centrist, who is also deputy mayor of Drancy, a suburb northeast of Paris, said that the carmakers Aulnay plant, which closed in 2013, had been forced to shut its doors because of "problems arising from never-ending religious demands by Muslim employees".

He said: "The Aulnay site closed because Muslim employees were constantly taking unscheduled prayer breaks and had become unproductive. Its the truth. A Peugeot official told me that it was one - but obviously not the only - of the reasons the plant was shut down."

He said: "Some Muslim employees are proselytising at work and harassing their non-Muslim co-workers.

No one should feel under pressure to convert to Islam or accommodate religious colleagues. Because religion has no place in the workplace.:



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