





Now that modernizing world of complexity and sickness may evoke the collision of different viewpoints and Fascism used to be the results of antagonists, it is urgent to prevent people from turning to Nazism as an effective remedy for spiritual sickness.



To assess the book, Burke applies an alternative approach from his contemporaneous critiques, that is to do textual analysis of the political events. More specifically, Mein Kampf utilises language maliciously that corrupts rhetorics as to deceive the readers. To this end, Burke poses the question whether the medicine of Fascism, sugar-coated with rhetorics, is the cause or the cure for a social malady and what is the origin of the concoction.


According to Oxford English Dictionary, rhetoric is 「the art of using language effectively so as to persuade or influence others, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques to this end」 (OED).







In the scene of Fascism, rhetorics bring Hitler』s personal ideas into being, produce relations between leader and masses, Aryans and Jews, and encourage actions of his readers. Burke summarizes the essential features of Hitler』s rhetorical device of unification to be 「inborn dignity」, 「projection device」, 「symbolic rebirth」, and 「commercial use」 (Burke, 173-174). By the textual analytical approach, Burke fundamentally claims that Hitler uses language such that it can 「unify the voices」: 「the efficiency of Hitlerism is the efficiency of the one voice, implemented throughout a total organization」 (182). Here, the language is not only a passive reflection of one』s ideas but also activation of the rhetorics within practical spaces, to unify the masses in its maximal power.




For example, as fabricating the one enemy is necessary in order to direct the conflicts among different social groups to one foreign enemy, Hitler presents the Jew as a race of greed with the 「projective device of the scapegoat」.

Inspired maybe by his earlier painful life in Vienna, Hitler devised the 「Jewish plot」 where the greedy Jewish 「character」 caters to the 「duality」 of the psychology of the middle class: 「the cult of money and a detestation of this cult」 (168).

The greedy figure partakes the inner greed in middle class of Aryan race, thus justify the frustration of German economical and political status quo as if the evil Jew is the only one to blame for sickness of German society.




Since German middle class has a cult for money just like the Jew, it would not be fair to only blame the Jew for economic malfunctions, Hitler cunningly shifts the economic issue to 「political, ethical-moral, as well as factors of blood and race, are of the first importance」 : the Jewish blood is by nature not pure (175).

The ontological distinction between 「evil」 and 「good」 according to one』s race echoes with the religious logics of the middle age that serfs and nobles are resigned to be who they are because they are born this way by nature. Even if both German middle class and the Jew embrace money, the Aryan self-preservation is based upon 「sacrifice」 representing 「super-individualism」 whereas that of the Jew is based upon 「individualism」.




Just as people of Middle Ages accepted the 「nature law」 willingly took it for granted the life of a repressed serf (or a noble or a monarch), the Aryans embrace the biological superiority of 「demagogic effectiveness」 that they should not take responsibility of the failures in contemporary German society (178-179).

In this way, the 「cure-all」 attribution which evokes a cultural segregation without a need of proof, successfully 「[functions] as medicine for [Hitler] personally and as medicine for those who were later to identify themselves with him」 (171).

Richard Toye, Rhetoric: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

"Kenneth Burke." Encyclop?dia Britannica. Encyclop?dia Britannica Inc., 2013.





教授特稿丨郁喆雋:「哲學+」的時代 暢想

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