To Be A Product Manager | Week 54

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 54 of

To Be A Product Manager

This week is really intense. After the other PM』s leaving, it』s my responsibilities to follow all the projects. It』s not intimidating, but I find it hard to concentrate, as well as be productive and keep my work at a higher level.

But when I sit here on Friday, trying to reflect this week. I realize productivity is relative, and you can simply categorize them as YOURSELF and YOUR TEAM.

As for yourself, what you really want is time blocks without being disrupted by anyone. You can go deeply concentrated on some projects and get things done.

As for your team, what you want is pushing the project to move forward, each one may achieve less than what they would, yet together, you can outplay each one』s productivity combined.

I think a healthy workflow is to switch between the 2 states above, and don』t forget to take some rest.

To Be A Minimalist

I』ve always appreciated the life as a minimalist, to be able to travel with only a backpack whenever you want, wherever you go. And I also made a list years ago, about things I need every day, and things I need every time I travel. It helps you only keeps the essentials, and have more time and space for what truly matters to you.

This week we also had some discussion on token authentication on our app. I worked with a designer, and we were lost in a trap during the product interaction process.

It turns out that we think too much about how to make this feature more handy and complete, but end up making the product logic a bit messy and complicated. The product director gaves us a great lesson.

For token feature, if you come to the basics, it』s just 3 functions:

  1. Add
  2. Delete
  3. Edit/Change

So everything should be started with these 3 basics. Then for the first version, to minimize the development cost, you can get rid of 「Edit/Change」 function by delete the current token, and add a new one.

Sometimes, quietly building a hidden product logic in user』s mind, is way effective than try hard to simplify the usage flow.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,



自媒體運營反思:第一篇沒有被頭條推薦的文章,我做錯了什麼? (廢文)
October, 2017 — Be Decisive and Be Bold

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