
本文轉載自CureJoy Editorial 於2017年2月16日發文,內容很重要,值得被更廣泛傳播。








加利福尼亞大學被選中研究這些橄欖油「騙子」,將124個進口品牌的「特級初榨橄欖油」置於顯微鏡下。 其中超過70%沒有通過正品測試。

以下是沒有通過測試的品牌名單:Bertolli、Felippo Berio、Mazola、Sasso、Colavita、Pompeian、Primadonna、Carapelli、Coricelli、Mezzetta、Star、Whole Foods、Antica Badia、Safeway


雖然看到如此大規模的橄欖油品牌未能通過考驗,但仍有少數品牌值得依賴:Ottavio、Kirkland Organic、Corto Olive、Lucero、California Olive Ranch、Bariani Olive Oil、Cobram Estate、Lucini、McEvoy Ranch Organic、Omaggio、Olea Estates



- 首先將要測的橄欖油瓶放入冰箱約半小時

- 如果油開始凍結或固化,那就意味著油是純凈的。這是因為含有大量單一不飽和脂肪酸的油會容易凍結

- 另一方面,如果油不固化或凍結,那就是假的

- 如果您想在超級市場上購買橄欖油,但不確定是不是正品,那就嘗試在瓶子的標籤上查找官方的政府認證,例如「澳大利亞特級初榨認證」或「加州橄欖油委員會特級初榨認證」等等


Reproduced as it important to spread the word of others.

Feb 16, 2017

by CureJoy Editorial

Shocking news was recently revealed that close to 70% of all the olive oil sold in US stores are fake! Careful studying of the contents revealed that they were just bottles of cheaper alternatives such as canola and sunflower oil mixed and passed off as olive oil. Sadly, one of the oils known to be the healthiest for our hearts and health have been falsely sold under the banner of 『authentic olive oil.』 1

1. Investigating This Slippery Issue

Close to 7 of the largest American producers of olive oil have said to be trying to cut their manufacturing costs and hence resorted to using cheaper oils. A similar case occurred in Italy in the year 2008, where close to 500 police officers worked together on a mission called 「Operation Golden Oil.」

The mission involved the closure of 85 oil farms which were allegedly using small percentages of chlorophyll from canola and sunflower plants in their extra virgin olive oil productions. They even took great efforts to color, perfume, and add flavors to make them seem authentic.

Due to this suspicion, the Australian government began an independent investigation into the olive oil industry and were appalled to discover these troublesome findings.

Upon conducting some tests on various 「olive oil」 branded samples, most of the brands which marketed themselves as 「extra virgin olive oils」 were immediately given their 2012 certification for authenticity.

2. Who Are The Fakers?

Thanks to the University of California who were selected to study the olive oil scammers, around 124 imported brands of 『extra virgin olive oil』 were placed under a microscope. Out of them, over 70% did not pass the authenticity test.

Here is the list of brands that failed the test:

  • Bertolli
  • Felippo Berio
  • Mazola
  • Pompeian
  • Primadonna
  • Carapelli
  • Coricelli
  • Mezzetta
  • Star
  • Sasso
  • Colavita
  • Whole Foods
  • Antica Badia
  • Safeway

Who Were Keeping It Real?

Although seeing such a large scale of olive oil brands fail the test, the few who passed and can be trusted are these brands:

  • Ottavio
  • Kirkland Organic
  • Corto Olive
  • Lucero
  • California Olive Ranch
  • Bariani Olive Oil
  • Cobram Estate
  • Lucini
  • McEvoy Ranch Organic
  • Omaggio
  • Olea Estates

4. How To Do Your Own Oil Reality Check!

Besides trusting the data uncovered by this study, you can also conduct your own olive oil authenticity test at home.

  • Start by placing the suspected bottle of olive oil in the fridge for about half an hour.
  • If the oil starts to freeze or solidify by then, it means that the oil is pure. This is because any oil with a high amount of monosaturated fat would freeze over easily.
  • On the flipside, if the oil does NOT become solid, then it is fake.
  • If you』re looking to buy olive oil in the supermarket but are unsure, try looking for any official governmental seals of approval on the labels of the bottle, such as, 「Australian Extra Virgin Certified」 or 「California Olive Oil Council Certified Extra Virgin」 and so on.

Everyone deserves to get what they paid for, so by being more vigilant, you could help restore the honesty of the olive oil industry and not put your money in the pockets of corrupt and fake olive oil producers.


12年磨礪的初心和匠心,只為給你舌尖上的放心 ——走在味覺情調路上的仟吉!

TAG:食用油 | 食品安全 | 健康 |