


純粹為了鍛煉記憶而寫。非常無聊。懶得翻譯了。不過可做AP US History/SAT Sub. US History的參考。

1 * = 1 term/ = VP became President (almost 1 term)# = dies/resigns/is impeached before the term ends

1. Washington **: Founding father, General in the Independence War, Tall, Federalist

2. John Adams *: Alien & Sedition Act, Hated by all

3. Jefferson **: Revolution of 1800, Republican Democrat leader, anti-navy and anti-large arms, pro-farmers, Louisiana Purchase (Lewis and Clark), Embargo Act

4. Madison **: Non-intercourse Act, War of 1812

5. Monroe **: Monroe Doctrine, Era of Good Feeling

6. John Quincy Adams *: Corrupt Bargain with Henry Clay, favored to spend on education, hated by all

7. Jackson **: General in Battle of New Orleans, Spoil System, Indian Removal Act, Nullification Crisis, Veto of the Second Bank of America, favored Pet Banks, Circular Species, Panic of 1837

8. Van Buren *: Little Magician, a banker, hated by all

9. William Henry Harrison #: too happy, too old, spoke too long, and thus he died

10. Tyler /: extremely young wife and would be a confederate

11. Polk *: Annexation of Texas, Mexican-American War, Mexican Cession (California, New Mexico, Utah, etc.), Settled Oregon Dispute (5440 or fight, got 4940), cutt tarriffs, an independent Treasury

12. Taylor #: Tried to solve slavery issues by pushing the Compromise of 1850, lame, died of violent diarrhea

13. Fillmore /: sent Perry to Japan

14. Pierce *: elected due to his good, youthful look, lame

15. Buchanan *: possibly gay, lame, lame, lame, did nothing to the Confederation

16. Lincoln *#: LINCOLN, Civil War President

17. Johnson /: the only non-Confederate Southern Senator, vetos, vetos, vetos, the Reconstruction Era, almost impeachment, vetos, hated by all

18. Ulysses Grant **: General in the Civil War, had several corruption scandals, Whiskey Ring, Credit Mobilier

19. Hayes *: Compromise of 1876, End of the Reconstruction Era

20. Garfield #: got shot by a stalwart

21. Arthur /: tried to establish a merit test for electing political positions

22. Grover Cleveland *: cut tariff, beginning of a good democrat

23. Benjamin Harrison *: nothing really, kind of corrupted

24. Grover Cleveland *: (same Cleveland) Broke the Pullman Strike

25. McKinley *#: nothing really, loved his wife who had epilepsy, Spanish-American War

26. Theodore Roosevelt /* : Roosevelt Corollary, Interstate Commerce Act, Hepburn Act, Square Deal: Conservation of Natural Resources, Consumer protection, Corporate control

27. Taft *: fat, the only president who later became a Supreme Court Justice, was best friend with TR but broke up because TR hated what he did to the Conservation movement, "governor" of Philippines

28. Wilson **: New Freedom, trust busting, income tax (Amd. 16), Federal Reserve Act, WWI president, tried Fourteenth Points but failed because he didnt want a Republican to win, pro-segregation

29. Harding #: corrupted, Teapot Oil Scandal

30. Coolidge /*: was once a cute young boy, nothing memorable

31. Hoover *: worst of luck, Black Tuesday, Ann Rand would have liked his earlier policies, until Hoover Dam

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt ***#: FDR, New Deal, ALPHABET SOUP, Social Security Act, Wagner Act, WWII president

33. Truman /*: bombed Japan, Truman Doctrine (containment)

34. Eisenhower **: a good war leader, NASA, ended Korean War, military-industrial complex

35. Kennedy *#: JFK, Apollo 11, Star Wars ;)

36. Lindoln B. Johnson /: escalated Vietnam War, Great Society: Civil Rights Act, Medicare & Medicaid, immigration quotas loosened, Voting Rights Act, many southern Democrats went to the Republican Party

37. Nixon *#: Watergate ;(, end of Cold War + Vietnam War

38. Gerald Ford /: pardoned Nixon, everyone believed he was a dumb football quarterback (and he was)

39. Jimmy Carter *: "I will never lie to you", crisis of CONFIDENCE

40. Ronald Reagan **: the god of modern Republican establishment

41. George W. Bush *: a decent Republican

42. Clinton */: tried to give a better healthcare system and failed, several successful welfare, well we all know ;)

43. George H. W. Bush **: was once the dumb one but no longer

44. Obama **: Obama Care, Thanks Obama ;)


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