



2008年,張蛋蛋童鞋跑到海外一家類似Conservatoire[2]的地方做起了練習生。培訓學習的Curriculum[3]包括聲樂、舞蹈、說唱、語言、Civility[4]、Countenance[5]管理等各種Course[6]。期間,自然也少不了Coursebook[7] 、Coach[8]、不同的Class[9],一起培訓學習的其他練習生們,和一場競爭出道名額的Contest[10] 。

最初張蛋蛋童鞋實力不濟,被分在了Class F。不過,張蛋蛋童鞋是誰啊,Competitive[11]著呢。作為一個Competitor,他可不僅僅是一個Contestant,而是一個Contender[12]。張蛋蛋童鞋「喜歡去比最好的,唱歌喜歡比最好的,跳舞也喜歡比最好的」,不斷向上Climb[13],最終Come from behind[14], 從最初那個向Class A發起挑戰的Challenger[15],成為了Class A的Champion[16]中的一員。當然,也同時成為了下一個出道團的Candidate[17]。

再經過了一番鏗鏗鏘鏘之後,2012年,張蛋蛋童鞋出道。伴隨著出道,他有了一份誰也不知道到底有哪些Clause[18]的Contract[19],還有了一些一起出道的隊員們。這些隊員們也確確實實不僅僅是Colleague[20],作為需要Concerted effort[21],強調Cohesion[22] 的男子組合,稱他們為Crew[23]更為合適。

練習生的世界雖然是一個Competition無處不在的世界,但這個世界依然是一個世外桃源般的存在,它有著有跡可循的Criterion[24] ,練習生和出道成員也基本是Cherry-pick[25]。或許,比起用Conservatoire形容這個地方,雙關語的Conservatory[26]更恰當。









[1] Center 中心; Calm 平靜; Confident 自信; Challenge 挑戰; Can 可以

[2] n. a school for the teaching of music or sometimes acting or act 音樂學校

[3] n. all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university 總課程

[4] n. formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech 禮儀

[5] n. the appearance or expression of someone』s face 面容或表情

[6] n. a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject 科目、課程

[7] n. a book used by students when they do a particular course of study 教科書

[8] n. someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject 導師;Teachers help you build a skill set. Coaches can sometimes help with a very specific skill, but really they are there to help you change your mindset around your goal. Coaches impart knowledge. They also help their participants to grow and develop themselves. Some of the differences between coaching and teaching are that coaches offer advice and guidance.

[9] n. a group of students who are taught together at school, college, or university 班

[10] Competition/Contest n. 競爭;A contest is usually declared and prizes announced for winners, but often there is an unspoken competition between individuals going on as in a classroom, workplace, an industry, or even between nations to have hegemony in a

particular area. Competition is not necessarily a specific event, but an atmosphere of competing.

[11] adj. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people 要強的

[12] Competitor/Contestant/Contender n. 競爭者;A competitor is someone who is competing. A contestant simply participates in a competition, whereas a contender competes to win something. Contender often implies a more vigorous, even scrappier, sense of taking on every unexpected challenge.

[13] v. – to go up, or to go towards the top of something 攀登

[14] to succeed in winning after being in a losing position in a game 後來居上

[15] n. one who challenges; especially, one who plays against the current champion of a game or contest in hopes of winning and becoming the new champion 挑戰者

[16] n. someone who shows marked superiority 佼佼者

[17] n. someone who is being considered for a position 候選人

[18] n. a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract 條款

[19] n. a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself 合同

[20] n. someone you work with 同事

[21] 齊心合力; Concerted adj. planed or done together for a shared purpose 一致的; Effort n. physical or mental activity needed to achieve something 氣力

[22] n. the state of cohering or sticking together 凝聚力

[23] n. a group of people who work together on a task or project 一群做同一項目的人

[24] n. a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something 評判標準

[25] v. to pick only the best people or things from a group 擇優挑選

[26] n. a) a school for the teaching of music or sometimes acting or art 音樂學校;b) a room with glass walls and a glass roof used for growing plants 溫室

[27] n. something you usually do 習慣

[28] adj. having no color 沒有顏色的

[29] n. something of great importance that everything else depends on 基石



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