
《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:如果你拿一個細胞,想辦法規避海佛烈克極限,你就可以避免衰老,意思就是說這個細胞不會變老,它會永生,一直分裂,不會死亡。You take a cell,circumvent the Hayflick limit, you can prevent senescence. It means the cell doesnt grow old, it becomes immortal. Keeps dividing, doesnt die.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:我們把變老視作一種自然過程,但這個實際上是我們基因里的缺陷。They say aging is a natural process, but its actually a fault in our genes.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:那麼我作為心理學家覺得你把自殺和自我毀滅搞混了,極少人會去自殺,但幾乎所有人都在自我毀滅。Then, as a psychologist Id say youre confusing suicide with self-destruction.Almost none of us commit suicide and almost all of us self-destruct.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:想像下瀕死的恐懼和痛苦,是你唯一留存的東西,我一點也不喜歡這樣。Imagine dying frightened and in pain, and having that as the only part of you which survives.I wouldnt like that at all.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:我曾經覺得我是一個人,我有自己的生活,大家叫我凱恩,現在我不那麼確定了,如果我不是凱恩,我是誰?我是你嗎?你是我嗎?I thought I was a man.I had a life.People called me Kane. And now Im not so sure.If I wasnt Kane, what was I?Was I you?Were you me?

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:我們的身體和思想都將分解成最小塊的部分,直到一塊都不剩,湮滅。Our bodies and our minds will be fragmented into their smallest parts until not one part remains.Annihilation.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:從某些方面看,在我們生活中的某個部分,我們喝酒 ,抽煙,毀掉好工作或者是美滿的婚姻,這些不是決定,是衝動。In some way, in some part of our lives.We drink, or we smoke.We destabilize the good job.Or the happy marriage.These arent decisions, theyre...Theyre impulses.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:我不知道回去意味著什麼,憑什麼認為往回走就會比往前走安全呢。I didnt know what going back meant.Why it would be safer than going forward.

《湮滅》經典台詞截圖:它沒有摧毀,它改變了一切,它製造了一些新的東西。It wasnt destroying. It was changing everything. It was making something new.




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