
Prospective Report of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee will hold a conference in few weeks』 time. The delegates of the

committee have been instructed for over a month.

The four delegates that the reporter had interviewed have a positive view toward this conference. They are quite sure that the conference will go on very well. 「Of course I

think this conference will be successful.」 「It is obvious for us to make this meeting fiercely and successful. 「 However, the reporter maintains a pessimistic attitude about the conference after the interview. I believe not everyone will participate in the conference and only a few delegates will propel it.

First of all, although the delegates are aware of their position, they don』t have

sufficient proof to support their position. When the reporter asked the delegates to explain the detailed conflicts between the two parties. They all predicted that democratic hope that more people can benefit from the health care system; especially the poor people and the Republicans hope to win benefit for the upper class and middle-class people. But they avoid answering the question about how they might argue with the opposition party specifically.

Therefore I think the delegates are not well prepared and there will be a great deal of uncertainty about the conference』s result.

In addition, the delegates did not seem to show a serious attitude toward this

conference. Senate Ron Wyden from the democratic party pointed out that, 「Senate

Bill Cassidy and Bob Casey don』t think the training courses are very important

so they didn』t pay much attention to it」 which he thinks is a very irresponsible action. Also, the reporter noticed that there is a personal grudge between senate Ron Wyden and Senate Bob Casey. When I informed Senate Bob Casey what senate Ron Wyden had said about him, he just snorted in response. And then, they argued with each other in childish ways and I think that』s very immature and will probably affect the process of the conference.

The last and the most important factor that makes me believe that this conference will

not be successful is that they all wanted maximum benefit for their party. Senate Ron Wyden mentioned that 「I think we must continue our debate and I will

try my best to persuade the Republicans, provide better evidence and advantages

about Obama care.」 Senate Bob Casey said, 「I will try my best to push my opinion and influence my opponents so that my party can gain a positive position in the conference.」 The reporter thinks that the delegates valued their party』s interest more than the United State』s interest. And they treated this conference like a debate more than a

negotiation to make this country better.

Above all, the reporter is deeply worried about the conference and recommends them to

treat the conference more seriously in order to make is more successful and

make the United States a better country.

Jingtong Lin

New York Times


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