
Obamacare』s controversy among the senators from the USSC

Obamacare was established in 2010, which mainly focuses on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of healthcare and health insurance industry, and reducing healthcare spending in US. Though Obama was quite proud of his achievement in healthcare, according to our exclusive interview, Obamacare is

going to be paid with full attention in US. Senate.

「Obamacare is excessively complicated, which has abundant loopholes, it needs to be abolished.」 Sen. Bill Cassidy from Committee on Finance remarked, 「Although financial support is provided for people whose income is lower than 133 percent of the poverty line to buy insurances, to those people whose income is higher than 133 percent of the poverty line but are still not able to enroll a healthcare plan, this is a huge pressure on their economic conditions. It is a basic human right for people to chose whether to enroll, however the Obamacare forces people to spend money on one and therefore should be seen as a serious violation of human rights.

「The overpricing of drugs in the states plays an important role in the high cost of Obamacare. People spend a large number of money on patented drugs which no other companies can produce to compete and lower the price.」 Sen. Cassidy added.

But, Sen. Kristen Gellibrand from Committee on Armed services US. Senate expressed her different opinion: 「I will try my best to vindicate Obamacare during the convention; since Obamacare was established, the coverage of healthcare had increased from 85percent to 96percent. We can infer that Obamacare have improved the quality of American life fundamentally, so that our lives are legally protected. I think senators are obligated to

maximize the profit of healthcare for Americans. From my perspective, Committee on Armed services will rationally allocate the welfare of healthcare to the U.S. army and broaden the coverage.」 When the reporter asked Sen. Gellibrand about what the most valuable contradictory point will be, she said: 「Except for Obamacare, the healthcare of illegal immigrants is worth the committee to discuss. I do not support illegal immigrants being allowed to enroll the healthcare, because it will cause discontent and economic crisis, and the Democratic will face a barrier within the party.」

「Illegal immigrants should not have health insurance, and taxpayers are not obligated to give money to non-us citizens.」 Sen. Bob Casey remarked, 「Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, so they do not have access to health care.」

Sen. Ron Wyden had different opinion with Sen. Casey: 「The policy of health care should cover illegal immigrants; since they have arrived in the United States, they should also be allowed to enroll equal treatment, which is a basic respect for human rights. I think that』s what Obamacare have always been advocating.」

Enough said, Obamacare would certainly be put in the spotlight for the senate to focus on. However, the DH of Finance Committee remarked that: 「The biggest contradictions are the inefficiency and under-coverage of American healthcare system, while Obamacare only constitutes an act of the American healthcare system. Considering that Obamacare is relatively new, there will be more and more disputes within the terms through the time

past, so dais can concern the specific debating among senators in Obamacare is understandable. Nevertheless, dais hopes that Obamacare will limit senators』

perspective in this issue.」

The reporter will keep following up on relevant issues during the formal session, and the reporter looks forward to performances of delegates in negotiation and debating, hoping that they will make the United States a beautiful new world.

Yijun Liu

Washington Post


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