




寫作題型一共分為3種:point of view、discussion和report類,相比於議論文的兩種題型【point of view + discussion】的邏輯思路,Report類的解題思路來的更簡單粗暴,總結一句話:題目問啥,咱就答啥。關於提問方式,想必參加過考試的「醉仙鴨」很熟悉:What do you think are the causes of this? what solutions can you suggest? 也就是說,我們在文章中要列舉問題產生的原因以及對應的解決方案


In many countries schools have severe problem with student behaviours. What do you think are the reasons of this? Suggest some possible solutions.

無論是說明文還是議論文,第一步一定是審題「乾貨」21天雅思寫作Chapter1,確定題目Topic,本題比較簡單,主題是:student behaviour in school 學生在學校的行為問題,然後列舉相應的原因和解決辦法。題目組成:觀點 + 提問。【打卡作業:改寫上述題目的觀點,可參照推文:「乾貨」21天雅思寫作Chapter2】 對於提問的回答,我們需要在首段中給出一個general satement,原因肯定是多樣的,但是可以通過適當的措施得到解決 vary of reasons ,but we can take measures to tackle the problem. 接下來我們就需要進行列提綱,進行brainstorming:

一、Body 1:學生的不良行為的原因有哪些 causes of bad student behaviour

1. 正所謂:子不教,父之過。家長的嬌慣和寬容可能導致學生的不良行為。Modern parents tend to be too leneint or permissive. Many children become accustomed to getting whatever they want.

2. 青少年時代的你們是否相當滴叛逆,不聽老師的教誨和學校的規定。

(1)Children find it difficult to accept the demands of teachers or the limits imposed on them by school rules.

(2)Chidren can hardly accept teachers instructions or school rules.

3. 父母有責任,孩子本身也有責任。老師的管理辦法可能也不太恰當,比如說體罰 physical punishment 會打擊學生們的自尊心 damage self-esteem

If teachers cannot control their students, there must be an issue with the quality of classroom management training or support within schools.

4. 榜樣的力量是無窮的。名人也可能會對學生的行為問題帶來不良影響,比如說名人輟學,可能會讓學生感覺可以不用完成學業就能獲取成功。

Children are easily influenced by the behaviour of celebrities. For example, many youngsters set the example that success can be achieved without finishing school.


【注意】段落開頭還是要來一句Topic sentence:In my opinion, three main factors (causes / reasons) are to blame for the way young people bahave at school nowadays.

二、Body2:對應的解決措施當然也是比較多的 Student behaviour can certainly be improved.【被動】/ There are certainly a great many ways improving students bad behaviours.【There be 句型】

1. 常言道:無規矩,不成方圓。因此,家長應該給學生制定規則parents should set rules for their children as they are the first educators.

【連接詞】The change must start with parents, who need to be persuaded that it is important to set firm rules for their children.

【解釋】When children misbehave or break the rulesparents should use reasonable punishments to demonstrate that actions have consequences.

2. 還記得小時候考試不及格,被叫家長的慘痛經歷嗎?因此,學校也應該培訓老師和家長有效的管理、溝通方式

Also, schools could play an important role in training both teachers and parents to use effective disciplinary techniques, and in improving the communication between both groups.

3. 名人也應該樹立好的榜樣 famous people act as role models。人嘛,活在這世上,除了即時享樂,還是得有責任感 sense of responsibility.

At the same time, famous people, such as musicians and football players, need to understand the responsibility that they have to act as role models to children.


參考1:To summarize,childrens negative behaviours can be improved with the joint efforts made by schools,parents and the society. Meanwhile, we should also teach children how to distinguish right from wrong throughout their childhood.

參考2:In conclusion, school will continue to face discipline problems unless parents,teachers and public figures set clear rules and demonstrate the right behaviour.

以上關於說明文寫作的講解,如果你以為結束了,那麼你要注意了,關於Report 類寫作遠不止於此。說明文從宏觀的角度有兩種提問方式:原因 + 措施; 原因 + 影響 。Eric會在4月份的全新集訓營進行深入講解,敬請期待。

積累:用來寫原因的topic sentences

1.The first reason why bicycle riding is no longer popularis that people

today have much more choices for transportation.

2.The first reason for the shortage of younger teachers is that a teaching job pays poorly.

3.It is true that poor health of the general population is associated with people』s bad eating habits.

4.In addition, the increase in the amount of rubbish is also a result of people using more disposable products.


1. 完成推文中題目的首段,請按照格式:改寫話題 + 說明文第二句(結合給出的結尾段,先行思考),打卡後我會全部進行批改。










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