
導演: 約翰·G·艾維爾森

編劇: 西爾維斯特·史泰龍

主演: 西爾維斯特·史泰龍 / 塔莉婭·夏爾 / 波特·楊 / 卡爾·韋瑟斯 / 布吉斯·梅迪斯

類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 運動

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:她再不開始生活,身體就會萎縮掉。If she dont start livin, her bodys gonna dry up.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:你說粗話時男生會笑,他們覺得你很可愛,過不多久,你就名聲在外了。沒人會尊重你,明白嗎?They laugh when you talk dirty, they think youre cute, but after a while, you get a reputation, thats it. You get no respect, you understand?

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:與好人交往就會有好的朋友,與聰明人交往就會有聰明的朋友,與混混交往就會有混混的朋友,這個道理很簡單。You hang out with nice people, you get nice friends, you understand? You hang out with smart people, you get smart friends. You hang out with yo-yo people, you get yo-yo friends. You see? Its simple mathematics.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:有些人就是看別人不順眼,明白嗎?Some guys, they just hate for no reason, capisce?

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:是,對你來說是感恩節,但對我來說是星期四。Yeah, to you. But to me its Thursday.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:愛恩斯坦被逐出校兩次,貝多芬是聾的,海倫·凱勒是盲的,我覺得洛奇很有機會。Einstein flunked out of school twice. Beethoven was deaf. Helen Keller was blind. I think Rockys got a good chance.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:運氣真是奇怪的東西。Freak luck is a strange thing.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:我不知道,我和她都有不足之處,一起便能互補不足。I dont know. Gaps. Shes got gaps, I got gaps. Together, we fill gaps. I dont know.

《洛基》經典台詞截圖:跟奎迪比賽,從來沒人能捱到最後,如果我能撐久一點,當鐘聲響起,而我還站著,那將會是我人生中第一次證明我不是廢柴。Nobodys ever gone the distance with Creed.And if I can go that distance. see, if that bell rings and Im still standin. Im gonna know for the first time in my life, you see that I werent just another bum from the neighborhood.




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