
How to Cut A Banana Using A Cooling Rack Grill---用燒烤架快速切割香蕉

Bananas are so delicious and nutritious. That』s why many people like to include bananas in salads, desserts and so on. How do you usually cut a banana? Using a knife? While this is ok if you are just slicing one banana, it will be tedious and time-consuming if you have to cut up a lot of bananas to prepare a big meal for lots of people.

Fortunately, there are always brilliant tips and tricks out there to make our life easier. This tutorial is going to show us a fun and smart way to cut a banana using a household item you may not have thought of: the cooling rack grill! With this ingenious technique, you』ll be able to slice lots of bananas in a fraction of time. And you can work with kids on that because this is fun and safer than using a knife. This technique also works for cutting soft fruits such as avocados.

香蕉美味有營養, 很多人喜歡做沙拉,點心等時候加入香蕉,但是通常怎麼切呢? 用刀子,可以,但是乏味有慢, 當你需要切大量香蕉時,用刀切就不明智了

幸運的是,總有好辦法來讓生活更簡單, 這個教程將向你們展示一種聰明有用的方法。 使用燒烤架, 使用巧妙地技巧, 可以在短時間內削切大量香蕉, 同時還可以跟孩子一起, 必用刀切安全的多。 這個方法同樣可以用於 鱷梨等其他水果。

source: DaveHax

Are you going to give this a try? Please share this fantastic banana life hack with your friends and family!

趕緊試試吧 可以與家人朋友一起分享!




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