
Britains obsession with ready meals has reached staggering proportions.


Since their invention in 1953, the British have developed something of an addiction for ready meals, and today spend £3 billion on them every year — more than any other country in Europe.


The average UK household munches its way through three shop-bought instant-cook microwaveable dinners a week, instead of cooking fresh food from scratch.


When they first came out, ready meals were impossibly exotic and exciting, they were magical things. Retailers have further enhanced the image of ready meals by using premium packaging and premium positioning.The ready-made meal has undergone a change of image, from being deemed as unhealthy, lazy food to being repositioned as a premium, indulgent option.


The traditionally insular British are becoming ever more cosmopolitan—a trend initiated by the spread of cheaper air travel and foreign holidays. This is reflected in their preference for ethnic ready meals, with Indian, Chinese and other Asian recipes being hugely popular choices.


So why are we so hooked on instant microwave dinners? What really goes into them? And how unhealthy are they? From meat glue to the dishes with more sugar than a can of Coke, we reveal the unpalatable truths behind ready meals. Listen to the next part of the episode to find out more.



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