
Mayfair lady:an icons clearance sale.


其次:赫本主演窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)讀音較像。

On Wednesday fashionistas will have a rare chance to shop from Audrey Hepburns wardrobe at Christies ,(佳士得) an auction-house, in London. The 300-plus items for sale include a hand-annotated script for "Breakfast at Tiffanys", marked up in turquoise ink, some surprisingly large Ferragamo loafers(the actress was notoriously self-conscious about her size-ten feet) [ p s :赫本的腳很大,大概相當於國內42的腳]and a letter from Gregory Peck(派克,主演羅馬假日) signed "im always available for my dear chum". Also up for grabs are many of the clothes designed for her by Hubert de Givenchy, the Parisian couturier who once described their relationship as "a kind of marriage". [高雅的女士永遠會招人喜愛的,其實高雅並不是裝的,孫子才是裝的]Celebrity provenance tends to render estimates redundant: in 2006 the black evening gown(長袍,是不是用robe也行呢?) Givenchy designed for her character Holly Golightly ,(霍莉·戈萊特麗(Holly Golightly)是美國作家杜魯門·卡波特1958年出版的小說《蒂凡尼的早餐》中的主要人物,後改編成電影,由奧黛麗·赫本主演,她生動自然的表演為影片增添了異樣的光彩,並使赫本第四度被提名奧斯卡最佳女主角。) which had been expected to sell for ∈70,000(then $126,000) fetched ∈456,200. Still, bargain-hunters may find themselves lured by her power-blue sleep mask,

whose satarting price is a fairly reasonable ∈150.

[p s:當然屌絲也可以去買這個眼罩,很著名的,當然也不便宜啊!剛轉換了一下,1157.37 R M B ]



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