
自由撰稿人 | Motion is not for 「confusion」

This article only shares the opinion from the delegate of the conference held by ModelUN and has nothing to do with the outside of the SYMUN.

Stella Ye

Free-lance Journalist in TLY

Editor:Hannah Li

Photo credit: Xiao Peng

In the second session of The Legislative Yuan, delegates at this conference address their working paper, then the topic on how to establish a new law is heatedly debated. There are two main focuses, which are naming for homosexual couples and adopting offspring in a homosexual family. Discussion on the second day is obviously more efficient and effective. Delegates challenge controversial idea that seemingly be accepted to all and explore further on unfair treatment or judgement.

However, one thing captures the attention of mine. It seems like progress of conference is much slower than that in yesterday. Why? Not only because delegates perform well and meaningfully resolve the problems, something, that is, unexpectedly lower the pace.

The first accident happens at the beginning of today』s meeting. One delegate motioning for caucus is a representative from a delegate, who may has performed a comparatively poor skill on giving speech. When he is speaking, some delegates on the floor is distracted from the argument given by this representative. Although the whole conference should go by English, it is noted that central point matters more than its exquisite package, so does respect.

On the contrary, delegate Freddy motions for a moderated caucus of the designation about 「two same sex people who share a marital relationship.」 After the motion is addressed, a chaos appears on both chair and floor, and some delegates from the floor mumble that they do not understand what Freddy wants to deliver. To ensure everyone gets the point, chair requests Freddy to repeat her moderated caucus shortly. Freddy repeats her statement in a relatively slow pace, while rapporteur, who tries to type as quickly as possible, makes mistakes on spelling and agreement.

The problem of designing a topic actually happens twice. Delegate Yu, Mei Nu motions for a moderated caucus, but soon most delegates get confused including the chair. The pause of progress due to such accidental situation does waste a lot of time, which might also deviate the central topic. After several times of assurance, the name of this caucus is finally determined as 「preferences of homosexual families to apply adoption,」 which is better than the first motion delegate Yu, Mei Nu proposes, but, still, it is not clear enough.

Reporter interviews the Chair that how chairs would regard ambiguous expressions or high-level vocabulary appeared in motion. Chair says: 「as an English conference, the legislation yuan strongly encourage delegates to use high-level vocabulary as a mean to practice language skill. However, delegates should guarantee that their expression is understandable for most people.」



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