
TLY| Report for Second Days Report

This article only shares the opinion from the delegate of the conference held by ModelUN and has nothing to do with the outside of the SYMUN.

Erfan Jing

The United Daily

Editor:Hannah Li

Photo credit: Xiao Peng

Today is the second day of the conference. There were four main

topics for today: the appellation of those homosexual couples, the ways to

raise children, the preference of homosexual family to apply adoption, and the

problems and feasibility about adopting children for homo families.

For the first topic, delegate Wang rong-zhang said that people should call homosexual people as 『couples』 or call them 『partner』 if they have married already. Another delegate, Freddy, agreed with Wang』s opinion. She thought homo couples can call their partner 『husband』 or 『wife』. Similarly, delegate Cai qi-chang presented that people in the society should call these homo couples as 『Mr.』 or 『Mrs.』. But the problem is that how can people know the proper appellation of them? Homosexual couples have the same sex outwardly, it』s very difficult for strangers to identify their 『gender』 .That may induce some unexpected consequences such as some extreme homo-proponents may think is a kind of discrimination if people call homos the 『wrong』 appellation. This type of conflict can be prevented completely if we do not use these appellation,

For raising children, there were two main ways to raise children which were mentioned

in the conference. The first way is to adopt children in charities. Another way

is raising children by artificial way. Both of these two proposals have obvious

deficiencies. The children who live in the charities are limited. That means

not all of the homo families can raise children from charities, and that cause

another kind of discrimination among the homosexual people. For the artificial

way, the only possible way for now is in vitro fertilization and embryo

transfer. Of course, only women can use this way, and it needs to make sure

whether one of the female homo agree to be pregnant as well. This method is not

apply to male homos, so there are still some discrimination essentially.

The central argument of topic four is a proposal that was presented by delegate

Wang jung-chang. She presented that the organizations should investigate the

educational level and financial level of homosexual families which wants to

adopt children. Obviously, there will be many homosexual families which can』t

reach the level. And that means they don』t have the opportunities to raise

their children. Is this a kind of discrimination? If not, how about those

homosexual families that can』t have a child? Delegate Wang didn』t give reporter

a clear answer in the conference. People are confused about this viewpoint.

The last topic is about the problems and feasibility of raising children. Delegate Wang

jin-ping said the existent of heterosexual parents is very important for

children, it may influence their The cognition of their gender.

That』s all for today, Let』s look forward to this conference and see what

will happened tomorrow.



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