
Food portrait isn』t something new. In 16th century, Italian painterGiuseppe Arcimboldo has already created some imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books. In these days, many artist have made some tries and created some interesting food and flower portrait artwork as well. Today, we will present one of those artists Polish artist & photographer Anna Tokarska who is able to create realistic looking portraits composed mostly of fruits and vegetables. According to Anna, the whole set of eight photographs took about a month to complete. Each was built vertically with great care, measuring from 50-80cm, then photographed. Now, let』s take a look and see how much food you can recognize from each portrait.

食品塑像並不是什麼新鮮事情。十六世紀時,義大利的paintergiuseppe Arcimboldo已經創造了一些富有想像力的人體塑像 ,材料物品全部來自水果、蔬菜、花卉、魚、和書籍。那段時間,很多藝術家做了不少嘗試,也創造了一些有趣的食物和花卉肖像藝術品。 今天,我們將展示其中一位藝術家的作品, 來自波蘭的藝術家兼攝影師Anna Tokarska 他的作品創造出一個逼真的肖像 材料主要是水果和蔬菜。據安娜說,整組八張照片花了大約一個月的時間才完成。每個作品都小心翼翼垂直擺放創作,尺寸50-80cm,然後拍照。現在,讓我們看一看,你能從每個肖像中認出多少食物。

腦洞大開吧---由「知乎專欄---美食的意義」 分享!



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