
OG 17 CR 題號 549

549. During

the earliest period of industrialization in Britain, steam engines were more

expensive to build and operate than either windmills or water mills, the other

practicable sources of power for factories. Yet despite their significant cost

disadvantage, steam-powered factories were built in large numbers well before

technical improvements brought their cost down. Furthermore, they were built

even in regions where geographical conditions permitted the construction of

wind- and water powered factories close to major markets.


of the following, if true, most helps to explain the proliferation of

steam-powered factories during the earliest period of industrialization in


A In many areas of Britain, there were fewer

steampowered factories than wind- or water-powered factories in the earliest

period of industrialization.

B Unlike wind- or water-powered factories,

steampowered factories were fueled with coal, which sometimes had to be

transported significantdistances from the mine to the site of the factory.

C It was both difficult and expensive to

convert a factory from wind power or water power to steam power.

D In the early period of industrialization,

many goods sold in towns and cities could not be mass-produced in factories.

E In Britain, the number of sites where a wind

or water-powered factory could be built was insufficient to provide for all of

the demand for factory-produced goods at the time.

考點:財商思維 二者因果

在腐國工業化早期,蒸汽雞的建造跟運行都比wind/water mills 貴。但是儘管蒸汽雞的不利條件(貴),在技術可以降低成本(財商的體現)之前,依然大規模的建造了。更多的是,他們還在更加適宜建造風能水能,還靠近市場的地方建造了,美滋滋。

問:explain(問因)一下 蒸汽雞量的激增

邏輯鏈條:cause:蒸汽雞成本比水能,風能高 effect:然並卵,依然大規模建造 蒸汽雞量的激增


steam fewer than water /wind 跟量的激增毛關係沒有 無關

B:coal ,distance 言下之意 原材料運輸 可能帶來成本升高 ,建的量可能會減少,削弱


D:goods sold 賣的東西,無關

E:水能,風能滿足不了工廠需要 ,言下之意需要steam蒸汽雞

做補充 ,所以蒸汽雞量 激增 他因增強(跟本因涉及成本無關)


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