




「熬夜了補一覺就成?大腦可不這麼認為!」 觸目驚心!!!

  1. Keep your workplace brightly
    lighted to promote alertness.
    If youre working the night shift, expose yourself to bright light, such as
    that from special light boxes, lamps, and visors designed for people with
    circadian-related sleep problems, when you wake up. Circadian
    rhythms are the bodys internal clock that tells us when to be awake and
    when to sleep. These rhythms are controlled by a part of the brain that is
    influenced by light. Fleming says that being exposed to bright light when
    you start your "day" can help train your bodys internal clock
    to adjust. 晚上工作保持燈光明亮來欺騙你的生物周期節律,這樣可以更容易把你的身體調節到白天的節奏
  2. Limit
    caffeine. Drinking a cup of coffee at the beginning of your shift will
    help promote alertness. But dont consume caffeine later in the shift or you may have
    trouble falling asleep when you get home. 避免咖啡因。夜班開始可以喝一杯咖啡,然後別碰了。茶也盡量少喝,禁止酒。另外對於夜班的飲食要格外注意。熬夜過程中要注意補水,可以喝枸杞大棗茶或菊花茶,既補又有去火功效。(1)夜班中間餓了是肯定的,但最好準備一些清淡的水果、蔬菜沙拉、提前打好的豆漿、粥都是不錯的選擇,一定要少吃上火的東西,比如泡麵、薯片、麥當勞之類。(2)睡醒後要多吃、吃好,多補充蛋白質(如瘦肉、豆製品、魚蝦),多食含維生素A的食物(如胡蘿蔔、番茄、動物肝臟)。(3)開始熬夜前,來一顆維他命B群營養丸,來一杯牛奶。管它有用沒用,反正我是每次夜班都吃。(4)臨睡前,來碗桂圓、蓮子、百合、大棗等熬得粥。(5)最重要的一點,保持一天正常的高質量的三餐。我好多同事基本吃飯都各種亂,一天可能兩頓或者一頓,其實並不好。 晚上一杯奶,有個好睡眠?

  3. Avoid bright light on the way home
    from work, which will make it easier for
    you to fall asleep once you hit the pillow. Wear dark, wraparound
    sunglasses and a hat to shield yourself from sunlight. Dont stop to run
    errands, tempting as that may be. 公司到家的路上盡量避免陽光照射,這樣到家更容易入睡
  4. Have a 20–30 minute nap during your night shift if
    possible and allow at least 10 minutes to wake up before returning to work
    duties. 夜班中困了就稍微睡會兒,不超過半個小時。
  5. Ask
    your family to limit phone calls and visitors during your sleep hours. Use
    blackout blinds or
    heavy curtains to block sunlight when you sleep during the day.
    "Sunlight is a potent stimulator of the circadian rhythm,"
    Fleming says. "Even if your eyes are closed, the sunlight coming into
    the room tells your brain that its daytime. Yet your body is exhausted
    and youre trying to sleep. That discrepancy ... is not a healthy thing
    for the body to be exposed to." 睡眠環境保證絕對的安靜和遮光。強烈推薦夜班必備神器:暗無天日遮光窗帘(TB很多50RMB左右),另外眼罩、耳塞也是必備品
  6. You may need time to unwind between work and bedtime.
    Some shift workers prefer to go straight to bed, while others find it』s
    better to read or watch television to wind down first. 我最開始上夜班時,一般到家很難入睡。因為工作的高強度很緊張,你很難在短時間內就鬆弛下來。睡不著怎麼辦?我的經驗是(1)看平時看不進去的無聊的書,然後犯困 (2)熱水泡腳、熱水澡,不過我一般都是泡腳,因為沖澡會讓我清醒 (3)服用褪黑素,雖然我沒吃過,但同事很多人反應效果不錯
  7. Get regular exercise. The people who
    has a regular exercise routine cope better than those who don』t. 保持運動的習慣哦

  8. 保證每天6~8小時的有效睡眠,不過很難保證,夜班狀態基本都是昏昏沉沉的。盡量多睡吧。
  9. Try not to work a number of night shifts in a row. You may become increasingly more sleep-deprived over several nights on the job. Youre more likely to recover if you can limit night shifts and schedule days off in between. 不要長時間的連續夜班,不過這個一般都不是我們可以決定的,Roster都已經排好了
  10. Avoid frequently rotating shifts. If you cant, its easier to adjust to a schedule that rotates from day shift to evening to night rather than the reverse order. 不要太頻繁的倒班,比如傳統企業我同學他們在鋼鐵廠就是1白1夜每班12小時然後休息一天,這種頻率的倒換實際上並不太好,我們公司1周白班1周下午班1周夜班每班8小時還算湊合



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