


視頻版權:Life Noggin (不允許隨意用於商業用途); 字幕翻譯:天文志願字幕組(有錯誤的地方望各位指出)


(字幕翻譯:天文志願字幕組,若有錯誤,歡迎指出)N【視頻版權:Life Noggin】

嗨!NHey there!

歡迎來到 Life Noggin。NWelcome to Life Noggin.

你,作為地球公民,有充分的理由依賴於太陽。NYou Earthlings are pretty attached to your sun, and for good reason.

它提供了光和熱,驅動著氧氣進行光合作用,幫助形成天氣機制。NIt provides light and heat, drives photosynthesis that makes oxygen, and helps generate weathe patterns.

沒有了它,你將無法生存。NWithout it, you wouldn』t exist.

但是,如果有更大的太陽,如果太陽太大,會更好嗎?NBut if the sun is so great, would it be better if there was more of it?

如果太陽是現在的兩倍會怎樣?NWhat if the sun has twice the mass it has now?

好的東西太多了也會變成不好的。在這種情況下,會變得非常糟糕以至於NToo much of a good thing can be a bad thing,and in this case, it would so bad that no

沒有人能夠生存。None would survive.

但在談論這之前,你得先明白為什麼質量會造成這種差異。NBut before I get to that, you have to understand why mass makes a difference.

你可能知道,太陽是一顆恆星,恆星有著不同的質量。NAs you probably know, the sun is a star, and stars come in a variety of masses.

通常,一個更大質量的恆星(含有更多的物質)會更明亮NGenerally, a star with more mass — more matter packed into it — glows brighter and

更熱,比起那些小一些的恆星。Nhotter than one with less.

最小的恆星可以不到太陽質量的8%,僅僅釋放出相當於太陽NThe smallest stars can be less than 8 percent the mass of the sun and give off only .01

0.01%的能量。Npercent as much energy.

最大的恆星可以達到太陽質量的100多倍,釋放相當於太陽成NThe largest stars can be a hundred times more massive than the sun and emit thousands of

千上萬倍的能量。Ntimes as much energy.

與這些恆星相比,太陽算是一個很正常的質量。NCompared to these stars, the sun is actually a pretty normal mass.

但這對於它和地球的聯繫並沒有太多的特別之處。NBut that doesn』t make its relationship to Earth any less special.

許多的行星對於維持生命來說,離它們的恆星要麼太近要麼太遠。NMany planets are either too close or too far away from their stars to support life.

地球處在了我們所說的黃金帶(或宜居帶),該位置離太陽Nor the habitable zone, where it』s just far Earth is in what we call the Goldilocks Zone,

恰當遠的距離,營造了適宜的溫度來使得生命得以存活。Nenough away from the sun to have the right temperature for life to exist.

我們並不是唯一一顆這樣的行星。NAnd we』re not the only planet like this.

科學家們相信,在銀河系中有著數十億顆處於宜居帶的類地行星!NScientists believe there are billions of Earth-like planets in habitable zones across the Milky


事實上,在2017年初,NASA宣布了他們在39光年遠發現的七顆系外行星NIn fact, in early 2017, NASA announced they』d found seven exoplanets 39 light years away

可能有水,並且其中的三顆處於宜居帶。Nin their star』s habitable zone. that might have water, and three of them are

但是它們繞著中心恆星公轉的軌道都比水星繞太陽的軌道還近,因此···NMercury orbits the sun, so… why don』t But all of them orbit their star closer than

它們為什麼沒有被燒毀?Nthey burn up?

當然,距離只是等式中的一部分。NWell, distance is only part of the equation.

這些行星是在繞著一顆很冷、很小,只有太陽質量8%的矮恆星旋轉。NThese planets orbit an ultra-cool, very small dwarf star only 8 percent as massive as the sun.

它只有太陽溫度的一半並且不到太陽亮度的千分之一。NIt』s also half as cold as the sun and less than one-thousandth as bright.

靠近這顆恆星可能是唯一一種獲得足夠的光NBeing close to this star is the only way the planets could possibly capture enough light

和熱來維持生命的途徑。Nand heat to support life.

如果它們再遠一些,就會太冷而不能使生命存在。NIf they were farther away, they would be too cold for life to exist.

那麼,回到你所在的太陽系NSo, back to your solar system.

如果太陽的質量是現在的兩倍,地球將會離開宜居帶NIf the sun were twice as massive as it is now, Earth would fall out of the habitable

···無路可逃。Nzone… way out.

首先,有了更多的質量,太陽的光度(能量的總數和它發出的亮度)NFirst off, with more mass, the sun』s luminosity the amount of energy and brightness it

將會指數增加。Ngives off — would increase exponentially.

為了能看到將會發生什麼,讓我們看一看大犬座A(天狼星),全天最亮的恆星。NTo see what might happen to you, let』s look at Sirius A, the brightest star in your sky.

它大約是太陽質量的兩倍,但亮度是太陽的20倍。NIt』s just about twice as massive as the sun but more than 20 times as luminous.

它也要比太陽熱上幾千度(遠超過9000攝氏度,NIt』s also several thousand degrees hotter well over 9000 degrees celsius, compared

與太陽的5500度相比)Nto 5500 degrees for the sun.

如果太陽是這樣的質量並且和地球保持著現在這樣的距離,你就完蛋了,Nthe same distance from it, you』d be toast, If the sun was that massive and Earth kept

不誇張地說。Nmaybe literally.

地球不會顯著變熱,但海洋會被蒸發掉,留下NEarth would not just get significantly hotter, but the oceans would boil away, leaving a

蒸發形成的雲使地球陷入更為高溫的陷阱。Nvapor cloud that would trap even more heat.

此外,如果太陽變成兩倍的質量,它的萬有引力將會增加。NPlus, if the sun doubled in mass, its gravitational pull would increase.

這將會改變地球的軌道,可能會使得潮汐更為強烈。NThis could change the Earth』s orbit and tidal patterns, possibly making tides stronger.

這所有的一切都將不利於你這個地球公民。NAll of this would not be good for you Earthlings.

我想,你對現在的太陽應該有了更好的認識。NI think it』s probably better to appreciate the sun you have now.

想要知道如果地球變成現在的兩倍會怎樣嗎?NWant to know what would happen if the Earth doubled in size?

看一看這段視頻。NCheck out this video.

你認為其它位於宜居帶的行星存在生命嗎?NDo you think life exists on other planets in these habitable zones?

通過屏幕下方的評論告訴我們吧!NLet me know in the comment section below.N(觀看更多中文天文視頻歡迎關注weibo天文在線)N【也歡迎您加入我們字幕組,私信koukou零度星系(南充)】









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