
固定搭配set phrases





引導賓語從句只能用whether,不能加or not

depend on whether it`s true or not

引導狀語從句必須加or not

I decided to eat the food whether it was tasty or not,



只能說depend on 兩者之間

如farmers depend on rain or snow

或depend on whether

但是不可以說depends on his ability 因為能力是量化的不是yes or no分明對應的。


this result seems to demonstrate the new theory,

it seems that this result demonstrates the new theory

it seems as if the result demonstrates the new theory.

5.So as to/ so that.

You dont use so as to +verb, unless the verb describes some sort of state/ condition.

Example if the verb is an action verb this construction generally isnt used.

So that,

namely that construction is placed in front of clause, that describes intention or goal of some action,

for example james started weight training so that he could become stronger.

so that需要加情態動詞表示目的,不加的話表示結果。

So ……that,

1)used to emphasize the extreme quality of adj/adv,

2)followed by some consequence of that extreme quality

for example, Don is so tall that he can reach the top shelf without any effort.

such that.和so…that基本相同,就是形式不太一樣。

這兩個結構是固定搭配,不能插入其它成分,如So… such that.絕對錯誤。

So …that , so… as to be/do的用法,

so… that可以用作多個主語, so… as to be一般用於單一主語,並且不能相隔太遠

因為so …as to be/do 事實上是三個結構的結合,as指代前方句子核心含義 to修飾前方動詞和邏輯主語,所以前方句子務必清晰,並且to be/do結構不能與前面動詞相隔太遠


enough for somebody

enough to do something.主觀滿足,不適用書面語


enough+ that/ so as to /so to /so that.×


the rivalry between x and y

the rivals x and y.


expend something in/ on (doing) something.


a) require somebody/something to do something

b)n is required of somebody/something to do something,

n, required of somebody/something to do something,

c)required doing.主動表被動

d)require of somebody that, 後面都+to,除了這個結構。


10. reduce,

The collision reduced prices,

the college correlation was considering a reduction in prices.


if the word distinguishes used to compare two entities, point out differences between two entities:distinguish between x and y,

eg:Colorblind people are not able to distinguish between green object and red on objects when these objects are placed in a pattern.

excessively, color blind people cannot distinguish colors at all.In this sentence distinguish implies manage to discern.

There is a distinction between trains, and father.

Suspect: the investor distinguished trends from fads.


主語只能夠是人,不可以是一個主語從句。the criminals are at fault for breaking the law.

educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact




1)A is to B what C is to D

Air is to us what water is to fish.空氣對於我們猶如水對於魚,介詞to表示兩者的關係

2)A is for B what C is for D

例如。poultry is for the cook what canvas is for the paint


3)What C is to D, that A is to B.


正如1,喻體在前,主體在後,相當於just as…,so…意思是a對b而言,正如C對D一樣

what不可以直接被just as替換,需要遵循各自的平行比較格式

Just as引導的是從句,so是副詞,其後是主句


Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of nature, (so) Marx, discovered the law of development of human history


As…, so too…表示隨著…,…也

第二句通常使用倒裝,倒裝類似於so do I

Try 1.we will try to build a company, 表目的,側重儘力,為了達到目的而努力2.we tried breaking the door down.表示嘗試,try doing只是一種新的嘗試,並沒有一定明顯的目的性。they will try and build the company.


只能跟on, for一定錯

Act as = function as

act like= behave in a similar manner.

In reference, to.不包含任何動作成分,這句話沒有看懂。

Evidence for,和evidence of


如啊。地球滅亡的證據(for),但是不能說地球的證據,原始人的證據(of)。似乎of後面都是名詞性的,而for後面都是動詞或某個句子的。you can only use evidence for with a theory or idea it means that, the evidence supports that Evidence, For example, evidence for evolution, is evidence that helps prove that evolution occurs.

Evidence for: this is used, for some argument or position, and not for something that once existed.For instance "evidence for the atkins diet "would be evidence showing that the atkins diet is a good thing.

in this case you could say evidence of complex societies evidence that they existed however 」for「 is nonsense, because we arent talking about the position that can be substantiated.


we do not doubt that the apples are ripe

we have no doubt that the apples are ripe,

she doubts whether jane will arrive on time.

Doubt 肯定句whether

doubt否定句 that,


music education is a means to improve the cognition

Sending ems is a means to deliver the file to you.

Sending ems is a means of delivery.


A means to do something = method for/ of doing something



Imperfections appear as tiny cracks.在這一個句型里,前者是抽象的名詞,後者是具體的。相當於Show up as.

He appears confused.

The dinosaurs appear to have been relatively smart.

It appears that the dinosaurs were smart.


They are equipped to fight on any terrain., 只有這一種用法。

There are equipped for fighting on any karen.×


The holiday allows maria to watch the movie.

Maria was allowed to watch the movie.

The demolition of the old building allows for new construction考慮體諒留出,允許有(demolition毀壞、炸掉)。.Permits the existence of.


We attribute (結果)the uprising to popular discontent 。(原因)。

active voice in the one attribute X (an effect) to Y (a cause).

passive voice X (the effect) is attributed to Y.(The cause)



To sell can be used to refer to seller: the stores sells many books,

to sell can also be used to refer to the item being sold: the books in the store sell well, the conveyed meaning here is that many people purchase books.

Not so much …as…. 和 Not… so much as…

常用的並列連詞。含義相當於.Rather than.可連接詞與詞、短語並列和句子並列。

He isnt so much ill as depressed.(Hes depressed rather than ill).

Oceans dont so much divide the world as you unite it.(Oceans unite the world rather than divide it)

連接句子:Not so much …as…, 鏈接because/ that.倒不是因為,而是因為。

As 後that有時可以省去.

You feel lost, sick at heart before such unmasked hatred, not so much because it threatens you as because it shows.Humans in such an inhuman light.

Its not so much that the machine is out of order as that I have not learned to operate it.


He conceived of architecture as a dialogue.他把建築作為一種對話。Aid.She


She aids her neighbor.

She provide aid to victims.這裡更多的是前面有個provide動詞的搭配。

aid for victims is available.

Her aid in walking the dog was appreciated.

後面兩種搭配比較常見。for是受幫助的人,aid in應後面加的都是動作性名詞或者動詞名詞。

Aid is used as a noun meaning help with performing some activity the idiomatic rule dictates that.

  1. the activity must be designated with a noun.For example childbirth.Or noun phrase, giving birth to a child.Rather than with an infinitive: To give birth to a child.
  2. The noun or noun phrase, designating the activity must be immediately preceded by the word, in.

The following sentence, illustrate this Rule:

The midwife provided Aid in childbirth.

Germany received Americas aid in building Hamburg after the war.

The sentence "the united states provides aid to many developing nations." does not violate this rule because it is not used to mean help with performing some activity.


Except that, 與except相似,只是後面接從句



Except for a final skirmish(skirmish小衝突)the war was over.

干擾項:Besides a final skirmish, the war was over.

With the exception of a final skirmish, the war was over.


Consider x y.

I consider her a friend, I consider her intelligent,

you can switch the order of the two objects if one is long.

consider somebody to do, consider doing.

這條Consider to do.×××

Agree to.Usually to an action or a principle.同意意見觀點,某人的主張,某人的所作所為反映的。Can be considered an active form usually requiring a verb.eg:

X agrees, to do Y

Agree with.和某人,同意做某件事情,某一個動作行為。比如求婚,提案或者某一種做法。Usually with a person or principle, can be considered a passive form. eg: the X is an agreement with y.



Something be expected to do/be 指望,期望。

Its expected that.預期(與上面一個意思,但是沒有上個簡潔。)

Expect to do.

Expect somebody/ something to do.

Expect that,

expect something.


Expect something from somebody,

expect somebody to do something.


1.Something be expected for something to do.也就是說。For something不能加。.

2.Something be expected that.錯。

3.Its expected for somebody to do.累贅,不如直接用Something be expected to do.

4.Expect somebody that.錯。

注意date to後面是ago, 而Date at, 後面是old.

1.Day to:可追溯something.到幾年前,強調發生的時間點。

2.Date at.年代判定,鑒別年份有多少年之久

3.Date back.後面加一段時間A period,通常翻譯成,發生在某年某月某天等之前。

如.This story dates back two hundred years.

Date back to.If something dates back to a particular time, it started or was made at that time.

The church dates back to 1173

The town dates back to the Tang dynasty.

4.Date from.追溯到,開始於If something dates from a particular time, it started or was made at that time.

Many of the earliest known images of Hindo deties is in India date from the time of the Kushan empire.

Help, 的用法。

help somebody to do

help to do,

be helpful in.特別注意

Such as,不可以用Like.代替, 在gmat中通常作介詞表語表示像什麼一樣,且要求前後嚴格對稱,但不可表示列舉。

它有兩種形式。A such as B, such A as B。

謂語單複數與a一致,So much as.要保證平行。

Such as.的用法:

Such as.加具體名詞。n1 and n2, doing n1 and doing n2.表示舉例。

Such as +noun/ doing/ what.從句/介詞短語。


Such as there/They/these.必須是具體的東西,不能加代詞。

Such as to do/ sentence/ when.X

X1 X2 X3 such as these × 因為such as要放在列舉之前。

Distinctions between …and…,

differences between …and….A has difference from b.

有Different from, difference /distinction between a and b,

沒有。distinction from.

Lie/ lay.作動詞時用法說明。


lie:1.Iie lied lied, 撒謊。

2.lie lay lain.躺著;平放。

Lay:lay laid, laid.產卵,下蛋;放,擱。

Make, 短語。

make it adj to do.

Make (doing) something adj.

Make N1 N2.

Buy on credit.分期付款,賒購


Campaign:campaign for/ against.

Change.作名詞搭配: Change in; change of; change from a to b.

Aim, goal, intention, objective, function, way, method, purpose+ be+ to do.最常用的還是。Method of doing/ for doing.

Use, site, function, regard, think, Conceive of. view, act + as.

Consider, deem, make, call, find, elect.+賓語+賓補。


Method of/ for doing something,優於 method to.

但是內容可以用不定式表示。the method Is to do.

eg:There are several ways to build a solid walls using just mud or clay but the most extensively used method has been to form the mud or clay into bricks, and, after some preliminary I air drying or sun drying to lay them in the war in mud model.

Tend, 的用法。

tend to do, if something tends to happen it happens often and is likely to happen again.

Tend.to somebody /something照顧。


.Not bother to do something.He didnt bother to answer the question.

Not bother about/ with he didnt bother with a reply.

Not.Bother doing something.Many young people didnt bother voting.


Have/ receive/ win support of/ from someone 來自某人的支持。

support for something/ someone/ doing something 支持某事,某人,做某事。in support of something,

unqualifing: not meeting some sort of standard for qualification 沒達標。unqualified: without any sort of restriction or reservation.沒有保留的。


plan to do something, he said he planned to write his essay tonight,

plan on doing something: when do you plan on going to Geneva?

plan something: the former president is planning a return to politics.

Be likely to do.很容易傾向於做某事。


It be…… that/ who.強調部分是人,且為句子主語時,用who。

It was at nine yesterday that we met the film star.

Limit, 作動詞時的固定搭配。

limit somebody to something

limit something to (something)

be limited to something

limit on doing something做某事的限制。

名詞。.Size limits大小規模限制。.

Urge.somebody to do.

Shark catches.捕鯊量。此處catch的意思為 a quantity of fish that has been caught at.one time.


1.Presume that,

I presume we`ll be there by six oclock.

2.Presume somebody/ something to be somebody/ something.被動是Something presumed to be.

From the way he talked, I presumed him to be your boss.

3.Be presumed to do something.

The temple is presumed to date from the first century bc.

Reach for 伸手抓某物。reach. of, somebody.在某人能觸及到的範圍內。

Do (something) to one`s satisfaction.做某事一樣使達到某人滿意的程度。


1.conclude by doing something

conclude with something以…結束:結束的方式、行為

She concluded by saying she was proud to be from Salford

Each chapter conclude with a short summary.

2.Conclude to達成什麼而結束。



Design something to do something.

Be designed for somebody/ something,

be designed as something

be designed with something.

Inhabit, 居住於。be inhabited by


1.及物動詞。Attempt to do something; attempt something.

2.作名詞。An attempt at (doing) something, an attempt to do something.放在句首, In an attempt to.

Competition from somebody/ something

prefer a to b preference for.是正確搭配。


announce something to somebody

announce to somebody something,相當於賓語後置。

announce a decision/ Intention /plan.這個時候如果後面接To do, 不會產生作狀語修飾announce的歧義。the government has announced plans to create ten thousand new jobs.

Announce (that).

Announcer somebody/ yourself.通報…的到達;通知某某已準備好。

錯誤用法。Announce to do/ be something,

Monkfish 和fish的單複數識別.

If fish is singular it must be used with an article,

I saw a fish swimming beneath me.Singula:1 fish

I saw fish swimming beneath me. Plural: Multiple fish.

Efficient at 與efficient in doing something,

at, 做某事有效率(拋頭露臉)

their equipment was not as efficient at finding gold as todays machinery.


the heating system is very efficient in its use of fuel.

Namely :that is to say, along with.

是個副詞,Dont add sentence after it.

補充說明最近的名詞成分。The other change namely the increase in electronic equipment, has slow down.

補充說明句子主語:One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.

Namely,後面跟從句解釋前面名詞成分: on the next trip I solved part of the problem but after discussing the situation with AB on the phone, an alternative solution was at hand; namely, that from1987 onwards, I would spend my winters playing for Queensland.

The fact of.從未成為正確選項。一定要是The fact that.

Intend, 動作發出者必須是生物

intend somebody something to do something,

I never intended things to turn out the way they did,

intend to do/ doing.

Intend that,

be intended to do something.

Be intended for somebody/ something.表示書、電影、藥品專為……而設計或製造


n with intent (to do something.)注意intent前方The.不太明白

He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.

Be intent on /upon (doing) something.下決心做某事

She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

Intent on /upon.專註於

Intent upon her work, she didnt notice the cold.

Intention of doing something,

GMAT ONLY said with intention of doing something

he left manchester with the intention of finding a job in london.

ensure+ n

ensure+ that.No (should) .

錯錯錯:ensure somebody to do something.

Forbid somebody to do something.




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