I have said that the soul is not more than the body.
我曾說過 軀體與靈魂交融And I said that the body is no more than the soul.難以分出孰輕孰重
And nothing,世上任何事物not God is greater than one, than one itself is.即使是上帝 也當眾生平等
I hear and see holy God in every object,神跡四處可見yet understand God not at least.我卻不解其故Nor do I understand
也不相信who there can be more wonderful than myself.有誰會比自己過得更精彩In the faces of men and women I see God,
在人們的臉上 我看到了上帝的身影and in my own face in the glass.當我看向鏡中的自己 亦是如此I find letters from God dropped in the street
我拾到了上帝遺落凡間的信箋and everyone has signed by God"s mean.上面列著上帝為眾人安排的命運And I leave them where they are.
我任一切順其自然For I know that wherever I go,因為我知道 無論我去往何方others will punctually(準時地) come.總有人接替我而來Forever and ever(生生世世,生生不息).推薦閱讀: