
《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:讀書只會讓我瞌睡。Well, reading makes me sleepy.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:天涯何處無芳草。Plenty more fish in the sea.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:外面的世界競爭非常激烈,我很擔心像你這樣單純善良的小熊,會被人欺負。Its a tough, competitive world out there,and I worry a good-natured little bear might get trampled underfoot.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:但是露西嬸嬸說,如果我們溫和善良彬彬有禮的話,世界也會變美好。But Aunt Lucy said,"If were kind and polite, the world will be right."

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:我知道,坐牢可不是鬧著玩的,畢竟我出演了三年的悲慘世界。I do. Prison is no laughing matter.And I should know, I spent three years in Les Misérables.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:監獄沒有睡前故事。Sorry, son. No bedtime stories in here.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:要我說的話,粉色把整間屋子都點亮了。If you ask me, the pink really brightens the place up a bit.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:你總能在一個人的身上發現好的一面。If you look for the good in people, youll find it.

《帕丁頓熊2》經典台詞截圖:歡唱的生活更輕鬆,時光過得更飛快。Singing life will be easier Time would be breezier.



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