

  1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. b


今天將學習 BELLPAC 兩個詞根~ 開始吧~

BELL. 源自拉丁詞語,意為"war". Bellona是一個小有名氣的羅馬戰爭女神,她的丈夫Mars是掌管戰爭的神。

antebellum. Existing before a war, especially before the American Civil War(1861-1865).

例句:When World War I was over, the French nobility(貴族) found it impossible to return to their extravagant antebellum way of life.

即使戰爭勝利了,戰勝國的情況也不會比戰爭前好多少,更不用說戰敗國了。So antebellum often summons up images of ease, elegance, and entertainment that disappeared in the postwar years. 在美國南部,the antebellum way of life depended on a social structure, based on slavery, that collapsed after the Civil War; Margaret Mitchells Gone with the Wind shows the nostalgia(懷舊,尤指對美好時光的) and bitterness felt by wealthy Southerners after the war more than the relief and anticipation experienced by those released from slavery. 一戰打碎了上層階級的美好生活,即便是獲勝了法國和英國,(也未能倖免)。短短的四年,一戰徹底改變了整個社會。

bellicose. Warlike, aggressive, quarrelsome.

例句:The more bellicose party always got elected whenever there was tension along the border and the public believed that military action would lead to security.

bellicose描述的是一種渴望真實戰爭的態度,這個詞總的來說適用於領導者和他們所領導的國家。在20世紀,這個詞通常用來描述軸心國三大領袖,德國的Kaiser Wilhelm, 義大利的Benito Mussolini,和日本的General Tojo。The international relations of a nation with a bellicose foreign policy tend to be stormy and difficult, and bellicosity usually makes the rest of the world very uneasy.

belligerence. Aggressiveness, combativeness.

例句:The belligerence in Turners voice told them that the warning was a serious threat.

與bellicose和bellicosity不同的是,belligerence能被用在從個體到全局的每一個層次。The belligerence of Marlon Brandos performances as the violet Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desireelectrified the country in the 1940s and 50s. At the same time, belligerent speeches by leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States throughout the Cold War were keeping the world on edge. Belligerent is even a noun; the terrible war in the recent years, for example, has involved seven nations as belligerents.

rebellion. Open defiance and opposition, sometimes armed, to a person or thing in authority.

例句:A student rebellion that afternoon in Room 13 resulted in the new substitute teacher racing out of the building in tears.


Plenty of teenagers rebel against their parents in all kinds of ways. But a rebellion usually involves a group. Armed rebellions are usually put down by a countrys armed forces, or at least kept from expanding beyond a small area.

The American War of Independence was first viewed by the British as a minor rebellion that would soon run its course, but this particular rebellion led to a full-fledged(figurative (established, qualified)) revolution-that is, the overthrow of a government. Rebellion, armed or otherwise, has often alerted those in power that those they control are very unhappy.

PAC. 與拉丁詞中含義為"agree"和"peace"的詞相關。Pacific Ocean,即平靜的海洋,由Ferdinand Magellan命名。有一次他駕船穿過了靠近Cape Horn的風暴後,發現太平洋是如此的平靜,因此給該洋起名Pacific Ocean。(顯然Magellan沒遇到過太平洋颱風)

pacify. (1)To soothe(緩解或安慰) anger or agitation(焦躁), (2)To subdue(控制) by armed action.

例句:It took the police hours to pacify the angry demonstrators.

Someone stirred up by a strong emotion can usually be pacified by some kind words and the removal of its causes. 例如:

Unhappy babies are often given a rubber pacifier for sucking to make them stop crying.

在越戰中,pacification of an area意味著用武力驅逐敵人,用建築學校和提供社會服務來籠絡當地人的心。但是軍隊常常用純武力來維護所謂的「和平」,而不帶有任何安慰人心的多餘動作。

pacifist. A person opposed to war or violence, especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to fight, on moral or religious grounds.

例句:Her grandfather had fought in the Marines in World War II, but in his later years he had become almost a pacifist, opposing every war for one reason or another.

The Quakers and the Jehovahs Witnesses are pacifist religious groups.Henry David Thoreau和馬丁路德金就是美國著名的pacifist. 像這些組織和個人這樣的pacifists, 不是總能遇到同情和理解的。pacifism,至始至終抵制者戰爭,有著強烈的個人信仰,但是在戰時常常被屠殺或監禁。

pact. An agreement between two or more people or groups; a treaty or formal agreement between nations to deal with a problem or to resolve a dispute.

The girls made a pact never to reveal what had happened on that terrifying night in the abandoned house.

Pact has "peace" at its root because a pact often ends a period of unfriendly relations. 這個詞通常用在國際關係中,像是外交官常說的"arms pact","trade pact"或者"fishing-rights pact"。它也可以用在任何兩人之間的嚴肅約定或者承諾。

pace. Contrary to the opinion of.(和步調那個pace 不同,這裡用的是拉丁含義 )

例句:She had only three husbands, pace some Hollywood historians who claim she had as many as sex.

這個單詞很像是常用的那個pace, 但這裡注意其發音是PAY-see. It is used only by intellectuals, and often printed in italics so that the reader doesnt mistake it for the other word. 作家用這個詞僅在糾正一個被多數人信以為真的觀點,如,"The costs of the program, pace some commentators, will not be significant."

So what does pace have to do with peace?

Because it says "Peace to them(that is, to the people Im mentioning)-I dont what to start an argument; I just want to correct the facts."


Fill in each blank with the correct letter:

a. antebellum b. pacifist c. pact d. pace

e. rebellion f. bellicose g. pacify h. belligerence

  1. The native __________ began at midnight, when a gang of youths massacred the Newton family and set the house afire.
  2. The grand __________ mansion has hardly been altered since it was built in 1841.
  3. The Senate Republicans, outraged by their treatment, were in a _______ mood.
  4. __________ some of the younger scholars, no good evidence has been found that Japan was involved in the incident.
  5. The cease-fire _______ that had been reached with such effort was shattered by the news of the slaughter.
  6. Their relations during the divorce proceedings had been mostly, so his _________ in the judges chambers surprised her.
  7. The world watched in amazement as the gentle _________ Gandhi won India its independence with almost no bloodshed.
  8. Her soft lullabies(搖籃曲) could always _________ the unhappy infant.


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