
在很多大型公司的面試環節中,或者是海外高校的招生流程中,很多時候會有一輪face-to-face interview或者online interview。考官非常有可能會問到的幾個問題,我們一起看看,應該怎麼來回答咯~~

1. Tell me about yourself

這個問題非常寬泛,看似回答什麼內容都okay, 但要注意的是,你的回答可是interviewers 對你的first impression。Too casual or too common的回答,可是不能贏得interviewers 關注的喲。

那應該怎麼回答這個問題呢? 首先你需要知道的是 interviewers 為什麼會問這個問題,他們想了解的到底是什麼內容。是你日常的喜好嗎?是你的休閑娛樂方式嗎?通通都不是。

其實interviewers更多的是想去從你的回答中,看到你的Confidence, enthusiasm, passion。那麼,在我們的回答裡面,當然需要最大化地呈現自己對專業學習,工作,生活的熱忱和努力。


Well, as you might already have known from my CV (Curriculum Vitae), I majored in English as my Bachelor Degree, and then I have engaged in English teaching in Language training schools in Wuhan for the first 5 years after my graduation. I must say I have always enjoyed myself in my work, since I believe my work can bring students assistance, and my students also pass me sense of satisfaction when they get remarkable results in their exams and study. Actually, after five-year teaching, I gradually realized I was reaching my bottle neck in my professional life, so I decided to further my study in Education, to prepare myself with professional theories. Now, I suppose the 2.0 version of me will better serve my students in my lessons.

2. What are your strengths?


而在interview環節中,希望的是從這個回答裡面,看到interviewee自己是如何positively think about yourself. 所以各位就不用猶豫了,大膽地展現自己的優點吧。


Actually,I am very proud to say I am a person of plans. To be more specific, I am quite good at considering and organization, and I believe this is the bonus for my years』 teaching experience. You know, during teaching, you always need to come up a sound plan for your students before the lesson formally start, and also slightly modify your plan for him or her during the following sessions. What I mean is, I need a big picture in my mind, I must understand what he or she needs to achieve the goal, and try to seek effective approaches to assist him or her.

Besides, I am also fond of designing travelling plans. You know, before my every trip, I usually spend hours to search good scenery spots, restaurants and valuable activities in the destination, and then try to find out the most suitable path for it. Sounds very great, right?

3. What are your weaknesses?

這是一個相當tricky 的問題,大家切忌不要傻傻的告訴interviewers 說自己是一個 lazy boy, and I always finish things at the last minute。這樣答恐怕是要和offer say goodbye 啦。



Well, I have to admit this is a very good question. As I just mentioned, I am a person of plans. So during the preparing and planning stage, I might place myself in a quiet place to think and organize my thoughts. Sometimes, you might find me in a daze, please do not be surprised, I am not trying to skip my job, coz most of the times, I am thinking, thinking about something, you know, I always prefer to start something when I at least have a brief plan in my mind. So next time, If you have something to tell me and I am in a daze, please just talk to me, bring me back to the 「reality」, it』s quite alright.

4. Where do you see yourself in five years from now?

這個問題問到了interviewee 對自己未來五年的規劃。可能你對自己未


請一定在interview環節中,reasonably present yourself。尤其是在一個工作面試中,最好能讓對方感受到how you will commit yourself to their company。


Well, in my previous working experience, I have gained quite a lot valuable experience in many aspects, for example, like the designing of the course outline, the diverse approaches to convince students to adapt scientific study habits, and thousands of hours of teaching. I know XXX company is famous for its abundant first-edge education resource, including facility and talents. I wish I could join the core team of our XXX company, and learn from other outstanding colleagues.

5. What do you know about our company/school?

這個問題無論interviewer 有沒有提出來,最好有咱們自己主動談及。提前做好一些準備工作,例如關於 target organization 的general introduction, major features, future plans, company strategies. 這裡的回答不需要大家阿諛奉承,溜須拍馬。而是不卑不亢的表達自己對target organization 的了解,證明自己是非常有意願加入其中,也是很有能力的partner, 可以為organization未來發展帶來一定的幫助。



Well, my intention to join you is not out of a whim. One of my professor/friend used to mention your company to me before. She actually had some cooperation with your company. I know you have done distinguished job in the English training industry, and also have achieved tremendous success. I suppose it is never exaggerated to say your company is the top one in the industry, and in the coming future, your business will be further expanded soon. I know your company now is seeking potential partners to expand your business in XXX. Fortunately, I have engaged in this area from years, and I used to be one of the major member of the core team in AAA. So I believe I am the best candidate for this job/opportunity.

6. How well do you handle changes?

這個問題看似與專業領域毫無關係,但又無比重要。Interviewer 期待的,是從這個問題的回答中,看到你對於change 的真實態度。一成不變,墨守陳規的人註定會被時代淘汰。

在你的回答中,自然要表示自己對於change 的開放樂觀態度。但是空喊口號,也不是能得到好評的方式,更好的方法,一方面是從過去找到自己在工作,生活中成功應對change 的實例,另一方面,也可以去談一談自己將來會有什麼具體計划去prepare yourself for the future changes


Well, indeed nowadays changes happen everywhere and everyday. If you need to understand my situation about handling changes. Well, I would like to answer this question in two ways. First, I would like to say something about my previous experience about handling changes. I suppose it might also because my job, I have constantly stayed in touch with teenagers or young adults. I am quite used to accept new ideas or new trends. Sometimes my students recommend some new games, new books, or new ways introduced by others to learn English, I am always willing to see what exactly it is, and try my best to judge it objectively. Once I believe it is meaningful, I never hesitate to share it with my friends or other students with the new information. The second aspect I want to mention here, is my future plan which I guess can also be regarded as my preparation for changes. I have heard your company will regularly send your employees to branches all over China or even overseas to receive training. I am actually quite interested in this plan. Since I believe the more types of teaching approaches I am exposed to, the more flexible and quicker response I will get.

7. How do you make important decisions?



If I am in front of a choice, I think I would like to prefer to think twice before I make the final decision. I might need first organize my own thoughts, and also listen to advice from people around me and also idea on the Internet. First, I might choose to place myself in a quiet room for several hours, and try to clear my mind, I must first understand the prior goal of the task, what I or the team want in it, what are the standards to judge the final results. And then, I might try to call some friends who are familiar with the topic for professional advice. Sometimes, I also search the information online. I might not be the first one to do this job, and I believe some websites or blogs will bring me some fresh ideas.



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