

10 top time-saving tech tips?


Lessons Learned

話不多說,請收好New York Times科技專欄作者兼CBS新聞科技記者David Pogue為你總結的10條節省科技設備操作時間的小竅門[10 top time-saving tech tips]:

  • 網頁瀏覽器[on the web]:
  1. 向下翻一頁用空格,向上翻頁用shift+空格 [scroll down = hit the space bar; scroll up = shift + space]
  2. 填表移游標用Tab,遇到下拉菜單不用拉,直接按下需要填寫的內容首字母對應鍵獲取提示 [jump from box to box when filling in forms: hit the Tab key -> pop-up menu (of addresses): type the first letter (of your state)]
  3. 放大字體按ctrl和+,縮小用ctrl和- [make the text larger: Ctrl + "+"]
  4. 谷歌搜索框輸入define xxx可用作字典,還可以追蹤航班、兌換單位etc. [google as a dictionary: "define" + words]
  • 智能手機[on smartphones]:
    1. 撥號界面直接按撥號鍵,可自動顯示上次通話號碼 [redial the last person you dialed: hit the call button to put the last phone number into the box]
    2. 留言時直接跳到beep聲開始,具體熱鍵取決於運營商 [jump directly to beep when leaving a voice mail: varies among carriers]
  • 文字處理[text]:
    1. 直接雙擊單詞即可使其高亮 [highlight a word: double click it]
    2. 要刪除詞句,選中後直接在上面輸入新內容而不必另按退格或刪除鍵 [type over selected words to delete]
  • 相機[camera]:
    1. 半按快門預先對焦以縮短快門滯後時間 [half-press shutter button to pre-focus to elinate shutter lags]
  • 幻燈片[keynote/powerpoint]:
    1. 演講時按B/W令幻燈片顯示黑/白屏以免喧賓奪主,需要輔助時再按B/W恢復正常顯示 [hit the letter B for blackout the slides and B again to recover -> hit letter W for a "whiteout" ]

    Vocabulary Builder

    • kick you out of the nest -> 如學飛的小鷹一樣被踹出窩 -> 猝不及防地去硬鋼某些困難

    e.g. They just sort of give you your computer and then kick you out of the nest.

    • osmosis n.潛移默化, 耳濡目染 -> 怎麼學?靠智慧...

    e.g. Youre supposed to learn this stuff -- how? Just by osmosis. Nobody ever sits down and tells you, "This is how it works."

    • Thats a terrible waste of calories. 完全是浪費卡路里 -> calory可數...感覺比energy更形象,但是這麼一說我願意專門消耗卡路里...
    • drive sb. crazy 逼死XXX

    e.g. Something that drives me crazy: When I call you and leave a message on your voice mail, I hear you saying, "Leave a message," and then I get these 15 seconds of freaking instructions, like we havent had answering machines for 45 years.

    • dont bother doing...不用麻煩了,不用麻煩了...

    e.g. Again, dont bother deleting. Just type over it.


    • TED: 10 top time-saving tech tips


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