一,關於模糊語氣的辭彙,有時候為了說話謹慎,我們會使用」 nearly, approximately, almost, kind of, sort of, about…」等副詞。 但是除了這些辭彙,在看美劇或英劇時,總是聽到主人公用or so, -ish, ...something, some kind of...來模糊語氣。
-That movie was good-ish.這個電影還可以吧(很勉強)
-That color is blue-ish.
-Lets meet around 9-ish.
-books for every twenty-something girl.(二十多歲女孩的書單)
二,關於 sense, 這個單詞意思很是豐富,但是我們更經常把它當做名詞使用「意識;意義;理智;判斷力」, 作為動詞使用時有「意識到;感覺到;覺察出;檢測出」。
You still dont sense our politicians are saying, "Wait a minute; stop everything; we have got to work together. "
1. see sense, 變得明智起來;
2. a sense of occation 隆重的氣氛
3. knock/talk some sense into sb開導某人別干傻事;強使某人理智行事
三,如何比 a little, a bit of, a few 更加形象又有畫面感地表示「一點點」?答案非 a touch of 莫屬了。
1. How much score can I get? " asked Premier Wen with a touch of humor after he answered the question. 「你能給我打幾分?」回答完這個問題,溫總理幽默地反問一句。
2. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow.
3. I have a touch of flu and need some rest.
四,shy of 意思是「缺乏」,用於翻譯囊中羞澀,頗為形象。 《老友記》中有一幕六人玩橋牌,Ross加註的時候發現錢不夠了,說"Joey, Im a little shy here."然而,Joey並沒有get到Ross的點,只是拍拍Ross肩膀說到沒事,有我在。最後還是Chandler默默掏出錢包借錢給Ross。
Shy of 還有其他意思:
He was dead six days later, a few months shy of his 80th birthday.
五, shot,如果你對它的認識還停留在」shoot」的過去式和過去分詞, 那你就真的繼續惡補英語知識了。Shot 有三種詞性,可做名詞,形容詞和動詞。
another shot of whiskey再來一杯酒
Nice shot! 好球!
give an insulin shot打一針胰島素
I took 60 shots of the wedding. 拍照
I』ve never played basketball before but I』ll give it a shot
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. 出自EMINEM(Lose yourself)
※英語辭彙知識分享 — 「could do with」如何翻譯?