
GMAT 11月17日北美考區 argument 寫作分析

Argument 寫作考察的與其它留學類英語考試都不一樣,不再是如雅思,托福那樣單純考察學生的辭彙,語法等英語水平。其重點放在了在此基礎之上的邏輯分析的能力。要求在給出的文段理解基礎上,找出來文段的major logistical flaws,並加以論述。以logistical flaws 的重要程度,和論述的質量決定分數。 是GMAT ,GRE (海外高校研究生入學考試)的必考內容。



材料由一小段instruction, 和一段正文組成

The following appeared in a memo from the information technology department of a major advertising firm:

「The more efficient a firm』s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm』s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers. Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm』s profit margins.」




argument (簡稱argu) 材料一般可以分成二大部分:




論據:The more efficient a firm』s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm』s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers.

結論句 1: Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized.

結論句 2:This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm』s profit margins.」

翻譯過來,分層就是: 論據 - 公司員工越高效,公司越盈利。公司信息技術部的硬體和軟體的改善被證明可以有效的提高那些以電腦為工作重心的員工效率。 結論句 1:因此,如果我們公司對公司信息科技部加大投資,員工的生產力將會最大化。結論句 2:這樣的策略可以確保我們花在信息技術部的每一份強都會提升企業的利潤率

供參考的logistical flaws:


1. 整體代部分錯誤

What is true for a group is also true for any member

論據中關於information technology 的討論是對所有行業的概述,並未特指。那麼值得懷疑的是,這裡所提到的整改意見不一定能適用於文章中涉及的廣告公司呢。尤其文中指出了概述適合於以電腦工作為中心的員工,那麼這裡的廣告公司是不是有這個需要呢?

2. 錯誤假定 gratuitous assumptio 作者錯誤的假定公司現有的information technology是有問題的,需要更新軟體,硬體設備。其次,作者也錯誤的假定公司資金儲備方面,足以應對這項建議的需求。

3. 無理推論 groundless reasoning 在第二個結論中的,作者毫無根據的假設,整改措施中花的錢,能夠幫助公司提高利潤。投入的資金是否能帶來利潤上的提升,影響因素應該有很多,例如市場需求,營銷的策略,和公司特色,在這裡並不能確保技術的投入會對這些有影響,或者說對利潤有直接影響。

段落論證 (倩倩原創)


In addition, the author in the article conducted gratuitous assumptions about the suggested solution on the information technology updating in the article. Even though it is proved hardwares and softwares are valid ways to increase the efficiency of employees and productivity of companies. However, the author did not illustrate anything about the present situation of the information technology of the mentioned advertising company. Suppose the technologic system in the company has already been in adequate condition, the additional investment on it will not bring the efficiency of employees and productivity of the companies to a next level. Besides, author』s assumption about the financial situation is neither proved here, if the company does not have abundant funds reservations, the renovation of information technology will not permitted at present.




GMAT 備考四大「毒瘤」之三:pace